Reviews For Caught
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Wedding Plans on Jul 26, 2007 07:35 pm
I love that Ginny is concerned about Draco being injured. I think Narcissa rocks. I just am enjoying this reread immensely!

Author's Response: Poor Ginny had no idea something had happened to Draco until Narcissa raises the issue. Narcissa is having much fun at the moment *g*
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Wedding Plans on Feb 11, 2006 01:43 pm
Poor Ginny, her whole life is passing before her eyes. *pats*

Author's Response: She really needs to look to the future, it'd make her smile ;)
Name: Tinnidawg reviewed Wedding Plans on Jun 14, 2005 01:36 am
I just love the way you have written Narcissa. SHe is pure evil and genius simultaneously. I love the way she is making Lucius pay (in more ways than one hee hee). I could also feel Ginny squirm with Narcissa pontifcating on Draco plausible performance or lack of it at the wedding night. Great work. Tinnidawg

Author's Response: Thanks! Narcissa is making the most of the situation and she knows exactly how to get her husbands attention ;) Ginny would have happily disappeared at that moment *poor love*
Name: SlytherinsWench reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 18, 2005 11:45 am
I adore what you've done with Narcissa, she manages Lucius so well. :)

Author's Response: Thanks, Narcissa knows exactly how to handle Lucius and how to punish him most effectively :D
Name: sweetproserpina reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 18, 2005 10:57 am
yay! keep going, I've been enjoying this story.. in all it's terrible embarassing moments, esp. for poor Draco! I'd love to find out what Draco and ginny think about all this. Looking forward to the next chappie, - sweetp

Author's Response: Thanks! Draco and Ginny are pretty much just going with the flow at this point but they will have a conversation concerning what happened to them :D
Name: emvee reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 18, 2005 05:02 am
this is a scream! love your narcissa..i laughed thru every chapter! keep going.

Author's Response: Thanks :D
Name: nani51 reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 08:27 pm
omg that 'proformance' convasation must have been awful for ginny if i were her i would be trying to kill myself with a pen. infront of his parents and hers too pure embaressment

Author's Response: Narcissa's timing was a tad off there - the least she could have done was wait till they had a moment alone... *g*
Name: meeaz reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 11:53 am
haha poor lucius! And ginny as well, having to be told of her "relations" with draco in front of her family and future in laws! hehe! Awesome job!

Author's Response: Poor Lucius, Narcissa knew exactly how to make him hurt the most. Ginny is about to expire from embarrassment, she might not make it through the next 24 hours *g*
Name: twinkle8791 reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 11:07 am
*snorts* I absolutely LOVE what you have done w/ Narcissa's character. It's pure genious. The coversation she has w/ Ginny about Draco's performance was hilarious. I could feel Ginny's shock and embarassment. I can't wait until the next update!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Narcissa is very crafty. Poor Gin didn't know what to do... :D
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 09:14 am
Another great chapter. I can't help but wonder if Potter will be at the wedding and what his reaction will be, along with Hermione's... Hmm... Interesting.. lol I love Narcissa in this chapter. She's absolutely wonderful lol

Author's Response: I'm sure an invitation has been sent to both Mr. Potter and Miss Granger ;) Narcissa is seeking revenge... ;)
Name: Betz reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 04:31 am
SQUEEE! An update! You know, it's not prudent of me to read this while the rest of the house is still asleep. Oh GET him girl! Yes, make him pay in more ways than one. I like hos you killed two birds with one stone with this chapter - Nacissa's revenge and the wedding preparations. Well, I guess Draco doesn't get a stag party and Ginny doesn't get her hen party...unless you have something planned. Poor mortified Ginny. God, this is so funny on so many levels, I can't explain right now. Oh, please post the next chapter soon, like night?

Author's Response: Thanks! Narcissa knows how to exact her revenge in the nastiest possible way. Draco and Ginny get none of the normal pre-wedding celebrations - there's simply not time. Glad you enjoyed it :D
Name: Laurels reviewed Wedding Plans on Jan 16, 2005 03:18 am
OMG this chapter was fantastic! I loved Mrs Malfoy, she hates this wedding but is going to make her husband pay! its simply brillaint. And the converstation about Draco performing, I nearly fell out of my chair, that woman is evil or brilliant I am not sure which. I can't wait for Ginny and Draco to meet each other again... The pair of them must be so worried and unprepared.... I wonder what happened in the study? but anyway this chapter was brilliant!!! I am deprate to read the next chapter!

Author's Response: You are very clever! Narcissa is a very dangerous mix of evil and brilliance. Lucius has now earned her wrath and is going to pay for his naughtiness in a way only she can make him *eg*
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