Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: Tanelle reviewed Author's Notes on Oct 05, 2005 09:47 am
Beautifully written. Well paced. Loved your story. Sequel please.

Author's Response: Thanks. I'll try!
Name: bblue reviewed Author's Notes on Oct 02, 2005 08:23 pm
Neat! It's not like the other stories which have happy endings. You left your readers thirsty for more. Brilliant! You also kept the characters original. ^_^ Like Draco is very Draco. Ginny is still that child we see. I noticed not a change in the attitudes. When will we get Book 2? =)

Author's Response: Time will tell. I can't rush book two. I'm happy you were happy with Draco and Ginny.
Name: another nameless person reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Sep 19, 2005 04:43 am
o my goooood how can you leave it like this? it's a wonderful real story and you MUST bring out a sequel. You know how good it is! it's the best DxG I've ever read!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Maelyn reviewed Author's Notes on Sep 14, 2005 05:19 pm
INCREDIBLE! I loved where you took the characters and the raw emotion that was shown. It was an incredibly moving, well-written story and I am so glad to have stumbled across it.

Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Name: Sarah reviewed Author's Notes on Sep 11, 2005 08:36 am
It's perfection, completely flawless. It's the most beautiful story I have ever read and it encapsulates everything that is Draco And Ginny. I love it. I love it so much. I'm going to print out as much as I can so I can read it whenever I want. Whether you continue it or not, it'll be one of my favourite DGs of all time.

Author's Response: It's not flawless, there's a few spelling errors my beta and I missed. Thank you very much though. I liked it too!
Name: Ana Sedai reviewed Author's Notes on Aug 29, 2005 02:38 pm
I heard that you were so disappointed with HBP that you were thinking of not continuing this story. I cannot begin to describe how sad I would be if that were your decision. I know there's a happy ending to this story somewhere, even if it's just in my overactive imagination. Even if the ending you had in mind isn't happy, I still want to read it. Unfinished stories make me sad, and not just because I'm frustrated, though that is certainly true. It's sad because I know authors regret leaving their work unfinished even more than the readers do. I want you to know that there is at least one reader would be more than happy to read the rest of your story. Please finish. Thank you.

Author's Response: Thank you for your support. I'm working on the sequel, right now.
Name: Alexandra reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 26, 2005 02:34 pm
-pokes- This is the best thing I have ever read! YOU HAVE TO WRITE A SEQUAL! This story brought tears of sadness to my eyes a couple of times, I kept prying to god I'd fall as hopelessly in love with someone but not share the same fate. I really really loved the story. You dont know how much becuase I really cannot explain how much really. There has only been one book that has brought tears rolling down my cheeks -a VERY good thing-. And it is Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews. Im sure you have heard of it. I really really hope you make a sequal for you have left us all in a gliffhanger that can leave us in a world of melancholy and despair. I think I have fallen in love with your story as much as Draco and Ginerva have fallen for eatchother.

Author's Response: *poke back!* Thank you.
Name: Caitlin reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 23, 2005 12:59 pm
I was very happy with the way this story turned out. I never really liked the sugar coated endings that happen in most of the ginny/draco fics. Also I was very happy that Draco stuck true to his characteristics even though he did change his point of view on things. Your story had a very good plot and it followed through with many different twists added into it to make it interesting...I really enjoyed how your story was filled with emotion. I hope you continue to write and post stories. I will definitely read them!!

Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Eight on Aug 21, 2005 04:51 pm
I love that your train scene echoes the one that actually occurs in HBP, as I'm sure you noticed. Even the idea of an unseen eavesdropper witnessing the conversation. Ten points for you.

