Reviews For Solace
Name: Indiainksky reviewed Solace on Oct 02, 2007 08:17 am
Absolutely lovely story! Very subtle, and poignant. Great job.
Name: LadySalmon reviewed Solace on Sep 22, 2007 10:12 am
Really good, but you need to watch the grammar a little more. Öften if someone is asking a question you don't a question mark, and you also need to look at some of your yours. If you are saying you + are, it is you're. It is your if it is something like, your hair. You got me? Otherwise, very good.
Name: Nightmerr reviewed Solace on Jun 20, 2007 04:56 pm
I love it! Please update!
Name: Draco's_Special_Female_Friend reviewed Solace on Aug 19, 2005 08:39 am
Please write more, I really enjoyed the story and how you made the characters so open about their feelings. I especially enjoyed when you started singing Brave sir Robin...LOL. Just pretend I wrote 10 or 100, u decide,lol, reviews, pwetty pwease? *does puppy dog eyes*
Name: angeltoo reviewed Solace on Jul 28, 2005 01:44 am
If you received forty different reviews from the same reviewer, would that count? I really enjoyed this and want more!!!
Name: Silver Steam reviewed Solace on Jan 25, 2005 05:17 pm
i loved the way Ginny and Draco are coming really open with each other, i must ask you not to tease us all 40-50 reviews?
Name: emvee reviewed Solace on Jan 25, 2005 05:22 am
Well i'd like to contribute to the 40 or 50 reviews you hope to get. first off i love the depth of both characters. i think your character descriptions are very rich. i would like to see a sequel because i think you have lots of areas to explore with both characters as well as the plot. don't feel you have to wait for the alloted number of reviews before you pound out another story! if you feel the characters have more to say and the plot demands it then i, for one, would be happy to read it.
Name: imelda reviewed Solace on Jan 24, 2005 05:22 pm
Don't have much to say but you asked for forty reviews so I thought I'd contribute. I loved the ending!!
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Solace on Jan 24, 2005 12:56 am
Good shot, but for 40 or 50 reviews I think we should get at least two more decent sized
Name: Slither reviewed Solace on Jan 23, 2005 11:12 pm
That was very beautiful. I would love to see any add-ons you would have in store for this fic!
Name: talie reviewed Solace on Jan 23, 2005 09:14 pm
this was a nice one shot, i loved the ending! it would be great if you could add on an epilogue
Name: Shaybaya reviewed Solace on Jan 23, 2005 07:46 pm
Well, I got the ever-so-subtle hint. I enjoyed the way this was written. No, actually that's not strong enough. I LOVED it! It was really, very sweet. Thanks for this bit of fluffiness. It made me happy. I would be happier with an epilogue of some sort. :)
Name: meeaz reviewed Solace on Jan 23, 2005 04:50 pm
'...rusty statue of Tom the Tenacious...' found it hehe! i think! i hope! umm please add in the epilogue-they truly are my favorite; always bring in closure.
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