
Return with me now to 2004...

Check it out!Wayback FIA

And now it’s time for another episode of “Guess What This Is,” aka “Why It’s Totally Pointless To Take Down Your Fanfics In An Attempt To Pretend You Never Wrote Or Posted Them.” Because The Wayback Machine knows. That’s why. It knows what rating they were, too.

Yep, y’all, it’s Dec 28, 2004. All of these lovely fics are still with us, to the best of my knowledge; this is a date randomly chosen to make a point.

Also, it’s fun to look up old web pages. Wow, there’s a lot on there. :)

And wait, there's more. Lest anyone think that an author deleting their fics guarantees that they're not floating around the web somewhere out there... I give you THIS. April 24, 2006.

Check it out!Wayback FIA

ETA: BTW, I've been working on adding some new featured fics, but, well, I don't seem to quite exactly remember how to do it... ;) It WILL be figured out.

Even more ETA: And it was. There are new featured fics! How did I figure that out? Um... it's really, really dumb... I don't think I want to explain it...


Hmm. I could have sworn I saw Draco riding a unicycle. Never mind.

Posted by Anise on Jan 13, 2014 04:45 pm (4 Comments)

That is cool. Though while I was able to find two fics I deleted on here, I couldn't actually access them read them.

Incognito @ Jan 14, 2014 06:56 am

It seems to be a really bizarre hit or miss as far as what gets saved on Wayback and what doesn't. If I just keep clicking through links, that will sometimes work. I've actually found a few complete fics just through the older links, so it definitely is possible-- and it doesn't seem to depend on whether or not the fic has been deleted since. So you never know.

If you need to find fics that you deleted, though (the frantic I-don't-have-another-copy thing-- which happened to me once!), they MIGHT be on the server. "Might" being the word. ;)

Anise @ Jan 14, 2014 10:01 am

Fortunately I save all of my fics, but the ones I deleted were fics I'd never end up finishing. It was neat to see them listed on the Most Recent, though. ;D

Incognito @ Jan 14, 2014 10:07 am

I didn't know about the way back machine but it is the coolest thing. I looked up just to see. This made my day :)

tenna @ Jan 17, 2014 05:55 pm