Reviews For Caught
Name: hellogoodbye reviewed Are You Ready? on Sep 20, 2011 02:40 pm
I love the part about the "frequent Apparation pops of the house elves" and you totally nailed Lucius in my opinion. the "Very well, I shall rephrase the question. Are you dressed?" was spot on.
Name: detlefren reviewed Are You Ready? on Aug 03, 2007 06:16 am
This plot has such a good flow. You're never bored but it's like you're actually there.

Author's Response: Thank you so much :)
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Are You Ready? on Jul 26, 2007 07:40 pm
Oh come on really -- they could have moved into a bigger suite or something... LOL! Very fun. ;)

Author's Response: They could have, but that suite is plenty big enough *nods*
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Are You Ready? on Feb 11, 2006 01:46 pm
I'm sure that Draco just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it after all those conversations!

Author's Response: He very well expired from embarrassment several times *pats him*
Name: Tinnidawg reviewed Are You Ready? on Jun 14, 2005 01:50 am
Just wonderful. Really hilarious. Great seeing Lucius dreading Narcissa. Dumbledore's twinkling eyes and the conjugal visits was a touch of genius. Tinnidawg

Author's Response: Thanks! Lucius knows his wife is someone to be reckoned with ;) Dumbledore does have to take care of their special circumstances at school *grins*
Name: Ionaonie reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 19, 2005 02:39 pm
This is fantastic. I can't wait to see what happens. I really hope Draco and Gin are happy even if they have been forced into it. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks! There are side benefits to being married - they just have to work out what they are and happiness might abound ;)
Name: sweetproserpina reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 19, 2005 10:59 am
yes! please keep going, this is such a lovely, yet totally embarrassing for our main characters, story. lol! Dumbledore is just too sly for his own good! congugal visits! lol

Author's Response: Thanks! Dumbledore is way too sly for his own good - one wonders if he wasn't a Sytherin *g*
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 19, 2005 06:26 am
Okay - I have officially decided that I love this story. It's one of my favorites! I can't wait to see what happens for the two of them. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: neni potter reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 19, 2005 04:51 am
its really great! poor Draco... but poor Gin too

Author's Response: Thanks! They're really having a hard time of it at the moment :D
Name: Natasha reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 02:13 pm
PLEASE UPDATE!!! I must know what happens next.

Author's Response: Tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll post the next chapter :D
Name: Mg! reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 01:07 pm
You just had to stop there, didn't you? =P

Author's Response: Yeah, sorry... cliffies are evil ;)
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 12:26 pm
Another great chapter. Yay for the wedding! lol Looking for the next update (on both your stories ;) )

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: Laurels reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 12:23 pm
How could you leave me here?????!!!! I am so dying to know what happens next. The chpater ending there is pure evil.... but I guess I can forgive you seeing you have written one of the most entertaining fics I have read :D Best things in this chapter would have to be Mrs Malfoy again! That woman is awesome, and Lucius telling Draco if he makes hismother a granmother before she is ready no one will save him! That is simply too good. LOL. And congical visits! LMAO that was a great line for Albus, so like him too... crazy old headmaster At least next chapter they get to see each other, thank heavens... I feel so sorry for the pair of them, but I sense a happy ending, which is most excellent! OK I will stop rambelling now. I loved this chapter and I am desprate for the next, can we have it really soon Please?

Author's Response: Sorry! Cliffies are evil, aren't they? Lucius knows his wife well and if she were forced to admit she's a grandmother before she's ready to... well let's just say the child would be a fatherless only child *g* Dumbledore couldn't help himself, we all know how cheeky he can be ;)
Name: Lady_D reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 11:02 am
Are you finished??? PLEASE TELL ME your not finished. I love this story pls. pls. pls. continue.

Author's Response: It's not finished yet! There's 10 chapters plus a future cookie :D
Name: rembrandt reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 10:08 am
Bwehehehehe - "conjugal visits". Need I say more? lol - great chapter, looking forward to the rest of it!

Author's Response: Well... he's got to keep up with his 'husbandly duties' *g* Thanks :D
Name: Anna reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 08:23 am
This is a great story! I can't wait for the rest of it!!! I'm also a big fan of the Drake/Angel story too!!

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 07:44 am
fabulous... just like all the previous chapters. can't wait for more. as giggly as a schoolgirl

Author's Response: Thanks! :D
Name: Virginia reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 05:48 am
I've been reading this fic since the first chapter but didn't have the time to post a review, sorry! Just wanna say that I'm loving this fic! Really, LMAO so many times reading this! " Bloody hell, the old bugger is going to know every time we shag." at this point I had already spit out my cofee all over the keyboard...^^ Update soon! Luv ninia

Author's Response: Sorry, I should have posted a warning not to eat or drink *g* Glad you're enjoying it! :D
Name: Betz reviewed Are You Ready? on Jan 18, 2005 04:25 am
"Conjugal visits" I can't beleive you used the term. I was joking when I wrote it in my review, but somehow it is all the more funnier reading it in the fic. Makes it sound like prison. Where to start. THere is something about Nacissa that makes her more evil than Lucius and more frightening than Voldie, while scarier than an agry dragon. I know, it's her cool calm exterior with the knowledge of what that woman can do. And Dumbledore? Knowing everytime they shag? I don't knwo whether to shudder, laugh or feel sorry for them. And onto Draco's lack of food. Well, what's it to be? Lack of food or locking his knees in combination with lack of food that will make him pass out. I'm sure Ron will jump and hand want to help awaken him...with his fists. You are evil yourself for stopping here. Please, please post the next chapter as soon as you can as I'm squirming over here.

Author's Response: Thanks! I couldn't resist 'conjugal visits' - there must have been something going on at the time when I wrote this because I actually think the term is hysterical *g* Narcissa is so much more evil than Lucius. Dumbledore won't be the one knowing when they shag *evil grin* Ron will have to control his temper during the ceremony, Merlin only knows what Molly would do to him if he didn't... :D
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