Name: Corvidae reviewed A Bargain on Oct 08, 2004 11:11 am
wait, what happened, it stopped?! i love it, i need it i want mooooore! great story *-*
Name: Silver Dreams reviewed A Bargain on Oct 08, 2004 08:25 am
you really do a wonderful job creating the emotions and reactions of both Draco and Ginny. I was really surprized with the ways and personalities of Draco's aunt, uncle, and cousins. I like the contrast to Draco's father...and if you think about it, they really do need to be warm and kind if you want it to be believable that they would do everything in their power to protect the unicorns--a creature so pure and beautiful. You have made Draco into such a believable character! I liked his masked (almost) anger when Ginny was being threatened. I really see that as how he would appear. I absolutly love how Draco's cousins disclosed to Ginny that they had seen "the way he looks at her when he knows she isn't watching" that is absolutly adorable! I love how Draco has feelings for Ginny, but he keeps them's so wonderful. You have done an awsome job with Ginny as well. I love her fiery temper masked with ice. Great idea...and fitting to her career. I also love how you have incorperated Draco's love for her's something Draco would like. It seems that Draco would prefere a woman who will argue with him and stand up for her beliefes, not a passive woman who will always agree with him. Ginny is frustrating me so much with her close-mindedness! Argh! WHile I totally understand where she is coming from (her experiances in the war--btw, what WAS that memory?--and in her first year) it still seems like she should be willing to see things from another perspective. However, I can see that she is beginning to understand a little...maybe her mind is opening a little, but I hope she will start to see that "not everything is how it seems"! I love it, and I can't wait to read more!!!
Name: Esus reviewed A Bargain on Oct 08, 2004 07:06 am
I'm happy that you like my comments and that I'm not annoying you. Generally, if I love a fic, I leave always a long review (being myself a writer, I know that an autor would like them ^_-), even with only my impression on the plot and not on the style (I mean, I'm not English mother-tongue, I don't think I can really judge your grammar).
So, even this time, I'll put here again my impression... this time, I saw that someone else reviewed your story and I'm really happy about it!
Chapter 13
So, Draco begings to worry about little Weasel. So sweet **! But I think he will not understand it until the end -.-!
No pb, for now this is enough. And Ginny anger is described very well, I can merely feel it. You work very well with emotions, they seems real. And I like it.
Also I'm starting to understand what Draco means, saying "nothing is what it seems".

Chapter 14
I can just repeat myself: your way of describes emotions is incredible. They suit to your characters, makin them real. I mean, Draco's reaction in the forest was so like him: rational, but passionate at the same time.
But little Ginny would appear a little strange with her lunatic mood... but I think it depends on what happened in her past, doesn't it?
And how that horrible cousin know about her? And how dare he call her a rat??? Secrets, secrets and more secrets down here!

Chapter 15
Unicorns? So, a secret was reveald. And, maybe, Mr Malfoy isn't so bad as Ginny thought. Well, very well, I'm glad of it. But, this chapter was different from others, it seems not enden, as you missed to say something very important. Don't know why, just a sensation, a vague feeling on my skin... well, I go on reading now **

Chapter 16
Explanations... just the right time I guess. Definitly, I hate that man, that Darien... I can't understand what he's looking for... maybe he's just scared of what Ginny may do after discovering what they are doing: dark magic. But, my heart ached reading Draco's narration: his father was a terrible git, but killing Narcissa I did the worst action. Now, I just want to know how Ginny will manage all this: she is still dead frightened by Tom and she's starting to love the ferret. So, it would be hard to her to decide... This time, I've loved the chapter... more plus emotional, realistic again: just, I haven't like Gabrielle at all... she confessed too much easily to Ginny his cousin plan. It's a little strange... she's a Malfoy, doesn't she?

Name: Virginia reviewed A Bargain on Oct 07, 2004 03:01 pm
Don't have much time, so I jus wanna sy that I'm loving your story, post more chapter soon! Luv Ninia
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