Reviews For Caught
Name: Andrea Malfoy reviewed The Morning After on Mar 05, 2009 01:40 pm
oh man poor thing !!

lmaoo nice wayy to start off (Y)

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: luvronfromhp reviewed The Morning After on Jan 21, 2009 03:18 pm
Hahaha Aww Poor Draco!!! Love It!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Draco's wishing he'd made other sleeping arrangments about now ;)
Name: sugarquills92 reviewed The Morning After on Apr 11, 2008 04:27 am
oh, and forgot to have Draco put a silence charm in the last chapter because in the previous chapter remember when you have Lucious inform Draco to do so, I thought it was funny that you didn't actually put that in the story.

Author's Response: Draco had far more important things on his mind than casting charms to protect his mother's ears ;)
Name: detlefren reviewed The Morning After on Aug 03, 2007 05:46 am
Ok, I admit it. I loved this story sooo muc the first time that I'm reading it again.

Author's Response: Thanks! Hope you enjoy it again :)rn0
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed The Morning After on Jul 26, 2007 07:19 pm
*cackles madly*

Best family freak out EVER! It amuses me to no end that Ron is cool with Draco being there... just laughing wondering where Draco had slept -- until they all realise where he'd slept.

Very grand!

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes, they're all fine while thinking he spent the night on the couch or with the family ghoul ;)
Name: tearsofaphoenix reviewed The Morning After on Jun 01, 2007 04:04 pm
Gosh this is soo funny i'll continue reading it!

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: Shwadi reviewed The Morning After on Feb 25, 2007 07:30 am
hahahahhaa looool nice!

Author's Response: Thanks :)
Name: N/A reviewed The Morning After on Jun 27, 2006 04:42 am
Would it KILL you to use grammar?! They're called commas, question marks, and exclamation points, and they exist for a reason. USE THEM!

Mynuet's note: Hello, little troll, and welcome to the Fire and Ice Archive. I hope you do not enjoy your stay, as you are apparently an argumentative little shit out to pick a fight. For future reference, if you have a complaint about any fic on this site, you come to me, and I will handle it. Picking on the authors is solely my right, and you, random person who can't be bothered to sign his or her name, can just step off.
Name: Experience My Dreams reviewed The Morning After on Mar 24, 2006 09:08 pm
I like where this is going!!!! Seems great!!!!! More please.

Author's Response: Thanks :)
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed The Morning After on Feb 11, 2006 01:21 pm
Poor Draco and Ginny. Didn't get to finish the naughty morning fun. Arthur butting his nose in where it's not appreciated! I'd forgotten how much I love this and how fun it is!

Author's Response: Arthur is so nasty! Really a bloke could get an injury being interupted like that *pats Draco*
Name: Warriorlily reviewed The Morning After on Jan 07, 2006 04:06 pm
Ha. Sorry, that was so funny, I was laughing my head off the whole time I was reading. Very funny, gonna read the next chapter now...

Author's Response: Thanks!  Hope you enjoy the rest :)
Name: tinnidawg reviewed The Morning After on Jun 14, 2005 12:36 am
Hi! This story is really hilarious. Since it is already completed I will be able to read it at one go. The idea of Draco starkers with Arthurs wand pointed at his dangling bits and pieces, wacky idea. Great job and well written. Tinnidawg

Author's Response: Thanks! (lovely to hear from you over here) Draco is in a bit of a fix at the moment ;)
Name: Betz reviewed The Morning After on Jan 17, 2005 03:36 pm
WHIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGE! Updates are coming toooo sloooooow. (Shoulders slump and bounces up and down while pouting.) Hurry up, are we there yet? (Tightens surgical tubing around arm and thwacks at at veins awaiting latest dose of D/G Caught to be pumped into my veins.) Did I mention this fic was addictive?

Author's Response: Sorry, sweetie - busy day! Just give me a couple of hours and you'll have your fix :D
Name: Betz reviewed The Morning After on Jan 10, 2005 02:32 pm
I laughing, I'm laughing so hard I can't stop even as I write this review. SO was Draco starkers when they caught him. I paid attention to his bedclothes and noted that he ditched them to jump over the bottom half of the Dutch-door. This is one sweet - and I mean sweet in a wickedly good way, not fluffy - fic. On to read more. I normally avoid WIPs, but your premise caught my attention and I'm praying you don't burn me by abandoning this fic.

