Name: tkmoore ( reviewed Exposure on Sep 23, 2004 08:32 am
Sorry to lazy to sign in.........isn't that terrible?! I read your story today and I really have enjoyed it so far. A very different approach which is nice and difficult to do. It's very well written and I like the way you have developed Draco and Ginny's characters. I look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing with us. TTFN Kelly
Name: infiltrate the enemy fat kid reviewed Exposure on Sep 17, 2004 04:25 pm
Oh, well done! I am truly hooked on this story now. Definitely not a cliched story and it's captivating all the same - love it.
Name: Esus reviewed Exposure on Sep 15, 2004 09:53 am
So, Draco's really affected for someone who isn't himself? So incredible! I mean, doing all he's doing just for the wife of his nemesis and for a nation that isn't his own, isn't much Malfoy's!
Probably, ages far from Hogwarts have changed him.
And Ginny... well, i think she's gone a bit out of her "Ice Queen" role. It would be funny seeing them arguing, using the same tecnqiques. Or, maybe, with SHE using Slytherin's tecniques against him... and his reaction.
But, now I just want to see what's going to happen next: will Ginny understand Draco's POV? And, is she going to be attracted from him (Draco's is well cooked yet, as I can see ^_-)?
I think they will not be enemies anymore, but I hope that they'll have a good relationship, even only friendship.
Write next chapter soon!
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