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Draco & Ginny

Who doesn't like a little healthy competition? Did you watch the Olympics? Do you like what you saw, the best of the best competing for glory and honour? How about the recent U.S. Presidential elections? Do you enjoy drama, plotting and intrigue? Now picture your favourite twosome: Draco and Ginny, competing for something they both want, or perhaps, each other? Does this make your muse sing? We sure hope so, as this is the theme Round 5 of the Draco/Ginny Exchange.

Amazing fanart by Ericahpfa

A Joint Birthday Present for Midnight_birth

December 30th, 2008

  • Title: A Joint Birthday Present
  • Rating: PG-13, for some language and suggested adult activity.
  • Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None
  • Author's Notes: My first fic ever, so please be brutally honest with the reviews. My awesome Beta was very patient and made lots of great suggestions, so any oddities in wording and story line are entirely my fault. Happy reading!

A Joint Birthday Present

Teaching Draco a Lesson

"Just take your time, Gin."
"I'll be ready in a minute, Draco," came the huffed response.

"Of course sweetie, don't rush. I'm more than happy to wait."

"A quick question." Ginny's head popped around the corner in order to watch him enter the small flat, "has the passive aggressive thing ever worked on me before?" She stuck her tongue out at her ever regal boyfriend before disappearing again without waiting for a response.

Draco smiled at the empty space where his beautiful girlfriend's smirk had just disappeared, "Works all the time, love!"

He tastefully chose to ignore the loud snort that came from the direction of her bedroom and he smiled to himself as he looked around at the characteristic disarray of her small apartment, moving a stack of Quibblers aside to settle onto the pale blue couch. No sooner had he set his feet atop the collection of small wooden crates Ginny and Luna insisted was in fact a coffee table, his breathless girlfriend skidded to a stop in front him, clutching her cloak and smiling widely.

"See, I told you a minute. That was 60 seconds exactly."

If not for the fact that she was adorable with her cheeks flushed and eyes alight with victory, Draco would have been annoyed. For reasons that he never fully understood he was drawn to the ease in which Ginny found happiness in the small things. Draco was never the happy-go-lucky type, having Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy for parents had seen to that early on. And he tended to find smiley people extraordinarily annoying. But with Ginny it was different, her warmth was infectious and so long as she let him, he intended to keep it close. That's why as miffed as he was that there was no longer anything preventing them from leaving, he also wanted to snog her silly. But she didn't know that; and he wasn't going to tell her either.

"Well, you had to be right about something," he drawled, turning his back, "eventually." Draco swept off the couch trying to hide his widening grin.

Her mature response was to jab him sharply in the shoulder.

"Never let it be said that having six brothers was without its advantages," Ginny mused, giggling at his annoyed yelp.

"Ginevra, I thought we talked about why you are not allowed to abuse me."

"Did we?" she said eying him through her long lashes.


"Was it, your bruise prone, snow coloured skin?"


"Your Quidditch career and that pesky needing your arms to play Seeker thing?"

"No, I don't believe that's what we discussed."

"Your, I-am-too-Regal-for-Muggle-violence upbringing?" she suggested with an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

"No. But when we're done here we're going to have another talk about sarcasm, and how it works better if what you're saying is actually worthy of ridicule," he replied with the air of Professor addressing a particularly troublesome student.


She sank into an exaggerated courtesy, dropping her gaze, "Sir Draco, if you would please be so kind as to tell me again-,"

She was cut off mid sentence and the suddenness of his attack wiped the evil little smirk gracing her elfin features into distant memory. Draco sprang at her, graceful as ever, and swung her off of her feet and into the air. She was genuinely afraid she might injure herself, but despite the room turning upside down and in wide circles at a rate that made her heart leap into her throat, Draco set her just as quickly and most importantly, safely, on the couch. He held her protectively against his chest with one arm while the other cushioned their landing. He always did that. Protected her.

She landed softly beneath him and looked up into his eyes. He bared his perfect teeth and flared his nostrils, giving her his very best angry face. She replied by breaking into mad giggles.

"B-because when you're mad y-you get the-the the most adorable little dimples right beside you nose?"

He growled and she fell into full-throated laughter.

"No, Miss Weasley." He said in a low mischievous tone. "Because I'm better."

"At what?" she snorted between gasping breaths, registering too late his sudden nearness.

"I'm better," he began matter-of-factly, "at making you beg for mercy."

He whispered these last words against her exposed neck, brushing his soft lips against the sensitive skin as he spoke them. Ginny trembled beneath him when she felt the heated words vibrate against her accelerating pulse point. He let his tongue roam the graceful curves of her neck, feathery licks making a trail towards the neckline of her robes.

"Hmm, now my love, you are going to play by my rules."

"Your rules?"

"And they are?"

She seemed to be playing along, so Draco decided it was his Slytherin duty not to let such an opportunity pass. "Rule number one, you must apologize for endangering my valuable trade tools," he shifted to indicate his jabbed left shoulder.

"If you used your right hand like every other seeker on the planet that wouldn't be a problem. I shouldn't have to apologize because you're abnormal," she stressed her final word. It was a silly argument she knew, but Ginny always used any opportunity to knock Draco down a bit. She considered it a Public Service to the Wizarding Community at large, Draco's ego could use deflating.

"That's not an apology," he returned with a smile.

Draco was clearly enjoying himself, not unusual when he had her pinned beneath him. But the littlest Weasley decided it was time for a little turning of the tables. She placed her head delicately against his broad shoulder and turned to face him, allowing her warm breath, ever so slightly more laboured than was truly necessary, to skate along his neck and down into to collar of his robes. She wrapped her arms securely around him and wove her fingers into the fine blond hairs at the base of his neck.

"I'm so sorry for hitting you Draco," she breathed, delicately tracing her fingers at the sensitive nape of his neck. She sniffed again only this one chilled Draco to the core, was she crying?

"It's fine Gin. Really." He said haltingly.

"I know you don't like it," she mumbled into his neck, hitching her words for effect. She kissed softly around his ear, before taking the soft lobe between her teeth and pulling gently. Draco stiffened above her and she felt his hand tighten against her waist. Ginny bit her lip to stop the smile creeping onto her face.

"I really didn't mean to upset you." She continued, trailing her tongue down the side of his neck. She then freed one hand from Draco's long hair to pull gently at his collar, exposing more of his sensitive skin to her whisper soft assault.

When she'd managed to unbutton his collar and gently suck on that spot that made him weak, she snaked that naughty hand delicately down his chest. Caressing his muscled torso longingly, her fingers flexed gently over every available inch. She was moving with a maddeningly slow pace, touching him carefully and not quite giving him the full contact he wanted. Draco's pulse was thrumming with tense anticipation long before her long fingers dipped inside his waistband and finally made contact with his bare flesh.

"Ginevra." He said in warning.

Ginny didn't respond, choosing instead to send her tongue on a leisurely journey to explore the other side of his neck. It took everything in her not to hum with approval at the sweet taste of his skin. Draco was the very picture of lightness, fair hair, translucent skin, mesmerizing grey eyes, and a grace that seemed as natural as breathing. But he was anything but delicate, there was a heady masculinity about him that Ginny was convinced emanated from his very pores. In short - he was damned sexy and very addictive.

For his part, Draco was having trouble holding himself above his evil wisp of a girlfriend. Deciding that collapsing on top of her with his much larger frame was perhaps not the best way to encourage her to continue, Draco pulled back to sit at the other end of the couch, taking Ginny along with him and settling her atop his lap.