Author's Response: Yes! I scored ten points!
Name: Molly reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 20, 2005 09:58 am
You've said that you are doubting writing a sequel to this bitersweetly brilliant tale due to the fact that you don't think you story would be realistic enough in light of the new release... I politely disagree (on the inside, I'm violently disagreeing). I'm sure a lot of D/G supporters, like myself, were infinitely disappointed in how HBP was written. I'm sure a lot of people were disappointed even if they weren't D/G supporters. I'm sorry it made your faith waver, but now - more than any other time - you sequel is COMPLETELY needed! I say this as a very selfish reader. Your story is such a world completely unto itself and has created a following (I am part of that!) that must be satisfied!! LOL! Really, though, you are such a talented writer and you made me forget some of the hideous nuances that JKR stuck in the new novel (no slight against her absolute genius, of course). And now, I beg of you to make me forget some more by drawing me further into THIS story. I've become so invested in your Ginny and Draco... and even Goyle, Pansy, Ron, etc... that I (and many others, I'm sure) need to know what happens next. The end of this has made me ache in a way no fanfiction has ever really accomplished - and that is saying something due to the amounts I've read over the years. So, I ask you as politely as I disagreed with you to please consider writing more to this beginning of a beautifully epic D/G tale. (I won't beg, I won't, I won't, I won't... oh, screw it... PLEASE!!!! =P)

Author's Response: Thank you Molly. I'm working on the sequel as we, write. I wasn't disappointed with HPB in itself, just the death of, well, you know who. I'm really glad she opened up a new side to Draco though! It means he won't be forgotten in Book Seven! I will keep your encouragement in mind. Thanks.
Name: Reader reviewed Author's Notes on Aug 19, 2005 12:21 pm
i just wanted to add unliek the other reviews bashing these characters, you may not have loved them. But you certinly kept them whole and raw and true. To me i think that was the biggest gift of all in this story, Thank you.

Author's Response: Thank you. I don't consider any of the reviews bashing though, just sharing their opinions. I didn't like my Hermione either, but she came out as she did, so I worked with it! It's funny how that works.
Name: Nikki reviewed Author's Notes on Aug 19, 2005 12:18 pm
It was wow. That’s really all I could get to come out of my mouth after I finished this story. For someone with your talent to be posting on a fan site was beyond my comprehending. And as the others said i was absolutely hypnotised, for the two long days i read this, and unlucky it rubbed off on my mood as well, also unluckily I can't stop thinking about this story. I was wondering if you could tell me, is your website going to be posting book two, and when and where do you think book two will be posted? from the pin's and needles I’m waiting on, Nikki D.

Author's Response: Book Two, *sigh*, I'm working on it. My website had to be put off a bit longer, because my wedding is taking ALL my money.
Name: kiiraena reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 17, 2005 03:38 pm
I agree with the two previous reviewers. I understand that HBP (icky H/G, evil *hisses*) left you with no real and sure way to write the sequel to this canon. But truly with a ship such as D/G (however yummy and good as it is), it is near impossible. I can make a guess and say that most people who hang onto D/G realizes that it can never happen in a canon situation and settle for it in fandom where our imaginations are allowed to fly in whichever way we wish and just for the fire and ice or the Romeo and Juliet situations, which are both quite appealing and universal. I implore you to go on with a sequel even though you have already said that you won't in hopes that perhaps you will change your mind *crosses fingers*. In anyway, your fic was never TRULY canon, just hanging onto the bare edges of it. You have created a whole world of your own while remaining in the limits of JKR's world. I don't know about anybody else, but that is good enough for me. This fic has held me completely and utterly captivated. I could feel their anguish so terribly clearly that it ached. In general, very intense use of imagery and all that stuff. And although that was a good way to end it, I'm sure there are many people out there who would like to see this fic continue.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I'll keep your words in mind. You're right. It was never really truly canon. Dumbledore's death really screw what I already wrote up though, ha! I'm going to have to rethink things.
Name: SS Felton reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 04, 2005 01:33 pm
I was browsing when i came accross 'before the storm' and i haven't been able to tear myself away! You write really well. And the last chapter was really wonderful... it has me yearn for more, and wanting to find out what happens next. PLEASE continue to write the sequel, I know HBP left you depressed... It left me (and probably all DG fans and lots more) depressed as well. I, however, am going to ignore the depressing, heartwrenching, DG-less, Draco suspicious book, and pretend that it hasn't happened. I'm writing as normal, though i still have to post my story. Please ::begging:: please continue. Don't let HBP bring you to a stop. PLEASEEEEE

Author's Response: I'm trying. I'm waiting for the new movie to come out. I need inspiration!
Name: aislinn reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Aug 03, 2005 02:51 pm
I know you've stated that you're not sure you should do a sequel since HBP came out, but i believe in your talent as a writer to work it all out. It can be done in canon. I'm sure there are several others who are encouraging you.

