Reviews For Jane and John Doe
Name: skully reviewed Chapter Two on Sep 23, 2004 04:20 pm
I really like this. I wanted to make a comment to one of the reviewers. Draco Luva said that she/he wanted more information on what what happening. I have to pose this question..."Isn't that the fun of the whole story?"
Name: Draco Luva reviewed Chapter Two on Sep 23, 2004 03:01 pm
ok, question time, are these people really draco and ginny or something? are they even wizards? what happened when they were found? and what do you mean by "i was found"? Who found them? What is their problem? please update sooner and shed some light because this story would be really good if i just knew what was going on.

Author's Response: I think you should read what I classified the story as, did you? Because if you didn't it, I put it as a MYSTERY. If you don't like Mysteries then this isn't the story for you. You don't know everything right away. You learn as the story goes on.
Name: Chucky reviewed Chapter Two on Sep 23, 2004 06:19 am
Hey, your story seems pretty good so far. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen and how they'll find out who they really are. I would just be great if you could try and make your chapters longer and/or update more often - though of course every reader likes that ;-)

Author's Response: I try really hard, but I'm not a very good writer yet, so I imagine as the story progresses the chapters will get longer. But I'm not too sure. Sorry if i don't meet you're expectations, this is my first long fic.
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