She smiled sweetly at Draco and he went willingly when the vixen pushed sharply on his shoulders, effectively trapping him between her body and the seat, not minding the stack of magazines slipping from beneath his bum to the floor. Draco met her fierce kiss with delightful passion, exploring her soft lips with his own, and grinding his hips up into hers when she slipped her tongue into his mouth.

They duelled there on the couch, touching and tasting each other roughly, the vague friction of their clashing hips beginning the familiar ascent to bliss.

"Draco," Ginny purred pulling back to speak her words directly upon his lips.

His name, whispered from kiss-swollen lips made him weak every time. He was about to renew his exploration of her breast when he felt a small hand skate between their bodies and grasp him gently. His eyes slipped shut and his head fell against the couch. Ginny licked slowly at his ear and continued to gently massage her fingers against his growing erection.

"Harder, Gin." He begged attempting to roll his hips into her small hand.

He was about to ask again, when a frown crept between his light brows. Something was horribly wrong. His frown deepened and he cracked open one eye to check if there was still a witch on top of him.

He really shouldn't have been so surprised.

"No abuse, remember?" Ginny grinned, arching one eyebrow and barely suppressing giggles. "What was that about someone making someone else beg?..." she trailed off staring lightly off into the distance with a finger tapping against her pursed and swollen lips.

When she sprang jovial with victory from his lap, Draco collapsed dramatically onto the couch. She heard a muffled 'Ouch', and again lost her battle with the giggles. "Good thing I learned my lesson about abusing you," Ginny managed inbetween giggles. "Otherwise, we'd be here all night with you trying to teach me about the whole 'begging' thing." The double-entendre was not missed, but its target was too busy being miffed to be amused. Draco rolled onto his back and levelled a glare at her. "We will not be going anywhere Gin, because I will not be seen in public like this!"

"Oh, come on Draco. It's just a little- uh," Ginny grimaced, looking for the answer that would least offend his pride. She decided that changing tack was probably the safest option, " well, you know Apparition and all… it'll be fine by the time we get there," she finished lamely.

"You know better than that Ginevra," he said loftily, glaring at her with the one eye visible between his hair and the cushion. "There's nothing little or short-lived about this," he swept his large well-manicured hand vaguely in the direction of his belt.

She bit her lip and fearing her brain might lose the epic battle it currently fought with her hormones, tried to tear her eyes from his -er, not so little problem. "Sorry, Draco," she said blushing furiously, "but we do have to get going or we're going to be late."

Draco swept up off the couch, hopelessly trying to rearrange his robes. "Why are you in such a rush?"

"Hmm?" Ginny circled the couch and headed towards the door whilst digging in her purse.


"Yes, Drake?" she replied, still facing away from him.

"Why are you so eager to get to lunch on time today?" he said in a low seductive tone. "You never minded being late before, especially not if it meant getting in a quick game of couch Quidditch."

"Preferring sex to lunch with my family? Are you talking about me or you?"

He grinned, "My intentions are hardly the point, though I should think the answer to that is obvious." Draco, sauntered towards Ginny, his eyes darkening as the distance between them lessened. "If I remember correctly, just last month you were more than happy to show up two hours late for the Twins' birthday party, in favour of making a mess of my sheets with all that chocolate sauce, that was supposed to be used to decorate the cake. What's so special about today's dinner, that I can't tempt you to be even five minutes late?"

"There is nothing special about today," she said distractedly. The wheels in Ginny's head were reeling, looking for a way to throw him off the scent. Ginny grimaced mentally, she'd never been a very good liar. "I thought Draco Malfoy, unofficial Etiquette Master for the entire Wizarding world, would appreciate my reformation. It's only polite to arrive on time when you're invited to dinner."

"So there is no particular reason for your sudden and uncharacteristic desire to be punctual?" He questioned, blond eyebrow arched in disbelief.

"Why would there be anything special?" Ginny countered.

He knew better than to trust in the innocence of anyone who answered a question with a question. Draco was considering his options for wheedling the truth out of her, when - "Oh, no," he breathed, the wheels in his head clicking into high gear. "Tell me right now that there is no special Weasley Birthday planned for this afternoon or I am not going anywhere near Devon."

"Of course there's not, Draco," she scoffed unconvincingly. "Unless Ron and Harry have remembered that little tidbit from school, no one even knows that Saturday is your birthday."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I am absolutely certain."

"Certain in its oft forgotten Celtic meaning that translates to 'I am lying horridly and there's a lopsided cake and a Weasley sweater in your near future'. That kind of certain?"

"No." Ginny turned to the door and began fumbling with the already unlocked lock.

"Now let's go, you don't want to have to deal with Mum if we're late and you certainly don't want to arrive after Ron has had his way with the roast."

Draco eyed her suspiciously whilst making his way to the door. When he reached her, Ginny pulled him down and into a gentle kiss.

Draco relented easily, breathing in deeply and enjoying her scent. Ginny had a habit of wearing lots of flowery perfumes and lotions, especially for special occasions, but it was the smell of Ginny that he liked best. Draco filled his head with it, enjoying the unique scent of what he often described as robes, freshly laundered in honey. So soft, and sweet and familiar - like home. Draco personally thought she smelled good enough to eat. His grip on Ginny tightened reflexively.

Ginny let herself be crushed against Draco's broad chest and sighed happily into his mouth. She gently suckled his pouty bottom lip into her mouth, stroking it carefully with her tongue, and as his hands reached up to tangle roughly in her hair attempting to pull her closer. Ginny responded eagerly to his encouragement, aggressively invading his warm mouth with her tongue. Draco rolled his tongue against the roof of her mouth and Ginny began humming low in her throat. 'Ah, those Slytherins', she thought blissfully.

Draco began walking Ginny slowly backwards, pinning her lithe body against the door, his hands sliding slowly over her shoulders, briefly cupping her breasts, before sliding further and finding purchase on her bum. When she slipped both hands from his neck to his lower back, grinding their bodies together still more fiercely and suckling his tongue between her swollen lips Draco groaned loudly, revelling in the heat spreading from the base or his spine.

The force of their passion was quickly erasing his earlier apprehension about her motives. Draco fought against the haze, blocking out all thoughts fuelled by what Ginny was currently doing with her tongue and his ear. As he slowly came back to himself, Draco was able to register that Ginny was sneakily using his biggest weakness, his passion for her, to distract him from the obviousness of her lies. He grinned mentally, she still blushed like the innocent Griffindor she'd been when they first met, but deep down Ginny was anything but innocent. She was cunning, extremely smart, and much naughtier than her friends gave her credit for. 'Not even me, the evil Prince of Slytherin,' he thought to himself, 'would use sex to get what I wanted.'

Ginny clearly had no such compunctions which, really, he should have learned by now. The breathly moan that escaped her brought Draco back to reality, and he worked to focus his thoughts again. There most certainly was a Weasley birthday waiting for them, he concluded. And where he was suspicious before, he was sure of it now. Draco pulled away slowly and held her face to his, capturing her gaze.

"You're a terrible liar." He said with a gentle dark eyed smile.

She flushed prettily and stared into the gorgeous eyes that were very nearly black with lust, "I know. But it'll be worth it when you see the present I've gotten for you."

"How could anything make up for public humiliation in front of Weasel and Pothead?"

"First things first, it's a grown wizard's present so you get nothing if you name-call like a spoilt little toad. And second, I'm not telling you." Ginny reached up on her tiptoes to kiss her boyfriend lightly on the lips.

Draco released a rough chuckle, conceding defeat, "Come on then, it would be impolite to be late for my own certainly-not-taking-place surprise party. And I've never been one to turn down a present, so I'll play along nicely-" he caught her eye with a decidedly cocky smirk and delivered a swift smack to her bum, "for now."

