Name: emvee reviewed [none] on Jan 19, 2005 05:04 am
lots of potential. i like this a lot. i cant wait to see what you're going to do. looking foward to the update.
Name: Virginia reviewed [none] on Jan 18, 2005 01:42 pm
*Blinks* *look at the screem* *blink a little more* What! That just can't end up there!Not fair, it was so beautiful! And you are a really good writer, even with a few words you can make one imagne the whole scenario, the batles, the both of them together...And now I'm curius about where they are going to, if they will come back... You are evil for stoping it there...But it's ok, this piece of flufinnes (if somewhat angsty) put a silly grin on my face for the rest of the night! Luv Ninia
Name: sillysun reviewed [none] on Jan 18, 2005 01:34 pm
I would have said before reading this that 800 words couldn't feel complete. I would have been wrong. It was sad, it was sweet ... it was a lovely read. Thanks for sharing this.
Name: imelda reviewed [none] on Jan 18, 2005 12:21 pm
What a beautiful fic! I feel privileged to be the first reviewer. From the very beginning, the second sentence: "a serpent's hiss and a siren's aria." So beautifully put I could cry, honestly. I don't know how I liked Ginny being a killer, too, or whatever she had done (I'm a bit unclear on that), but I do like Draco being a traitor. I loved that they bonded over that. It was also great that, at the end, Ginny finally agreed to run away with him. The romantic in me thrilled to it. Thanks for posting this fabulous one-shot
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