
Do Not Taunt the Happy Fun Mods

People, we have a help section for a reason. If you have a question, please read it before you send out snippy emails. And definitely do NOT EVER send a snippy email directly to Megh. Megh is a busy woman who does our code work out of a genuine love for the pairing and the goodness of her heart. She does not deserve to be treated like a lackey, and there is nothing you can do that will get your ass banned faster than being mean to Megh. If you feel like you've got a genuine grievance and need to yell at someone, the address you want is mynuet@

And, for those of you who still won't go look at the help section, the reason your story is showing up on the recently added list but not on the site is because the world is united in a cosmic plot against you. If you don't like that answer, go read the other one that's in the help section, because I ain't typing all that again.

Love and Smooches,
Mynuet the Miffed

Posted by Mynuet on Oct 05, 2004 11:47 am (5 Comments)

That's horrible that people have been pestering Megh. Need a rabid attack Monki to help with any pissants who try to harrass her anymore? >=D

Dangermonki @ Oct 05, 2004 11:02 pm

Wow, are people really being that stupid? Sorry to hear it. Give a huge hug to Megh for me to help cheer her up!

Jawy @ Oct 06, 2004 07:16 am

megh @ Oct 06, 2004 01:06 pm

In the words of Jawy, why "are people really being that stupid"? And what is there to be snippy about? I've never incurred any problems, and it's only common sense that if I did, I'd ask nicely for help after going to the help section. Large emphasis on the nicely and after. Megh, I'm baking a huge virtual chocolate cake to compensate for the crap you've had to go through.

KatherineGrace @ Oct 10, 2004 07:04 am

Bully for you! Anyone who is nasty to Megh should go suck a lemon.

lielabell @ Oct 13, 2004 07:50 pm