Ginny's blush threatened to permanently stain her cheeks bright red as she pulled him through the door quickly, if she gave him one more minute she doubted they'd make it out of his apartment before work on Monday, let alone in time for that evening's party.

The Birthday Party

"Uncle Draco, Uncle Draco!"

The subject of the sudden squealing that filled the Burrow's gardens rolled his eyes.

"Uncle Draco! You're here," the miniature Weasley sang as she ran towards them as fast as her 8 year old legs would carry her.

"Quite against my will," he said under his breath. He strode away from Ginny to meet the girl careering towards them.

"Of course I am Pridwyn." He stooped to gather little Pridwyn Weasley in his arms before she collided with his knees, and swung her easily in grand circle. Ginny stopped to watch him interact with her brother Percy's daughter and her heart quickened at the sound of their mingled laughter. She caught up with them as Draco stopped and turned to face her with the young Priddy on his back bouncing and smiling widely.

"There is no need for you to worry about that, I have a plan," he was saying conspiratorially as Ginny came in to hearing range.

"But you've been boyfriends with Aunty Ginny forever," the little witch said. "Uncle Ron said that she's not allowed to marry you because you're a Ferret. But I like ferrets, Uncle Draco. I would marry you so you're not an old Ferret by yourself!"

Draco then launched into an explanation of why her Uncle Ron was a moron and just how he was going to seek his revenge. Watching the little girl's eye widen at his very colourful and seasoned use of adjectives, Ginny thought it best to intervene.

"Hello, Priddy darling!" Ginny called reaching out to the little girl. "Do you have a kiss for your Aunt Ginny today?"

"Yes!" the curly haired brunette learned over Draco's shoulder to place a wet jam stained kiss on Ginny's cheek.

Ginny smiled. "I've missed you, you little Pigmy Puff! You must tell me all the fun things that happened this week."

Pridwyn began a detailed listing of the fascinating little girl things she'd gotten up to since she last saw her Aunt and honorary favourite Uncle. She prattled on at lightning speed about pretend tea parties, and school, and a muggle boy who pulled her pigtails in the market. Draco was keeping pace, asking detailed questions and adding in comments to do with his own week along the way. Ginny was trying desperately to focus on the conversation, but her mind was elsewhere and her heart was fluttering madly.

Draco complained heavily about spending time at the Burrow and particularly about what he considered to be a biological malady that caused the Weasley children to produce at an accelerating rate. He constantly moaned about the inexplicable way that all the children flocked to him the moment he entered the house, convinced they were being encouraged to annoy him by their fathers. Though as much as he'd complain, and tonight would be legendary when he found the smear of jam that the young witch has left in his immaculate hair; hearing him discuss the little witch's adventures and thoughts made Ginny's heart full to bursting.

The conversation continued on to the subject of new siblings and learning to read, with Draco showing no hint of the dangerous adult affection that equates child-like with insubstantial. Draco had an innate respect for childhood and how its inhabitants viewed the world, which Ginny guessed to be the result of his own bizarre upbringing. The sole heir of Lucius Malfoy would be a wonderful father, despite his oft repeated fear that his poor example made him unfit to raise even a cat.

Ginny was disturbed from her darkening thoughts when they reached the back door and entered the familiar Burrow kitchen.

"Ginny, darling!" Molly Weasley sang engulfing her daughter in a quick hug before thrusting a spoon into her hand. "The potatoes, please."

"Sure, Mum" Ginny said rolling her eyes as she headed towards the stove.

"Draco, my dear, I'm so glad you've made it!"

"I would never miss a chance to get some of your famous treacle tart, Mrs Weasley," he said kissing the air at both cheeks.

Ginny hurumphed into the mashed potatoes, knowing he was simply buttering her mum up and pretending to not know about the impending birthday doom. They both ignored her.

"Oh, such a lovely thing to say! If only all my boys could be so sweet!"

"It's true, Ma'am."

Molly beamed at him flushing happily, "Oh, how many times must I tell you!" she said in mock exasperation. "There's no need to 'Ma'am' me Draco. Come have a seat and I'll get you some tea. Biscuits?"

Ginny was getting ever closer to losing her breakfast into their lunch. Molly had told Draco three times a month for the past year not to call her 'Ma'am' and he insisted. Molly thought him an exceptionally polite young man, and while Ginny knew that Draco's manners were in fact impeccable, she also knew that Draco was working extra hard on her Mum. He learned early that none of her brothers would cross their formidable Mum if she came to his defence, and the Slytherin in him made getting and staying on her 'favourite-persons list' a high priority.

"Yes, thank you." He answered.

"Is everything going well for you with work, dear? I hear you managed to win the last game for the Falcons?" Molly said as she bustled about making tea.

"It was a very close game and a team effort. I was just doing my best; not that a little luck didn't help."

"I'm sure you were excellent, Draco." She laughed indulgently as she settled into the seat across from him. Her face sobered as she poured them both tea. "So my dear, I've heard tell that you've decided not to go out for the national team this year?"

Ginny grimaced. 'Heard tell' she thought with scowl, 'very smooth Mum! He'll know I was the one who told you!'

She focused back on her eavesdropping; hoping Draco would reveal his true reasons for foregoing a definite spot on the English national team. She'd been feigning nonchalance about that little tidbit ever since he'd told her and she was driving herself mad with speculation.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied after finishing a mouth full of chocolate biscuit. "I got tons of great exposure last year but I'm not up for committing to that much travel right now."

"Oh?" her mother replied. Ginny's Mum was as subtle as the spectacular hair colour she'd passed on to her only daughter. That is to say, not at all. The polite information war was going to get interesting now, and Ginny shamelessly tuned back in.

"Yes, you see, I was thinking that it might be nice t-"

"Shite! Oh, Merlin!" Ginny screeched. She's stopped stirring in order to focus on her eavesdropping and was resting heavily on the pot of potatoes. The forgotten potatoes were now all over her and all over the kitchen.

"Ginny, language!" her mother said quickly. She raised her wand and wordlessly settled the pot back onto the stove. She then 'Evanesoed' the potatoes and turned to face her daughter crossly, "Ginny go and clean up and then call everyone in for lunch. I'll see to the potatoes."

Ginny went with ill grace, stomping up the stairs to the sound of her mother laughing lightly at something Draco had said. Most of the Weasley clan were scattered through out the old house and she found the first rowdy group in Fred and George's old room. George, lost during the War, would have been proud to see his twin demonstrating the proper of use of puking pastilles on Harry Potter before a captive and impressionable audience; Harry's godson Teddy Lupin, Bill and Fleur's Victorine, and George and Angelina's eldest Willow were sitting on the floor before the two grown Wizards, laughing madly. Next she came upon Angelina, George's wife, who had just finished nursing one of their young twin sons, Fred. Back on the ground floor, Ginny continued yelling through the house, finally locating her Dad in the living room, he was bouncing Fred and Angelina's Pierre on his lap and listening to the Wireless with Charlie and Percy, the latter's polished black shoes being used as a chair by his only child from his failed marriage. Ron, Hermione, and Fleur were located on the front porch discussing childbirth. Well really the expectant Hermione was grilling Fleur, whose youngest, Dominique, was perched on Fleur's hip with her face buried in her mother's long silver blond hair. Ron was standing behind Hermione looking vaguely green, Ginny doubted from the tight line of his lips that he was planning on contributing to the discussion.

After successfully sending everyone off to the kitchen, Ginny lingered alone on porch. She leant across the railing and let the warm breeze tangle in her mane of red hair, the loose strands tickling her neck. She loved the fresh country winds, and savoured the silence that could never be found in the city where she lived and worked. Ginny breathed deep, letting the fantasy of her own child-filled country cottage relax her. When she felt the last of her temper peter out, Ginny joined the brood in the kitchen, everyone already digging in to the wonderful array of dishes Molly had prepared.

