Reviews For Caught
Name: detlefren reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Aug 03, 2007 05:56 am

Author's Response: *grins*
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jul 26, 2007 07:24 pm
But if he loves her... it shouldn't matter... *huggles him*

Author's Response: It shouldn't, but... Well there's always a "but" *g*
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Feb 11, 2006 01:27 pm
Draco loves Ginny *grins* He's so cute when he's defending her.

Author's Response: He does, but somehow I don't think Lucius thinks it's cute ;)
Name: Tinnidawg reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jun 14, 2005 12:58 am
Poor little Draco (grins wickedly). First being paraded around Naked; then having to face Lucius's and Snape's scorn; the meeting with his mother on his mind ('cos Snape reminded him) and getting married and/ or facing the Weasley's. Great plot bunny. Tinnidawg

Author's Response: Thanks! It was a wicked plot bunny that simply wouldn't leave me alone ;) Draco does have a lot going on at the moment and all he wants to do is run away or something :D
Name: Lady_D reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 11, 2005 02:56 pm
I love it very cute pls update soon

Author's Response: Thanks :D
Name: pinksunryse reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 11, 2005 12:03 pm
*giggles* I love it!

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: rembrandt reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 04:48 pm
What? The story's done? Just like that? was such a great story too...

Author's Response: It's finished but I've not posted it all yet - there's ten chapters in all plus a future cookie :D
Name: Rose reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 03:47 pm
lmao This story is the funniest I have read in a long time!

Author's Response: Thanks :D
Name: Betz reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 02:50 pm
WHA-?!? No more chapters? ACK! Post more soon! This fic is more addictive than herion-laced, crack-enhanced cigarettes. Please update soon. Pretty please, with Draco on top?

Author's Response: With Draco on top?? Can't resist that - it should be updated sometime tomorrow :D
Name: Betz reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 02:48 pm
Have I said how delightful this is? Can't wait to hear Ginny's reaction to this! And then Molly's!!! My word, this is funnier than I could imagine.

Author's Response: Thanks! Ginny and Molly are coming up and they certainly react to the decisions made without their input. :D
Name: Laurels reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 02:06 pm
I love this fic! I am interested to know what Draco really feels about Ginny. She yelled at her father that she loved him and Draco defended her to his father. But Draco is also horrified to be marrying her, but I guess that is because they are so young.... The thing that caught my attention (and a litle late) is that Ron asked Draco where he slept last night in the first chapter, does this mean they have become friends or that they knew about D/G relationship? Though I doubt that because then they wouldn't have hunted him down so fiercly.. But in any case I am loving this fic, it is really well written and a lot of fun to read!

Author's Response: He's only horrified because he's so young and, of course, it will be a forced marriage not one of their own choosing. There is or was a friendship between Ron/Harry/Draco but they didn't know about Draco and Ginny - you're right they would've hunted him down :D
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 01:29 pm
This just gets more and more interesting. I'm looking forward to Ginny's reaction to all of this lol

Author's Response: Thanks, we'll definitely see Ginny's reaction and Molly's!
Name: Dex reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 12:12 pm
Hee hee, I can just imagine the Weasleys thinking up ways to kill Draco. Keep up the good writing.

Author's Response: I should imagine they wouldn't have to think too hard ;)
Name: Funnykido reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 10:56 am
Wait wait wait, I realize it still may be a bit soon in this relationship for marriage, but he said he LOVED her! So why is he being such an a** about marrying her? Shouldn't he at least not be mad or anything about it? Maybe even a bit relieved, or something?

Author's Response: But they're only 17 and 16! It's not that he wouldn't want to marry her, eventually but the idea at this age is terrifying :D
Name: Mg! reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 09:50 am
Lol. Loved how Draco defended Ginny a bit. Can't wait to read what happens in the next chappie.

Author's Response: Thanks, well he had to defend her after all he does love her ;)
Name: meeaz reviewed I'm Sorry Father on Jan 10, 2005 08:41 am
This story is absolutely brilliant. I was laughing so hard at the antics of the Weasleys and poor Draco, naked and alone. Question: does Draco not wanna marry Ginny because I thought they were in love and all that jazz? Awesome story!

Author's Response: Thanks! Neither Draco nor Ginny want to get married - they're only 17 and 16, respectively, so it's a scary step :D
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