
The Passing of the Torch...

Doesn't that kind of make you think of the Olympics? :)

Anyway. So I had the Ginormous Google Hangout Conference of Doom with Lyndsie, I took lots of notes, and some of them even made sense! ;) Wow, so many things to do in the near future. The votes for new features seem to be going towards fic challenges and contests. We WILL have those... I could use some feedback about if people want the LJ challenges to be revived again, or for it to happen some other way. I'm working on the podcasts, too-- I used to do voiceovers and I've done a lot of recording for Librivox more recently, so I do have the basic equipment, and I really want to see those come back. The return of the art board is probably just too much work right now. And if anyone out there knows how to do/wants to work on new skins, PLEASE let me know!! Because the techie code-y stuff is beyond me at this point. ;)

In a couple of months, I WILL start new forums for fanfic authors moving into ofic (original fic. Lyndsie came up with that. It is now a thing. :) They will be an affiliate site rather than being hosted here, but there will be links. I think this is going to be a HUGE resource for the near future, and very timely too.

What else... there's a facebook page that was started God-knows-when by God-knows-who, so I'm going to try to find out about that and maybe get it going again. I'd like to have more happy interfacing with the D/G group on our BEST authors are involved over there. :) Youtube videos... new bursts of creativity... world domination... you know the kind of thing. I see things as really starting to move in September-- the fic challenges might happen then-- but I'll see what I can get going before that.

And if anyone has ANY suggestions, PLEASE share them!

Posted by Anise on Aug 03, 2013 02:09 pm (26 Comments)

BTW, there's now a new site on dreamwidth! yay! :) Everyone who runs a fanfic site that includes explicit material is pretty much starting to do there, and WE GOT THIS NAME FIRST, GO US. I'll post more info later. Also a clickable link.

Anise @ Aug 14, 2013 11:36 am