Ginny took the last available seat between Bill and Hermione, and immediately began filling her plate; it was true, dallying with Ron at the table was a sure-fire way to end up hungry at the end of a meal. With her plate full moments later, Ginny relaxed into her chair and began to survey the conversations taking place around the table. There was lots of spirited discussion about Quidditch, a discussion about pregnancy being led by Molly, and several smaller bursts of discussion and laughter amongst the Weasley clan. Ginny was particularly interested in a conversation taking place at the far end of the table. Hermione noticed the witch beside her staring at the head of the table, and decided to interrupt.

"Ginny?" Hermione's gentle query received no response, she chuckled. "I should remind you Ginny that you're a witch, and if you keep attempting to undress Draco with your eyes, it might just work. I doubt that'd go over very well."

"Hmmm, what was that?" the red haired witch replied absently. Hermione burst into giggles that finally forced Ginny to focused her attention. "Sorry, Hermione, what were you saying?"

"Oh, nothing, just wondering what was so interesting that it'd reduce you to eavesdropping."

"Nothing serious, Hermione. They were discussing Mum's garden, the statute of secrecy, and the proper way to colour a picture," Ginny's face split into a large smile. "Draco seems to be of the opinion that he can make his horses any colour he wants them to be, Victorine disagrees. She thinks pictures of horses should look like real horses."

"She should have been Percy's daughter," Hermione said mirroring Ginny's smile. The two witches laughed and continued chattering lightly as they finished their meals. As plates emptied, the general din of conversation grew more boisterous until the sound of Mrs Weasley's voice brought them all to attention-

"Now that we're all done with lunch, I have a special surprise for today." She motioned excitedly for Draco to join her. He looked helplessly at the faces around the table, hoping someone would save him. When he met Ginny's eyes and watched her lips quickly form the words, 'I'm sorry' he knew he was a goner. Draco slid from his seat obediently as the faces of Ginny's brothers and Harry lit up with glee.

"Someone at the table informed me that Saturday is a very special day."

Draco made no reply but two other wizards at the table were reacting enough for everyone. "Don't you mind Ron and Harry, Draco dear. This is your first family birthday and we're going to celebrate!"

"Sure Mrs. Weasley, thanks." It was best and most delicately described as an unenthusiastic response. Draco was forced into a seat at the head of the long table by Mrs. Weasley. Molly immediately set members of her brood to work, clearing the table and retrieving decorations, plates, candles and presents from all over the house whilst she bustled about the room. When everyone had settled back into the Burrow's cosy kitchen, the look of the place was enough to send the witches in the room into rapturous giggles while Ron and Harry scowled darkly. Green streamers and twinkling silver fairy lights were everywhere and there were miniature brooms and Snitches whizzing about near the ceiling and causing quite a ruckus.

The only thing worse than humiliation in Draco's opinion, was bad decor, and this was, well, ghastly. The blond Wizard swatted darkly at the balloons decorating his chair, and reached for his wand with little smirk, he could certainly make some improvements to the room with a couple well used spells. Seconds from testing his non-verbal Severing charm, Draco's attention was caught by a mini-Snitch fleeing a pair of pursuing brooms that crashed into the side of Ron's head. 'That served him right for all those short jokes!' Draco thought as his face split into a happy grin. Draco quickly returned his wand in his dark robes, thinking that maybe the decorations weren't so bad after all.

The horrid traditional song was if not pleasant, mercifully short and he hoped that this would be the end of his torture. Mrs Weasley made quick work of cutting and serving the cake, giving him a large lopsided piece of green chocolateliness. Draco dug into the cake with the most enthusiasm he had shown all evening; no matter how lopsided it was he'd had enough meals at the Burrow to know that the cake would be excellent, and chocolate was his absolute favourite type of cake. Mrs Weasley really was a top shelf cook, if an appalling decorator. He scooped up a large piece from his slice and ignored the giggles from the kids now clustered around him, closing his eyes to savour the - CRACK!

"Merlin!" Draco yelled grabbing his jaw and depositing his mouthful back on the plate rather rudely. "Bloody buggering fuck- what in the name of all that is magical was that?"

Pridwyn extracted something from his plate and held it up. The room went deadly silent before there was an eruption of raucous laughter.
Draco eyed the small round coin, he refused to touch it, but he knew that colour and shape anywhere, "A galleon? What the-"

"It means you're going to be rich!" said Teddy bouncing up and down suddenly at Draco's side.

"I wanna see!" squeaked Bill's daughter Dominique, pushing her purple-haired almost-cousin out of her way and inadvertently knocking Victorine to the floor.

Victorine retaliated with a swift kick aimed at her sister, that instead managed to catch Teddy in the shins. "Watch it, Veela!" he screeched gripping Draco's shoulder for balance.

There was a chorus of yelling and name calling swirling around the irate blond wizard. Draco was nursing his jaw while glaring malevolently at the children wrestling around him and attempting to dodge their drool and frosting covered hands. He was largely unsuccessful.

"But I found it!" Pridwyn said indignantly, clutching the muddied coin to her chest. "Plus, Uncle Draco likes me best!" she turned on him with a fierce look, "Don't you Uncle Draco?"

Draco's profanity laden mumbling and jaw nursing were cut off, "Uh, um-look all of you-! Why?"

"Weasley tradition," Arthur smiled, attacking his slice with a touch more caution.

"There's a different item for each piece of cake," Hermione added with a smile, "certain pieces are said to be good luck. It's quite an old tradition Draco, I'm surprised you've never heard of it."

"I can't be responsible for not anticipating every mad Muggle custom, now can I, Granger?" Really, she was clearly never going to grow out of the know-it-all thing.

"It's Weasley."

"Oh, whatever, you know-"

"Mum, I'm going to go see if his tooth needs healing," Ginny said swiftly, cutting off his tirade and steering a path through the cloud of fighting children. "I'll see if I can't do something about his attitude and vocabulary while I'm at it," she tossed over her shoulder with a smile.

When they'd disappeared down the corridor Ginny made a sudden detour, shoving Draco quickly into the hall closet.

"More abuse?" Draco muttered to the ceiling. "Haven't I suffered enough?"

She ignored his griping, shutting the door behind them, engulfing them in complete darkness. She could feel Draco's apprehension thick in the air, and lit her wand, producing a piece of cake from behind her back.

"Ah, so you brought me in here to do away the last of my molars." Draco teased. He smiled brilliantly at his girlfriend, now having an inkling of why she'd been so eager to get him alone in the closet. Everyone knew she was rubbish at healing charms.

"No." She placed the cake on a nearby shelf, swiping her index finger through the sugary green icing. "We're here to indulge your sweet tooth."

With that she placed the thick icing on her tongue and advanced towards Draco with a predatory half-smirk. She caught his face in her hands and used her body to hold him against the wall. Holding his intense gaze for several seconds, Ginny then slid her tongue roughly into his mouth, flicking it against his before pulling back, only to plunge it in roughly once more. Recovering from the shock, Draco responded to her aggressive kisses with passionate ones of his own. They melted into each other, the last remnants of sugar dissolving on their tongues. One of Draco's strong hands slid into Ginny's hair, clutching at the soft wavy strands. He slid the other up to cup her face possessively, never ceasing the sure movements of his lips and tongue. Ginny released a shuddering breath, loving the way something as simple as a kiss could send shivers all the way through her. When the pair finally broke apart panting for breath, Ginny smiled up at Draco sweetly.

