

The site upgrade is now complete. Any problems should be reported to me, or on the bug reports thread in the forums. If you've reported there in the past, could you please take a look and see if the issue still persists, and if so, let me know? Thanks muchly.

There were also a few changes with categories. There is no longer a post-DH category, since it's past the time when anyone should be worried about spoilers. All fics that were previously in that category have been moved to the appropriate ones.

Also, "Completed Short Stories" and "Long and Completed," which previously appeared under "Fiction," have been moved to the new "Completed Fiction" category. All completed fics should go in one of the two subcategories, based on length. "Completed Fiction" is locked, and no stories can be submitted to this category itself, only its subcategories. "Fiction" was renamed to "Works in Progress" and all incomplete fics should go in this category. All pre-existing fics should already be in the proper category, assuming their author had them categorized properly in the first place.

Posted by Lyndsie on Oct 04, 2008 08:59 am (0 Comments)