
A Couple of Things

Lauren from, Shattered, has contacted us letting us know that her site has begun it's nominations for D/G Fanfiction awards. I'll have the button to her site, and Magical Theory and a couple of other sites down there on the affiliates box *points to bottom of the page*, sometime tomorrow.

Some people have reported their log-in sessions timing out before they get a chance to read and comment on a story. This has to do with the security settings of your browser. The site sends your browser a cookie, which expires after a certain period of time depending upon your browsers settings. If the cookie expires before you get the chance to review, you will have to log in again to do a signed review. It is a pain in the rear, I know. The only way I know of to prevent this from happening is to either lower your security level (mine is set to medium, and I can leave the browser window open for hours without having to re-login), or make the site a 'trusted' site or somesuch. I'm researching how to do this on various platforms and browsers, but have yet to find anything too consise. I'll post here when I've found something, or made something more to my liking.

Posted by Megh on Jul 09, 2004 09:37 pm (1 Comments)

Hmm. I've never had a problem staying logged in to any other site before, which why this was so frustrating for me. I've made this site a "trusted site" so we'll see if that helps! Thanks for looking for the answers!

Jenny @ Jul 10, 2004 07:30 pm