"That was a preview of your present. If you manage to get through the rest of the night without cursing anyone, you'll get the real thing."

"Hmmm," Draco murmured absently, "so basically I have to be good in order to get my present?"

Ginny smirked before schooling her features into an expression of mock seriousness, "Sure Draco, you have to be either very good or very very bad." With that she placed a light kiss on his nose and exited the closet in a hurry, unaware of Draco's darkened grey eyes fixed firmly on her retreating backside and the gentle smile tugging at his lips.

Several moments later, after taking more than a few deep slow breaths and mentally reciting potion ingredients, Draco rejoined his birthday party. He found the entire family crammed into the Burrow's small living room. Something from the Weird Sisters was blaring from the Wireless in the corner; there were various games of Gobbstones, Exploding Snap, and some muggle game with a large sheet covered in dots. He attempted to join the comparatively sedate group pouring over what appeared to be a family album near the hearth, reasoning that it might not be thrilling but at least he'd avoid injury. When he was half way across the room, Mrs Weasley noticed his return and picked her way towards the young Wizard.

Draco stopped in the middle of the small room, waiting for Mrs. Weasley to introduce the next embarrassing tradition, but he was completely unprepared for the horrifying object in her hands. It was a dark green bowler hat. The thing was obviously eons old and not fashionable in the least, but these flaws were minimal compared to its decoration. The hat, that Molly Weasley was now pulling him low to place upon his perfectly styled hair, had several metal charms dangling from the brim. A thimble, a small key, a brass button, a Butterbeer cap and many other strange and worthless metal trinkets were attached to the hideous green hat.

"Excuse me, Mrs Weasley," Draco began smoothly while attempting to step away from the offending chapeau, "you didn't need to do all this. Really, I'm too old to be celebrating birthdays anymore."

Ginny's Mum, chuckled as she finally managed to force the hat on Draco's head. "Of course you're not too old dear. It's tradition, we always celebrate the twenty-fifth with a big party, and this being the first time you've been in England for the past three years, of course you get a special day."

Draco eyed the galleon hanging between his eyes with murderous hatred; 'This is vile!' he screamed mentally. That galleon could only mean one thing; that every other bit of trash now clanking and dangling around his face had, in the not so distant past, been in the mouth of a Weasley. Or worse, Scarhead! Draco was sure he was going to be sick all over the rug. 'Great,' he thought, 'why not just finish off the last of my dignity, it's not as though there's much left.'

Ginny noticed the tips of Draco's ears turning red at an alarming rate, and she decided to try to bring his discomfort to as swift an end as she could manage.

"Mum, it's getting quite late. Maybe we should do presents now?" Ginny suggested, while she rested a small restraining hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. The strangled moan that bubbled out of Draco when Ginny said the word 'presents' caused the group nearest to him to begin laughing heartily.

"Yes Ginny, good idea. You brothers will be needing to get the little ones home soon."

Mrs Weasley turned and began steering her daughter's long time love towards the squishy old couch in the centre of the room. Molly had seen the force of Draco's devotion to her daughter, and while he may not have been Molly's first choice for her only son-in-law, Ginny had made her feelings on the matter perfectly clear and her Mum was certain it was only a matter of time before Draco asked for her daughter's hand. Of course she saw the grimace flitting across his features for much of the evening, but all her boys had endured the same and Molly was determined that if he were to join their family, that Draco would feel every bit like one of her own children.

The other Weasley's stopped their various activities and Hermione waddled back into the living room from her umpteenth trip to the loo, as Mrs. Weasley called everyone to attention and began handing Draco his gifts.

"This is from Mr Weasley and me," Mrs Weasley gushed at Draco. "I've been waiting for 3 years to finally give you one of these!"

He accepted the package and feeling its light weight and soft texture, Draco immediately fixed a smile on his face. This was it, his first Weasley sweater. If Ginny's closet were any indication he'd amass quite a collection of the itchy garments, he only hoped it wouldn't be too hideous.

"Wow, uh thanks Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley," he added with a nod and the same strained smile. The sweater that Draco removed from the bright gold package was a shocking lime green and its hems and cuffs were trimmed with a forest green, he thanked Merlin she'd seen fit to refrain from adding some sort of pattern to it. Draco felt Ginny stiffen beside him and renewed his effort to keep a smile on his face. Draco knew how much Ginny loved her family and if he wanted to be in her life, he would need to play nice.

The bright colour of the wool against Draco's alabaster skin, gave the impression that the blond was quite literally glowing green. That matched with the painful smile frozen on his face caused a couple of the adult Weasleys to clear their throats stiffly, at the same miraculous moment.

"'Ere, Draco," Fleur interrupted the silence in her heavily accented English, "'zis ees from Bill and me, I am sure you will like it."

Draco took the tall slender box from the French woman, with a grateful smile. For one it allowed him to discard the horrid Weasley sweater, and, second, Fleur was his favourite among the various Weasley wives. He spent much of his youth in France, and he enjoyed practicing his French with the woman, plus, he thought to himself, Fleur would never present him with anything embarrassing or hazardous.

"Thank you both, very much," Draco nodded to Bill, while kissing both of Fleur's cheeks. A bottle of his favourite French wine emerged from the plain blue wrapping. It was a big step up from a lumpy luminescent sweater. Draco relaxed visibly, and though for the first time that maybe this whole Wealsey birthday wouldn't turn out to be a complete waste. Ginny noticed his change in demeanour and leant into give Draco a brief kiss. Somewhere the 'brief' part got lost between her brain and her lips and Ginny pressed closer to Draco and her soft lips parted. The blond wizard broke away from the kiss, grinning and staring into her warm brown eyes, it was hazardous to his health to let Ginny get too carried away in this setting. The look in her dark eyes though promised good things to come, Draco turned back to Mrs. Weasley to receive his next gift eager to get to the after party.

The next present was a book from Percy titled, 'Domestic Charms for the Undomesticated Wizard', Draco was torn between indignation and mortification, and decided to mumble his thanks and simply move on. Next a glowing Pridwyn presented him with large picture she'd drawn for him. It was bright picture of little girl wearing a wedding dress, cradling in her arms, a green ermine with a top hat on its head. Draco, gave the little witch a hug and promised to put the picture on display in his office. Sure, he was deathly embarrassed by the loud guffaws coming from Ron and Harry, and Hermione and Ginny's barely restrained giggles. And he almost hexed George when he provided a re-enactment of what that the significance of the green creature was, but he didn't have the heart to hurt the child's feelings. The offending painting could always have an unfortunate accident in his office later.

When the laughter in the room subsided, Draco was presented with a lavishly wrapped box by little Willow Weasley, who promptly blushed and scampered back to her father when Draco smiled at her. It was quite heavy for a package of its size and wrapped in shimmering green paper, and tied with gold and silver ribbons that were arranged artistically across the top. There was no card, so he ought to have been suspicious, but Draco figured that no one would spend so much time wrapping a bad present and certainly wouldn't had a child anything dangerous, and he tore excitedly at the paper.

When Draco found the tiny bottle inside the box, he immediately wished that it was something dangerous, and preferably something explosive. His head snapped up, as he searched the room for the guilty parties. It wasn't a tough search. In the far corner slapping each other on the back and nearly collapsed on the floor with mirth, were Ron, George, and Harry. He glared murderously at the joyous wizards, while everyone else in the room craned to get a look at the bottle that had caused such a reaction.

Ginny plucked the offending item from Draco's white-knuckled fist and read the label.

