Reviews For Caught
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jul 26, 2007 07:42 pm
Was it the Imperio?

How did her family not tell her? Serioulsy hating Arthur and his crazyness today!

Author's Response: Oh no, Lucius can be quite convincing without resorting to the use of Unforgivables ;) They didn't tell her, but they're not quite thinking straight at the moment.
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Feb 11, 2006 01:49 pm
I don't know why Gin is so upset. Facing a lifetime sentence to Draco Malfoy isn't that bad!

Author's Response: As she will come to realize, but she hasn't seen Draco since they were caught :(
Name: neni potter reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 22, 2005 05:56 pm
ohhhh poor Gin....

Author's Response: Gin lives! :D
Name: Dex reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 20, 2005 02:08 pm
Ahhh... Young love. :) I hope you can get more out soon

Author's Response: Thanks :D
Name: jchaser reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 20, 2005 01:55 pm
Oh my! I just found this story and it is incredible but I about died when there wasn't a next button on the bottom of chapter 9. Can't wait for your update. It's a great premise and wonderful writing!

Author's Response: Thanks!! There'll be another update tomorrow :D
Name: Natasha reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 20, 2005 11:40 am
I LOVE IT!! You must update soon. I really want to read more. UPDATE SOON!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Update should be tomorrow :D
Name: rembrandt reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 20, 2005 09:28 am
What a pleasant surprise to see that you've updated! I've had an absolute horrid day at classes, and trudging back to my room I felt that some fanficcage was definately in order. Once again - great chapter - everyone loves Bridal details of dress, hair, etc. - and involvement with Lucius as well! What more can we ask for? Am eagerly awaiting the next bit!

Author's Response: Thanks! Glad it brightened your day :D
Name: Laurels reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 19, 2005 11:22 pm
Go Lucius! I know that what he just did was probably very imoral but he did just save his son's life. Ginny might have been dragged to her wedding kicking and screaming by her father but the way Lucius did it means she will go alittle more calmly. I think he did the right thing in the end, to save his son and his family's reputation. What gets me is Arthur - he is being rather evil... this is his only daughter, but I guess he is of the opinion that once his daughter's virtue is lost she couldn't get married.. I just really hope he didn't do this for money, though I don't he did. Brilliant chapter, I can't wait for the wedding and hopefully a little peak into them alone together, I really can't wait for the final chapter!!!! I really can't wait, this has been a most amazing fic! Brilliant!!!!!

Author's Response: There's no way Lucius would tolerate any embarrassing behavior from Draco or Ginny. Arthur is a little stuck - he didn't think Lucius would accept the offer so he can't back out now but he's angry at himself for even starting this process and it's coming across as being evil or nasty ;)
Name: emvee reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 19, 2005 06:04 pm
i am sooo loving this fic!! ok, so ginny's freaking out about now which is natural. and she is only 16 which she agrees too young to get married. shes got molly and arthur for support, narcissa to get her to look great and lucius to give her a kick in the pants.... so what's happening with draco?

Author's Response: Did you read chapter 8? All that Draco went through before the ceremony is there and he's currently waiting at the alter, so to speak, for his bride ;)
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 19, 2005 05:21 pm
Ok, I'm pretty sure Lucius just did an Unforgivable - though no idea how. Even if I were marrying Draco (in which case, I'd be dragging my father down the aisle) I'd be creeped out if father-in-law-to-be did an Unforgivable. I'm really enjoying this so far. Great work.

Author's Response: Lucius has behaved himself as far as naughty spells go, so far. He's just very persuasive plus he did just tell her if she didn't marry Draco her family would kill him - just a little guilt trip for her ;)
Name: Betz reviewed I'm Not Going Through With It on Jan 19, 2005 05:09 pm
(Scrubs face with hands while laughing) Oh, this is just too precious! Narcissa is so, so, so -- vain just doesn't scratch the surface. Interesting bit about Ginny not being informed of the precariouslly mortal cause in the law if she didn't marry him. I'm waiting for Draco to faint next chapter, I can see it coming like a stalled car on traintracks with a freight train heading down the tracks. I'm sorry to hear that this is only 10 chapters long. Cause I don't think one more chapter will be enough to satisfy my need. Yes, once this fic is done, you MUST do additional cookies. The honeymoon, Ginny living with the in-laws, conjugal visits, the married witch having to sit it out at the Valentine's dance as her husband is not allowed on school grounds. If you need ideas - just ask, I'll pop on over to you LJ and leave them if you want them. I would be so thrilled to see a continuation of this story line.

Author's Response: I can just picture Narcissa standing in front of a mirror... "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." *g* Poor Gin wasn't told an awful lot, apart from the fact that she was to marry him. There's already one cookie done and it'll be posted on FIA only (due to very NC17 rating). I have one more bunny hopping around to do with their first Christmas together but haven't had time to explore it yet. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them (on lj) - the original bunny was only chapter one then my flist popped up with lines they wanted to see and ideas/attitudes for certain characters and I just tried to incorporate as many of their suggestions as I could. I'd love to do more cookies on this storyline - it's a lot fun to write. Thanks again for the rec on DracoGinnyFanFic - I'd had a miserable few days then when I saw your post my spirits really lifted, I'm so flattered :D
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