Reviews For Cultured Left Foot
Name: Corvidae reviewed Alex Explained on Dec 12, 2004 12:49 pm
I'm really loving this, it started out as a simple soccer appreciating Draco but your not totally focused on the sport (a good thing) and the writing is clever and on track. Please continue to update soon, I'm very intrigued how Ginny will fit it. *-*
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Alex Explained on Dec 12, 2004 11:09 am
Another great chapter! The two characters are well developed and this feels like a plausible way that Draco would beign to question some of his beliefs/upbringing. I look forward to more.
Name: ser reviewed Alex Explained on Dec 08, 2004 11:01 pm
Another great chapter. I'm linking Alex. You've developed him well and kept both of them completely in character. And I realised now it's English football as Dover are an English team. lol. Can't wait for the next chapter. Love ser
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