Warlock Zeledin's Hair Replenishing potion.
Ginny slipped as arm around Draco's waist and gave him a light squeeze. Draco was still staring at her brothers and Harry across the room, all of whom appeared to be having trouble getting enough oxygen in their lungs to continue laughing. If it were possible to set someone on fire through sheer force of will, the three wizards would have long been roasted by Draco's heated glare. "George! Ron! And you too Harry? I am surprised at you!" the Weasley Matriarch scolded. She turned to Draco with her hands on her ample hips, "Don't you worry, each of them will apologize before the night is out, or heads will roll."

"Apologize, those mother-" Draco stormed before Angelina cut off his rant by placing a large box in Draco's lap. "This is from Hermione and me," she said with a smile. "Really, I should have known better than to trust my husband to shop on his own."

Hermione smiled at Draco over her large belly, "Yes," she said with an apologetic smile, "we thought it best to have a small contingency plan. Angelina told me about these when I began getting wild pregnancy cravings, and remembering you from school I thought you'd appreciate them."

Draco was weary of opening another present, especially considering she hadn't actually told him what it contained, but he cautiously slid off the wrapping just the same. He breathed a sigh of relief to find a large box of Honey Dukes' 'Worldly Wizard Flavours' chocolates.

"Thank you, Angelina, Granger," Draco said sincerely.

"It's Weasley, Draco," Hermione reminded him again gently. No matter how long she was married to Ron, Draco insisted on referring to her as 'Granger'.

Truth be told it was easier to like a refined version of the girl he loathed almost a decade ago, than it was to be nice to the wife of a Red-Headed moron who still tortured him. "Yes, of course," he replied, still not using her name.

The large family was largely mellowed with the excitement of present now over, and a couple little witches and wizards were yawning widely. With lots of hugs and kisses, the Weasley children began to slowly trickle out of the Burrow. When the last son, Percy, who lived with his parents so that his Mum could help with his young daughter, had disappeared to put Pridwyn to bed, Ginny went searching for her Mum. She was found in the kitchen lingering over a cup of tea and a small planner.

"Hey, Mum. I'm going to head home now too." Ginny said, leaning down to give the woman a light hug.

"Ok, Ginny. Go tell your father goodbye then."

Ginny went off in search of her Father, and found him and Draco deep in conversation over a pair of tumblers. When her father caught sight of her, he shushed Draco with a slight head shake, and rose to hug his only daughter goodbye.

"Night, Dad," Ginny said returning his warm hug.

"Goodnight, Princess," Arthur cooed. He loved all his children but Ginny was his only girl and had always had a special connection with her.

Draco got slowly to his feet; he felt like an intruder and did not want to rush their goodbye. When Mr Weasley released Ginny, he turned to Draco and extended his hand to shake.

"Goodnight son," he said warmly, "You take care of my Princess."

Draco blushed deep crimson. "Yes, yes sir," he stumbled.

Ginny wondered at the short exchange but decided not question them, it was possible that her father's gaiety and Draco's blushing and bumbling was a result of multiple glasses of whiskey. She let Draco take her hand and lead her through to the kitchen to bid his goodbyes to her mum. Unbeknownst to the young couple, Mr Weasley followed after them.

"Goodnight, Ma'am," Draco intoned politely, while giving Mrs Weasley a slight nod. The older witch took in the faint blush to Draco's cheeks and the wide smile on her husband's nodding face behind him. "Oh Draco," she cried pulling the tall man down into a crushing hug. She'd been positive, the moment Ginny told her that Draco had not tried out for the National Team that something like this was brewing. "Goodnight dears," she said when sometime later she finally released a very confused looking Draco.

"Goodnight," Draco called as Ginny began dragging him towards the back porch and a safe apparition point.

The Two Presents, and the One the Kept on Giving

"It wasn't so bad."

"It wasn't, was it? Well besides my desecrated teeth and jam stained hair and the fact that I look like ruddy Scarhead, you're right it wasn't so bad."

"My poor darling, shall we get you to bed? Sounds like someone is a little grumpy!"

Draco eyed Ginny dangerously in the mirror as he inspected his forehead and the slight bruise forming there. Apparating with a heavy hat covered in metal trinkets wasn't ever a good idea.

"I could be permanently disfigured witch," he said huffily.

Ginny stepped behind him in the mirror and wrapped her arms around his waist, "And I'd still love you Nancy, so stop being a girl about it." She smiled and squeezed him gently around the middle.

"You promise?"

"I promise." She didn't need to ask what he was referring to. He often did that. Tried to reassure himself.


"Really," she said seriously, raising her hand to her breast, "I swear on your entire stock of hair potions."

The truth was she loved Draco Malfoy so deeply she was often convinced that she'd given up the ability to not love him. No matter the circumstances. Besides that, he was capable of knicker disintegrating levels of hotness and an enveloping sexuality that had nothing to do with his powerfully lean body, perfectly formed arse, and mesmerizing eyes. She could never give him up, come baldness or a Butterbeer belly. He was a part of her and she wasn't sure that he could be pulled out anymore. She didn't want him to be.

"Gin," he began, a pout forming on his just-this-side-of-too-plump lips.

Ginny interrupted him."Why don't you catch the end of the Harpies and Cannon's game on the Wireless, I'm going to put away your presents."

Three years with Ginevra Weasley had taught Draco that life was more pleasant when he did as she said. He pouted heavily, but turned to walk back into his den and settle in to watch the clock count down the last forty-five minutes of his twenty-four years.

It was 23:58, the game had been over for almost twenty minutes, and Ginny had yet to reappear. He was getting truly worried now and got off the couch to search for his missing girlfriend. A girlfriend who was going to owe him one heck of a present in eighty-six seconds, especially after she'd led him to the Weasel pit for a couple hours of torture and not yet delivered on her promise of a special present.

"Gin?" he called into the kitchen.

Receiving no response, he continued down the hall stepping over his pile of Weasley presents on the way. "What in name of Merlin? Gin, where are you? What have you been doing all this time?" He rounded the last corner and was both relieved and frightened to find the door to his bedroom closed. At least he knew where she was, but now his mind filled with the worst possible images. Maybe she'd gone in to take a bath, but what could have taken so long? Had she hurt herself? Had someone hidden in there and attacked her? Why hadn't he heard anything? What the hell was going on?

Draco steeled himself for the worst before cracking open his bedroom door. What he found on the other side cause his jaw to drop.

His normally pristine four-poster bed, was covered in ribbons of every possible colour, made from every material he could name, and right in the centre of the bright sparkly mess was Ginny. Naked Ginny.

"Gin what the hell is going on? What happened to my bed?" he asked incredulous.

"It's your present Draco," she replied in silky tones. "You see, after wracking my brains trying to find the perfect gift for the Wizard Who Has Everything, I decided to give you the only thing I've ever heard you complain about never getting enough of." She grinned widely, trailing a hand leisurely up and down her bare torso. Ginny watched his expression darken and was convinced she'd made the right decision about his birthday gift. When it didn't appear that he was going to speak anytime soon, Ginny released a tinkling laugh. "It's me Draco, you get me for your birthday. Twenty-four uninterrupted hours and we can do whatever you like."

Draco chuckled to himself, he'd always suspected that his girlfriend was a little barmy, but now he was convinced that she was completely and without reservation insane. He grinned at her, never having been more glad to have had the great fortune to fall in love with a crazy person.

Ginny opened her arms to Draco and beckoned him with a crick of her finger. "Time's a wastin' birthday boy," she admonished.

Draco grinned evilly and then suddenly enough to cause Ginny to gasp, he ran and threw himself over her, trapping his girlfriend beneath him. The dark eyed gaze and firm body hovering over Ginny, produced a faint shimmer of heat that worked its way slowly from the base of her neck down to her toes.

