Name: dykeadellic reviewed Ice Queen on Aug 25, 2012 05:39 pm
The ending was the icing on the cake for this chapter. Every ex-couple has some sort of argument, and this made everything feel more realistic. Harry isn't exactly the bad guy, but he isn't the good guy either. That's as it should be when you still have residual feelings for someone. Too many fics gloss that over. Kudos on that!
Name: serinah reviewed Ice Queen on Mar 04, 2012 01:59 am
I don't believe her yelling at Harry here. Too dramatic for two grown-ups. But it was enlightening nonetheless. Still a great story. :)
Name: Ronlover reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 22, 2005 02:02 pm
Name: Elena reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 05, 2005 08:53 am
Can't wait for Draco and Ginny's meeting =D And poor Ginny, having to deal with Harry and Gabrielle...
Name: tkmoore ( reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 09, 2004 05:06 am
I love the beginning very fast paced and funny with a little drama thrown in. Lots of D/G tension already.....I love it with a little Harry on the side. Can't wait to see where it goes from here. Update soon. TTFN Kelly
Name: Esus reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 08, 2004 11:41 pm
Ice queen... well, I think that immage suits well to Ginny. A young woman, busy and dedicated to her work: you figure well the crazyness of her job, no time for herself, no time for her family, no time for her emotions. But, there's a man who can destroy her façade... uh, I'm really waiting for their meeting. What she would do for convince him? What would he want back for helping them?
I think that the two of them would crash into each other like a storm... but, maybe, don't exagerate with her passionate rage against Malfoy: she is one of the best at the Minister, doesn't she? Make her a perfect ice queen than!
Name: skully reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 08, 2004 06:43 pm
Okay, I really like where a view of Ginny being the high and respected business woman. It's a new concept and you have thought it out well, I can tell. I have to agree that you did over-use "cried" and there is one part where you said that Harry "slammed the door quietly." That kind of distracted me. I really like where this is going. It gives the reader a modern feeling and makes the world of Harry Potter realistic. Keep up the good work.
Name: beads reviewed Ice Queen on Sep 08, 2004 04:36 pm
Good story. I like the plot and everything behind it, and I can't wait to read more. The only thing I really noticed was how often you used the word "cried." Maybe it wasn't that often, but it just distracted me a bit. Love the ice queen bit.
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