Author's Response: Thank you.
Name: gale reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Jul 19, 2005 04:12 am
aww that last line was real sweet...
Name: imelda reviewed Prologue on Jul 18, 2005 03:26 pm
But, Glass, you CAN'T mean that! Does it really bother you so much that the story won't be in-canon? I mean, fanon is inherently non-canonical!! That's the whole point!! Sigh. And (**Excuse me for the spoiler ahead**) I think that with the Draco developments we saw in HBP, your version is even more believable. Even with what happened to DD. Ah, well. Please don't give it up (pleeeeaaassseee), but if you do, could you at least let us know what you'd planned to happen? It's like, one of my worst fears is that JKR will get assassinated before she can finish the 7th book. Yes, yes, it's silly, but it's practically the same thing when a fanfic writer of a popular fic says she just won't continue. Sigh. That's life, of course, and you have every right to not write it, and I have no right to talk considering how I never update my fic, but...please, if you're even considering writing the sequels, do so.

Author's Response: Well, I'm still going to make the website, thats for sure. I see no harm in posting what I've already written, as well as the missing scenes from the first story. Perhaps I'll pick it up again... Its just so... so damned shameful. I adored Snape. He was my hero. I just don't want to upset people by saying 'oh yea, I'll continue... I'll continue...' and then not.
Name: Liz reviewed Chapter Eight on Jul 14, 2005 11:38 am
I just can't get over your characterization. I love your work with each and every character. Also, I think it's possible that Draco was meant to be good looking in canon, but the characters don't discuss it because he's such an ass and this takes away from his beauty. You know what I mean? Of course, this doesn't have anything to do with your story, exactly, just thinking. Anyway, great job.

Author's Response: I think Draco is a hottie. And if he isn't, then Tom Felton is WAY off right now. He's getting to be quite a gorgeous thing... That is, if he stopped shaving his head.
Name: Liz reviewed Chapter Two on Jul 13, 2005 09:47 pm
I have really enjoyed your story so far, and I just wanted to comment to say that I really enjoy your Ginny. the way I see Ginny in canon, is just as confused and shy as you portray her. Yes, she can be feiry when provoked, but I think your Ginny is a lot more believable than most in other fan fics out there. Also, I think you already know this, but your Draco is very in character. Great job.
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Jul 13, 2005 01:57 pm
aw so this is how it ends? its terrible...for ginny i mean....yet so disturbingly pleasant....

Author's Response: Thank you for all your reviews, Abby. I appreciate them. I'm glad you enjoyed the ride.
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Twenty-One on Jul 13, 2005 12:53 pm
OMG another amazing do u write such beautiful words? each word is like a gem shining gloriously! anyways u kno a song that would go really well with your fic? its called beautiful disaster by kelly clarkson. its like ginny singing it and saying that draco is such a beautiful disaster.....he is beautiful as she mentions in the story and is he is a slight way if you kno wut i mean...
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Nineteen on Jul 13, 2005 09:48 am
your style of writing is absolutely fantastic...the last part of this chapter left me feeling nervous...yet so very calm...
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Jul 12, 2005 06:48 pm
i love the way everyone predicts a storm; it is so romantic in a threatening kind of that made no sense...
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Jul 12, 2005 06:36 pm still slighty confused....does draco really love ginny now? or is he really still using he pretending very well to love her on the onside when deep deep inside he is using her for something else?
Name: abby reviewed Chapter Twelve on Jul 12, 2005 12:11 pm
my gosh. this is an awesome chapter. i have no words to describe how amazing it really is.
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