"You're crazy," Draco said, breaking the lust silence.
"I know, and so are you," Ginny replied with a smile. "I know. I love you." "I know that too. Now stop stalling and enjoy your present." Draco didn't need any further encouragement; he bowed his head in order to cover Ginny's gently parted lips with his own. Neither of them noticed or cared that as their light kisses and caresses gave way a heated desperate joining, ribbons wrapping around their limbs and creating a delicious new friction, that the clock on his mantle had struck twelve. They were both preoccupied, enjoying this most excellent birthday present.

The faint sound of a house elf's pop stirred Draco from sleep. He cracked one eye, noting first the gentle light streaming through the curtains, second, the elf shaking and bowed low in the centre of the floor.

"Pekko is most sorry, for disturbing Master. Is Master wanting his traditional birthday breakfast?"

Draco, who would ordinarily have raised hell over such an interruption was feeling rather charitable that morning, and shooed the elf away silently.

He was awake now though and positively glowing with his love for the witch beside him, he was going to make today the best birthday of his life. Her brilliant red mane was strewn with ribbons and she was snuggled tightly against his side, her soft regular breaths tickling the bare flesh of his chest. He loved her in the morning; she was so peaceful and beautifully rumpled. He placed a gentle kiss in her hair and then carefully extricated himself from their little ribbon and limb cocoon.

Draco retrieved a black box from his bed-side table, and was considering how best to plan his next move, when he was stuck by a sudden idea. 'Genius', he thought to himself, she'd love a surprise, something unusual. With that triumphant thought Draco removed the small jewelled ring and used one of last night's ribbons to secure it Ginny's wrist. With his surprise in place, Draco shifted his body to share his warmth with her again, and she began to wake.

"Good morning love."

"Hmmm, how long have you been awake? You should have woken me."

"Barely a moment Gin, plus I love to watch you sleep."

She smiled at him sleepily, "Because I'm so beautiful?"

"That," she smiled wider still as he spoke, "and because it's the only time when your horns are fully hidden by your wild mane of morning hair, and you manage to look vaguely innocent."

She swatted him absently and snuggled in closer to his chest, her smile not dimmed in the slightest. He always did that. Teased her when he was worried things were getting too mushy. It was a Malfoy thing.

"So, did you have a happy birthday?"

"It would be a lie to say I enjoyed the first party, but the second present opening had some delightful moments."

"Thanks," she said, the smile evident in her voice. "Did I make up for the Weasley Birthday party?"

"And then some," he assured her. "How did you come up with the amazing ribbon idea?"

Ginny arched an eyebrow and smirked, "Do you really want to ruin the magic by having me reveal all my tricks?"

"I suppose not," he chuckled. "I hope to be blind-sided by your evil for the next century at least."

Ginny's mind was reeling, but she chose to ignore his last comment and change the subject. "You've still got fifteen birthday hours left and your wish is my command. Thoughts?"

"Well first, get you to stop your left hand from whatever it's thinking of getting up to down there," he said with mock severity, stilling the motion of said hand. "A wizard needs sustenance after such an exhausting night."

"True," she said thoughtfully. "And you're getting old now."

He pinched her bum but otherwise ignored her quip on his age, "We have all afternoon for me to prove I can still keep up with you, witch. And, I have a special surprise before tonight's dinner at the Manor."
"A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

"For you. Just a little something I picked up for a special event."

She lifted her head from his chest, interest piqued. "What is it Draco?"

"I'm not telling you. Don't they teach you Griffindors anything?" He rolled his eyes. "Surprise means you can't know in advance." Draco raised his blond brows high on his forehead, and eyes her wrist meaningfully, the sleepy eyed Ginny didn't seem to notice.

"Well, I don't know what you got up to in those dungeons but up here above ground level, Wizards who want to spend hours proving their 'sexual bravado' tend not to deny their girlfriends of anything they ask for."

"Ah, well," he said breaking off thoughtfully.

"Well, what?"

"Nothing, just savouring."

"Savouring what?"

"The rare valid point." He said this solemnly, but was betrayed by a smirk that threatened to split his face in half.

"You're lucky I love you."

"Yes, I know," he replied, and just like last night a mysterious blush marred his pale cheek. Draco's eyes were darting around the room looking at everything but the witch beside him, he seemed to be looking for something to say. Ginny was about to question his strange behaviour, when Draco flashed her a nervous smile a pulled her back against his chest. Ginny rested her head against his heart and listened to it fluttering wildly in his chest. She frowned lightly, what was going on with him?

Ginny finally broke the silence, "So are you going to tell me what it is?"

"Not going to be distracted today, then?" he said.

"Nope," she grinned happily, knowing she was going to get her way.

Draco mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, his mind was working furiously and his heart was beating deafeningly loud in his ears. Surely Ginny must have heard it, and why hadn't she noticed the ring yet? He was still too jittery to ask the question that'd be burning in his mind for months now, he figured he could distract her and buy himself some time by revealing a small part of the surprise.

Draco Accio-ed a large package from behind the curtain of the far window and placed it on the bed between them. When she lifted the lid and ran her hands over the gold coloured silk therein, her smile turned to a frown.

"A dress?"

"Yes, for you. For tonight," Draco said quietly.

"What do I need a new dress for? It's your birthday, not mine."

"Well it's not for - rather it's to go with - uh - you don't have many formal things. I thought you'd like it; it's the latest in Witches' fashion."

"It's very pretty Draco, but I don't need another useless dress."

"It's much nicer than your other dresses."

"But I already have robes for this evening," she said, confusion slowly giving way to anger.

The deep line between Ginny's brows told Draco he'd chosen his words incorrectly. Draco sighed audibly and tried again. "Don't worry about it Gin, you can wear this tonight and the other robes another time. I think the dress would be more-" he seemed to struggle for words and avoided her gaze, "More, uh, appropriate."

"This is really unnecessary Draco," she said her ire rising. "I don't need a new dress and certainly don't need you to waste money on me for your birthday party. What's wrong with my robes anyway, they're perfectly fine!" she was blushing, angry, and thoroughly uncomfortable. Draco played professional Quidditch because he was a brilliant Seeker and loved the game, not because he needed or wanted the hefty salary it paid. The Malfoy estate gave him no need for the extra-income, and his resulting habit of spending lavishly on her was a constant source of tension.

"Ginevra, you are being silly and a mite unreasonable. It's a gift, a dress, for you," he said, storm clouds rising in his clear grey eyes. This was definitely not how he had planned to bring this up, but Ginny was reacting worse than usual to his attempt to shower her with gifts. "Will it always be like this, Gin?" he said with a frown. When they were married would she put up this much fuss? Technically half of everything in his considerable vaults would be hers and there was no way her Potion Master salary would be able to keep pace with the endless balls, function, and meetings the Malfoys regularly attended.

Ginny couldn't read the sudden seriousness in his eyes and was frightened by the unspoken assumption in his last question. Bravery be damned, she thought, and decided to ignore it. "I absolutely am not being unreasonable," she said, struggling to tear herself from the tangle of sheets and ribbons. She began shouting flushed with anger and frustration. "You on the other hand, are being an impossible snot Draco Malfoy!"

"Me, impossible?" he adopted that formal and low tone that signalled he was attempting to keep his temper in check. "Need I remind you," he began, the volume of his voice picking up in anger, "of the considerable time spent and painful injuries endured to get nice and matey with your hoard of brothers?"

"They weren'-" he cut of her off and began listing the more heinous injustices.