Author's Response: Thanks and yes he's absolutely starkers! The fic is finished, it's just a matter of posting the chapters so that will happen every second day or so - no way it will get abandoned! :D
Name: Midoriko reviewed The Morning After on Jan 08, 2005 09:24 am

Author's Response: Thank you :D
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed The Morning After on Jan 06, 2005 09:59 am
*squee* I reviewed at HPFF but I had to review here as well (cuz I like this site better.. lol). An excellent story and I'm glad to know that it will be updated frequently. :)

Author's Response: Thanks, this is a much better site! As it's already finished it's just a matter of uploading the chapters (which does take a bit of time considering the number of archives I'm posting to *g*)
Name: lalis186 reviewed The Morning After on Jan 05, 2005 09:05 am
This is sooooo great! Now I see why you haven't updated "Dragon and Angel", but I personally, don't mind.... just for this hillarious piece of art. This story has so much future (specially in your hands), so keep on with it!

Author's Response: I wrote this last year (it's complete) so it hasn't interferred with Dragon and Angel in the least, just the holiday season got it the way of the next chapter for that one. I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D
Name: Q reviewed The Morning After on Jan 05, 2005 02:33 am
oh gosh. this is frightening. except I should think that Arthur wouldn't act like that, it's rather strange. I mean, it's all right for her brothers to point wands and mutter about killing Draco, but her dad?

Author's Response: Well Arthur has just found Draco, naked, in his daughter's bed - his reaction isn't going to be rational. And this is the same Arthur who was brawling with Lucius Malfoy in Flourish and Blotts in CoS. So we know he definitely has it in him.
Name: emvee reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 06:05 pm
what a hoot!! i laughed out loud. i hope someone comes to dracos rescue (ginny!!) and helps everyone see reason. keep going.

Author's Response: I'm sure Ginny will attempt to rescue him but will she be successful? Her father is pretty riled at the moment ;)
Name: Soleil reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 03:46 pm
Wow your definitely one of my favorite authors, and I'm happy to see a new fic up! This is hilarious! hahah! I can't wait till the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you!! It's already complete so I'll be posting a chapter every few days ;)
Name: Onylin reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 03:32 pm
*gasp* A new story! I'm so excited!:P You are definitely one of my favorite fanfic authors, I can't wait for more chapters (as long as you don't forget about Dragon and Angel)!

Author's Response: Thank you!! This fic is complete (written last year) and don't worry, I can't forget about Dragon and Angel - plot bunnies won't leave me be ;)
Name: Dex reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 02:05 pm
This is just... I'm at a loss for words. This fic is hillarious, you have to post more. Now. Please... I'll give you a... I don't really have anything of value... Please get more up soon

Author's Response: Thanks so much! It is complete and the chapters will be posted every few days *because of the time it takes to post them all at once to the various archives* I so glad you're enjoying it :D
Name: Anna reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 12:15 pm
Oh. My. God. This was hilarious... Poor Draco, I can imagine that wasn't exactly the way he had wanted to wake up. I hope you'll post more chapter soon!!

Author's Response: Not exactly what he'd been planning to do the moment he woke up but... There will be more in a day or so :D
Name: Citrus587 reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 09:14 am
This story was quite amusing. I'd hate to see what the men in my family would do if they saw me in the same position as Ginny, and there's on 3 of them. Draco was in deep doo-doo just because of the sheer number of Weasleys. Hope he and Ginny got enough of each other... lol

Author's Response: Draco is in it up to his neck! We can only hope that sanity prevails and the Weasley men don't do anything Ginny would regret *g* Otherwise she's going to be left a little wanton ;)
Name: swimchick1614 reviewed The Morning After on Jan 04, 2005 06:45 am
That was so cute! You really should keep going on it! I want to see what happens to draco =)

Author's Response: It's continuing! I couldn't leave Draco naked in front of Arthur's wand, who knows what he might do ;)
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