Name: Bosco reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Jun 01, 2006 04:28 pm
My boyfriend is like Draco with Gustav. I have a stuffed animal that does not leave my bed under ANY circumstances (this little hufflump has been through births, deaths, and numerous customs checks!), except when I am sleeping, and he hates it. He tried to steal my stuffed animal once and I bawled because I thought I had lost him. Luckily, my mother pulled a Pansy and ensured that Baby (the hufflump) would never be lost by tying a bright red string around his little bunny-ish neck.

So far I have Gustav - 2, Draco - 0, Pansy - 147 (as long as Gustav quacking and stalking Draco was her idea)
Name: Brittny reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Mar 21, 2006 11:11 am
That was hilarious! it was terrific! Haha Gustav is stalker! I wonder ifit is Liam's magic kixking in?
Name: azadi reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 18, 2006 06:27 am
Once again you have written something that makes my family want to consider taking me to a shrink. I was laughing so hard whilst reading this that my mum had to come in and ask what the matter was. Molly was hilarious; "Gone south already, dear?" I swear mother’s should be banned from speaking in public with some of the things they come out with. And Draco: “I swear that duck is out to get me so he can have his dirty way with you” – classic :D Great work once again
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 15, 2006 11:21 pm
So funny I almost peed myself.
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 05:52 pm
Gustav is EVIL pure EVIL!!!!!
Name: KateinVA reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 05:33 pm
You are so fabulous! I love these stories. You have wonderful comedic timing and just the right amount of smutty goodness. Also, I have serious icon love for the D/G & Gustav icon you use on LJ.
Name: Embellished reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 05:08 pm
This is absolutely hilarious! I particularly like Molly's lack of embarrassment and all the embarrassment that causes among everyone else. Thank you very much for this!
Name: walkercauff reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 02:24 pm
That was just about the funniest thing I have EVER read. How utterly embarrassing and hilarious!!
Name: walkercauff reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 02:23 pm
That was just about the funniest thing I have EVER read. How utterly embarrassing and hilarious!!
Name: AuntAnnie reviewed Rubber Duckie, You're the One on Mar 13, 2006 01:42 pm
I have never laughed so hard in my life, That was great.

Author's Response: *bows* Thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoyed!
Name: Slytherin Wolf reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Feb 08, 2006 09:39 pm
Well done! The part about Liam making Draco's jumper dirty was hilarious! And the duck situation is also a riot! Good job!
Name: secretkeeper reviewed A Rainy Day on Jan 23, 2006 05:43 pm
Hey... I just wanted to say that you've started making the house-elves talk like Yoda off of Star Wars (But you all ready knew that... Right??) Yes well its funny extremely funny!
Name: mischievous_lozz reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Oct 23, 2005 08:43 am
I adored this fic! Especially the last chapter, that was hilariously funny.
Name: mouseygirl512 reviewed Kind des Drachen on Jun 10, 2005 06:44 am
Dear Rainpuddle On the behalf of the moderators at burningicex2, a Draco/Ginny Recommendation Livejournal community, we would like to inform you that your fanfic And Baby Makes Three has been recommended and added to our lists! To check us out here is our address and feel free to inform others about the community as well. Congrats & keep up the good work! :D Sincerely Hannio & Mousey (mods) P.S. If you have any other or any future D/G fics let us know!
Name: mary reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Nov 17, 2004 01:43 pm
haha, now im curious of why the duck is behaving like that.
Name: mary lennox reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Nov 17, 2004 01:18 pm cute. A stalking duck? A defenseless Draco? I love the homey-ness of your story...thanks for updating! This was totally worth the wait.
Name: Citrus587 reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Nov 17, 2004 10:44 am
Very cute! When I was reading about the duck, for some reason I was think of that doll Chucky (from the scary movies... Chucky's Bride, etc.) Super chapter, keeping the bar high with rest!
Name: madalene3666 reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Nov 17, 2004 08:43 am
I love this world you've created, and this story is just perfection. I can just see Draco's face at that final quack. Does this mean we may get some more of these wonderful ficlets?

Author's Response: I left this as a WIP because I'll come back to it from time to time. That is beauty of having no particular plot - it's just a series of interrelated one shots so each piece is complete. And isn't Liam the most darling thing, ever?
Name: Nakita reviewed The Tell Tale Duck on Nov 17, 2004 04:59 am
Oh this chapter wsa priceless! I loved it! Draco has lost it! So funny! More soon please!
Name: Nakita reviewed Slay the Dragon on Nov 13, 2004 08:26 pm
Well here I am finally reading the stories that lead up to 15 years. I've read that and loved it. I am paiently waiting for an update on tangled web, now I'll also be waiting for one for this. Now i'm gonna have to read all the stories you've written. Not that its a bad thing, i'm quite looking foward too it. Please give lots more updates soon.
Name: gin-malfoy reviewed Slay the Dragon on Jul 08, 2004 04:42 pm
i've been waiting for your update for so long... i check and this archive just to see if you updated ANY of your fics. i read all your stories here and it made me have this warm fuzzy feeling.please update soon![update here, coz the ones in aren't as advanced, like you have chap ten here for in ABMT and only chap 7 in or just upadte anywhere you want! gonna stop now.. i'm being annoying already!]
Name: komodoensis reviewed Slay the Dragon on May 28, 2004 09:05 pm
Why are there no reviews here? This was so much fun to read, and VERY cute. I loved it, so thanks a lot. I can't believe you don't have a cult following here yet. Hmm.. the Archive just started, right? Maybe that's it. Anyway, I am now the beginning of your worshipping league for this story and now I really, really want to go hug a baby. Babies. Hee hee. Sorry, thanks, keep writing, etc..

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your kind words! If you liked this, then you might like to know that there is a sequel - The Cabbage Capers - Liam is now four years old and he also has a little brother. Thanks again!
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