"Pink hair for a week, a trip to St. Mungo's for bone re-growth following the most barbaric game of Quidditch ever to be played, being publicly humiliated when Ron decided to test a zipper-locking spell the very first time I was forced to attend a Weasley luncheon, being bloodied by the damn hat with drool covered bits of crap just last night! And yet I still show up every week, making nice with your Mum and Dad, and in two years I am yet to hit any of those miscreants you call brothers with any of the hexes they've earned a thousand times over!"

"What is your point?" she retorted, glaring at her ranting bedmate.

"My point is that I've endured years of torture for you. Your family have harassed me to within an inch of my sanity and you can't be even the slightest bit cooperative on one little thing for me."

"It's not little to me, Draco."

"It is. My mother has personally invited you to a formal dinner for our -my birthday, I present you with a gift and in turn you yell at me! Forget interrogations, sports injuries, and poisoned candies, I'm asking you to a ball and you won't even wear a decent dress!"

"Decent? Is this you speaking or your darling Mother and Father? Why should any of you care what I look like?" She was quickly going from red to white, a sure danger sign but Draco continued.

"I don't care and neither will they, but you should," he ignored her unlady-like snort to continue more calmly, "or do you want to appear on the arm of the guest of honour dressed like a common urchin and looking completely out of place."

"Oh, so I mustn't look too common? Is that it, Malfoy," she spat his last name with venom.

"That's not what I mean Ginevra and you know it," he said with dangerous calm.

Her eyes narrowed viciously and she ignored his last words to continue her tirade. "If you're parents are only going to play nice because they think that dressing like an over fussed trollop stops me from being too common for their little pureblood Prince, with which you seem to agree, then we've got bigger problems than my wardrobe Draco."

"You would think that, wouldn't you! This has nothing to do with my blood status, and I will point out, because everyone else in the Wizarding world seems not to have noticed, that despite all the 'Muggles are our equal' blathering your parents do, neither of them saw fit to marry one! Your blood is just as pure as mine!"

"That's hardly the point Draco," she sniffed.

"You brought it up Ginevra. What exactly was your point?"

"My point is that I can't be with you knowing that you feel this way, that- that I'm not good enough."

"It's just a dress for Salizar's sake."

"It's not about the dress Draco!" Ginny paused, trying to stop the wavering uncertainty in her voice. "It's about your need to change me into someone else, someone acceptable in order to welcome me to your family. I was worried- way back then- but I thought you'd changed," her words ran together, she seemed to be speaking more to herself than to Draco. "I don't deserve to be treated this way." She turned away from him angrily, reigniting her struggle to free herself from their bedding.

"Imagine what it would feel like if I'd just thrown your gift back in your face," he said; a dark angry look in his eye and one brow cocked imperiously.

She turned to him, visibly seething with rage and raised her hand to catch the wand hurtling towards her. For a moment they both lingered, eyeing each other dangerously, Ginny the only one armed. She gave a frustrated yell and fired a Severing Charm at the bed. He felt the air near his leg disturb as her spell rent a blackened tear deep through his plush mattress, obliterating her ribbon web and freeing her to stalk angrily towards the bathroom.

"Keep the damn dress Draco, I don't want it! You can decide if I'm good enough for you without it." She stopped walking, framed in the doorway and tearing at the ribbons still streaming from her body. "Please let me know of your decision before I bother getting out my formal robes for this evening's party."

"Your wardrobe is your fucking prerogative! But I won't apologize for giving you a gift and I won't take it back!"

Ginny disappeared into the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

Draco raked a hand through his hair angrily, sitting on his destroyed bed seething and cursing before bounding towards the wardrobe. He grabbed his robes and began heading for the door when he heard a soft creak behind him. He spun wildly expecting Ginny to hex him, or at least continue yelling.

"Draco, what the hell is going on?" Her voice was raised but she sounded confused and hurt more than angry.

"What?" he growled, eyes blazing.

"This, Draco," she said in a deceptively calm voice. Draco finally looked at what was dangling from her finger, it was the sparkling diamond engagement ring he's tied to her wrist not ten minutes ago. Draco felt a sudden and strong urge to retreat from her intense gaze but held his ground.

"I wasn't sure how to ask, I was trying to make it a surprise, something even you wouldn't see coming. I didn't know what to say, but I definitely didn't want it to be like this Gin," he said softly. "I also didn't know just how little you thought of me and my family. Uh, let's just forget about it. It was a mistake, I wasn't thinking clearly."

Something that truly frightened Draco lit in Ginny's dark eyes, she looked ready to tear him limb from limb. "You really are something Draco Malfoy," she said, her voice purring dangerously. "You're going to break off our engagement before you even ask me to marry you?"

"No, but after that fight, I'm not expecting anything." He paused nervously, searching for words. "I wanted to- want to marry you Gin, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life trying to prove that I don't think you're unworthy of me, and quarrelling about something as silly as money."

"Are you asking me now?" she said, frowning.

"Yes. No. Er- look Ginevra, you've seen the ring and we both know what it means." He was rambling and if her forceful exhaling was anything to go by, nothing was coming out right. Draco took in a deep breath and summoned his trademark cool, he couldn't fall to pieces of muttering idiot when asking the woman he loved to marry him.

After several tense seconds Draco plucked the ring from her fingers, and sank to his knee before the now trembling Ginny.

She began speaking before he could properly ask his question. "The… the party tonight, it's not for your birthday is it?"

He swallowed hard; sure she was going to tell him to cancel the whole thing. "No, Gin, it's not," he said while taking her left hand in both of his.

"And there're going to be a lot more people there than just your parents?"

"Uh, y-yes," Draco tried to check himself, fighting to keep his breathing and voice even. "I asked your Dad already, and all your brothers and friends are supposed to be there, but I haven't told them why, yet."

"And that dress, is everyone else wearing black-tie?"

He averted his eyes, unable to watch her closed lids leak more tears. "Yes. But of course I'll take care of it, you don't have to- I just thought that..."

Draco was rambling to himself again and staring at the floor, he hadn't noticed Ginny's face split into a bright smile as the tears continued falling over her blushing cheeks.

"You sure are arrogant, Malfoy," she said lightly. "A pre-arranged party? How'd you know I was going to say yes?"

"Say, 'yes'?" he repeated.

"Yes, 'say 'yes''," she grinned down at him. "I love you too much to live without you anyway. Now you can make an honest woman of me," she said laughing.


Ginny didn't answer him, instead she flung herself into his arms and they crashed to the floor in a wild tangle of limbs. Their lips clashed together and roamed wantonly over eyelids, cheeks, lips, ears, necks, unable to get enough of each other to be satisfied. They kissed there on his bedroom floor wrapped in her birthday present to him, his present, to them both, secure on her left hand.

She never did answer his last question. And for the first time it didn't matter. He'd never need to do that again. Reassure himself.


  • Briefly describe what you'd like to receive in your fic
    I would like to branch out a little (as hard as it is for me to do), and would like a fic that concentrates around an already established relationship. I would love to see the proposing and the wedding, if you can fit it in. Obviously, Draco being Draco and Ginny being Ginny, the "perfect moment" will turn into a complete disaster, hilariously so. I imagine Draco would be very hesitant, but something would give him the go-ahead. And then the hilarious misunderstandings with tons of fluff and humour. And a happy ending, of course!!
  • The tone/mood of the fic:An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic: "You would think that, wouldn't you?"
  • Preferred rating of the fic you want: Whatever floats the plot, as long as there is some PASSIONATE kissing.
  • Canon or AU? Canon but EWE.
  • Deal Breakers (anything you don't want?): PWP, OOC, Greek tragedy, unrelenting angst, or unhappy endings. Any usual gross stuff. I also like my fluff in moderate amounts, as in not too much.

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