Reviews For Caught
Name: detlefren reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Aug 03, 2007 06:04 am
OMG! This chapter made me both cringe and giggle.

Author's Response: Thanks :)
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jul 26, 2007 07:31 pm
I love the expression at the end there.. and the needle in the embroidery! Priceless!

Author's Response: Thanks! Narcissa just puts it so eloquently ;) Poor Draco will never again touch his mother's needlepoint ;)
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Feb 11, 2006 01:40 pm
I think that was more cruel than any punishment his father could have thought up. Talk about embarrassment!

Author's Response: And he did it to himself *pats Draco* Mothers are not meant to see there after a certain age *nods*
Name: Tinnidawg reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jun 14, 2005 01:15 am
Draco must really be wishing he was dead. That was a great idea with the needlepoint. I also loved the way you wrote Narcissa. Great work. Tinnidawg

Author's Response: Death has crossed Draco's mind more than once *giggles* I still don't know where the needle idea came from, it just appeared! I find Narcissa most entertaining to write :D
Name: Lady_D reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 15, 2005 06:40 am
THis is sooooooo cute. Love the way you have portrayed Cissa she actually has a brain instead of just saying yes no and being a snob and always cowing to Lucius. Poor Draco and Ginny pls. update soon

Author's Response: Thanks! Cissa is a strong woman who's not about to be walked all over by a man but she's subtle in her revenge - she knows exactly where to hit Lucius to make it hurt the most :D
Name: meeaz reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 11:27 am
hehe the poor malfoy men and that needlepoint ouch. so amusing i loved the part where lucius ended up in trouble with narcissa. i

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes Lucius is in a world of trouble and she will make him pay for it! ;)
Name: Anna reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 07:45 am
Aaah, the humiliation... Poor Draco. If I had been a guy, I would've prefered death as well. LOL It was funny as hell, though. I absolutly loved it. Hope you'll update soon!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Yes death does seem preferable in some circumstances ;)
Name: rembrandt reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 04:42 am
oh my...a needle...stuck in his...bwahahahahaha! priceless! I never thought I'd actually enjoy a HumiliatedDraco, but I really am! great story, can't wait for the next bit!

Author's Response: Thanks, HumiliatedDraco is such fun to play with and no one can humiliate him quite like his mother ;)
Name: Blondhunter reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 03:30 am
This is by far my favorite chapter. The dialogue between the characters is hilarious. I can't even stop laughing and cringing at the same time. Draco's response to Narcissa when asked what he was thinking is perfect, "that everyone is doing it" that is so much like an adolescent. Blame it on peer pressure. Well, soon enough they will have to grow up fast and it will be so much fun to watch the ride.

Author's Response: Thanks! I had so much fun writing this chapter and I still giggle at it now when I reread it :D
Name: swimchick1614 reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 02:41 am
OMFG!! a needle AAAAHHHHH that would hurt so bad *tear* poor ginny and draco getting all this grief from their parents update soon

Author's Response: Yes it would hurt, I was almost cringing for him as I wrote the scene ;)
Name: Laurels reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 14, 2005 01:03 am
Another brillaint chapter. The needle insident to funny for words... espacially seeing he stuck himself... a nice little inuendo. I love Nariccas outburst and Draco standing uo for Ginny. I am glad Mrs Malfoy is going to get on with it, and now she has her husband to go after instead... I am sure that will be interesting! Great chapter, I can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks! Poor Draco did get quite a battering. Narcissa is quite subtle in her vengence and she knows exactly where to hit Lucius ;)
Name: Betz reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 13, 2005 06:57 pm
(Howls with laughter!) Oh my God, that was hysterical! If I was a man, I would be cringing, holding all my important bits dearly, but since I'm not a man, I can laugh wihtout reservation about this. You are evil, pure and simply evil, with a capital 'E.' I would think Narcissa would have her pillows cleaned after Draco's unseemly use of them - possibly burn them. And I'm surprised Narcissa let him teabag the couch (That's going naked on it - think of the scrottie bits as the bag...sorry, that sound was me falling on the floor laughing some more). Perhaps she can just have the whole lounge set incinerated. Oh my! Well, it's interesting to see how alike Molly and Narcissa are, initially totally against it, but logically - if not - resignedly accepting of the situation. Will be MOST interesting to see how they interact. Would be even funnier if they both gang up on the bride and groom together. And Draco having his bits handled by his mother. Oh, I don't know why, but the humiliation of Draco Malfoy can sometimes be the most amusing read there is. Can't wait to see how the shopping for clothes will go. Part of me wants to see Draco married in a potato sack (Cackles loudly at the visual image). And Ginny, if she is stuck in pink or orange robes, I think I'll get a hernia from laughing too hard. Aw hell! Don't wait a couple of days to update, update tomorrow! This is by far the most squee inducing WIP I'm reading right now, as I know I'll be laughing my ass of for most of it.

Author's Response: Thank you!! It's quite amusing the joy torturing Draco can bring to those of who love him ;) I don't think the house elves will be able to get that couch clean enough for Narcissa's liking! And don't be too sure about Narcissa's acceptance of the situation ;)
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 13, 2005 06:51 pm
Another stunning and hilarious chapter (was there ever really any doubt?). I enjoyed this one particularily. Looking forward to more. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! I think this one is just about my favorite chapter - I had such fun writing it :D
Name: MistysDawn reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 13, 2005 06:37 pm
I wonder which hurt worse: the needle or his pride? lol

Author's Response: I think his pride may be permanently damaged :D
Name: Embellished reviewed The Dangers of Needlepoint on Jan 13, 2005 06:35 pm
I have been enjoying this story, but this chapter had me laughing out loud. I am looking forward to whatever comes next.

Author's Response: Thanks, it was a lot of fun to write :D
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