Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Aug 16, 2006 04:38 pm
~Draco you are so dumb~
Name: potatomaker reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 08, 2005 05:14 pm
Assertive Ginny strikes again. Its great to see her go after what she wants. It was sad the way it ended in the last chapter but I'm sure you have some delicious way of making it work out for them in the end. your characterizations were lovely. Its always nice to see Draco in top form
Name: Claire reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 03:47 pm
Draco got the cold shoulder from Ginny, what will happen next? I can't wait to find out!
Name: pinksunryse reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 01:32 pm
*squeal* They kissed! *dances*
Name: Funnykido reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 11:59 am
*shakes head* Draco, Draco, Draco. Really, who is that puny little secondy year going to tell? His other second year friends? You idiot! Grrr, this Draco is making me mad! Update soon!!
Name: Rhina reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 10:32 am
Brilliant! From start to finish this was a brilliant read and I loved the interaction between the characters and the reason that Ginny spoke to Draco was very well done. I like the description of them as well and thought you were spot on with the characters. Keep up the good work!
Name: Citrus587 reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 09:00 am
She didn't wait for him? Interesting way of switching things up, but I would a happy ending (wouldn't we all??). Anyway, I like the story so far. It's got a light feel to it while still slipping a plot in there.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 08:49 am
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thoroughly enjoying your story and I love the Ginny and Draco you've created. And Harry is actually a very good secondary character too. I'm just glad there is no short-tempered Ron raging around...A straighforward and relatively intellligent Harry is much better. Again, great job and can't wait to see where you go with it!
Name: swimchick1614 reviewed Advance, Surrender, and Retreat on Jan 04, 2005 08:39 am
nicely written...Intresting turn of the events at the end. I liked it. Wonder what he will do to get in her good graces, not that he really ever left =) update soon!
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