Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: Jacquie reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 30, 2005 09:38 am
I could only sit down to write a review a week after reading this story because it has stuck with me so much that I didn't think I could write properly until now. Basically, this story is beautiful. Utterly beautiful in every sense. For example, you even wrote Snape/Hermione a little bit, and that's a pairing I do NOT like. Yet, you wrote it in such a way that I actually accepted it and was interested in it. I am so unbelievably thankful and glad that you are writing Book II, because that is basically the only thing that kept me from staying sane after finishing Book 1. Imagine if that was the final ending! I would've felt like dying for awhile there. Stories like these are what keeps me reading fanfic - the ones that leave you feeling utterly spent and numb inside, but at the same time there's such a fierce passionate fire burning that the two clash, and you are left with emotions that you can't name and don't know how to handle. RfA was my favorite D/G fic, and this has nwo replaced it. RfA focuses a lot more on simply D/G (and it's ending is one of the saddest ever), and BtS has other characters with their emotions and their problems built in. I absolutely loved the Harry dilema - I have no clue what you have planned for any of this, but I am so excited for a D/G reunion. I am especially hooking myself onto Draco's words when he tells Dumbledore that he may never be able to marry Ginny, but he WILL have her. That pretty much makes my flippin day! What would be the best way to gain updates on the writing from you? I'd love to keep up with how Book II is coming along! Now that I've rambled on for ever, I just want to say this - you are brilliant.

Author's Response: Thank you very much Jacquie. I'm extremely awed by your review. You make me feel proud of my work. I'm setting up a website, actually, so I'll get that going and it will have updates. Or, you can e-mail me and ask, but I know some people don't like doing that because they feel intrusive. Whatever the case, thank you again.
Name: Amy reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 26, 2005 11:26 am
Man, I've already reviewed the entire story pretty much but I am back to review this chapter because seriously I cannot stop reading it. It is, without a doubt, my most favorite chapter of any fic ever. I just love how everything is brought together, and I love the parts about Blaise and Pansy and the end with Draco and Ginny. UGH YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT THREE MONTHS FOR BOOK TWO!!!!! P.S. I think I might be your fangirl, which is rather ironic.

Author's Response: Lol, my very own fangirl? That's awesome. I've always wanted a fangirl, lol! Anyway, thank you so much. I'm glad you stuck by me and reviewed. I appreciate it.
Name: Natasha reviewed Chapter Nine on Apr 25, 2005 04:33 pm
The ending was perfect. I love this story.
Name: Natasha reviewed Chapter Eight on Apr 25, 2005 07:47 am
I love this story!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: Mary Ann reviewed Prologue on Apr 24, 2005 10:25 am
So after hours of nonstop reading, I've come to the end of Book I. I can truthfully say that it nearly brought me to tears, which is quite a feat. The way you portrayed your characters was so REAL. You did an excellent job with the actions of the characters, making it so powerful and yet keeping all of the characters in character. I must have more and I wait (extremely impatiently) for Book II. Hope to see further writing soon, and congratulations on a marvelous fic.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. Its an honor to have affected you so much. You will, unfortunately, have to be patient for the sequel. :) Thank you again!
Name: emvee reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 24, 2005 09:34 am
OMG...look at me..i'm a balling mess...well...three tissues later now i'm able to sit down and write this review. what can i say that i haven't already said. for me the biggest shock was "end of book one" i guess i missed the part where you said this was a series. so now what? i'm hoping ginny is now more world wise. her single focus in life will be to throw herself into her studies and graduate top of her class. she will be armed with the strongest spells and charms. than she should find and bring back draco, even if it means taking on voldemort himself. i just want to say i think your a fantastic writer. if you have one, please add me to your email list because i want to know the second book 2 is out. you have such a talent for storytelling and you symbolism is spot on. please keep with your writing.

Author's Response: Sweetie, its okay. I like stories that make me cry! I'm honored that this fic affected you that much. I was saving the End Book One ending as a sort of cliffhanger, lol. I just thought it would be neat for people to see that and go 'what!' when they finished. Poor Ginny. She's grown. Thank you very much. I don't have an e-mail list, but I do have msn. Feel free to add me. I'm not on there a ton, but when I do come on, you can ask me how its coming, or, better still, feel free to e-mail me and I'll tell you. I do plan on starting a website, very soon.
Name: aria reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 24, 2005 04:44 am
I have to commend you, this story is AMAZING. I was a bit let down at the ending, until I realized it was only Book I. When do you think Book II is going to come out? I don't know how long I can wait, lol. Anyway, I loved the way you portrayed Draco, and I thank you for not making Ron a 2D git. :D BRILLIANT story

Author's Response: Thank you very much. Book Two... Hmmm... I would estimate three months at the least. I love Ron. I hate it when people just make him a jerk who zealously protects his sister without listening to anything but his overinlated sense of misguided justice. Nobody is that two dimensional.
Name: Amy reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 23, 2005 08:15 pm
Hot damn, this story was so beautiful. D/G is like, a guilty pleasure, a vice. Your Draco was so ...REAL and scary and sometimes utterly revolting, but that is what kept me reading because you're never quite sure what he was going to say or do next. I really, really love this story and am pretty sure it is my new favorite D/G fic, which says a lot because I praise Rising From Ashes to the heavens! You did a wonderful job, and I sincerely hope you write more on this story because it's ended so sadly that I don't know if I can bear NOT reading more!

Author's Response: Lol, I liked that... Utterly revolting at times. Isn't he? I'm totally blown away if you say this fic has replaced RfA in your affections. That really made my jaw drop. Thank you for such high praise indeed. I intend to write more, its already on the go, but I won't make promises because you never know what tomorrow brings.
Name: tudorrose1533 reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 04:54 pm
I agree with fallenwitch. This is definitely a new classic. I adored every minute of this story. Your imagery is precise and beautiful...your characterization is *spot-on*. And I just adore the story, especially the bits towards the end. *sigh* I anxiously await Book Two.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. A new classic? I'm not so sure, but thank you. I'm looking forward to book two as well!
Name: spider reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 04:22 pm
I can't believe that this part of the story is over already. You've been a marvelously quick updater - never leaving us too long without a chapter. And wonderful chapters at that. This was a beautiful, beautiful ending to Book One. And I'm looking forward eagerly to the next.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I actually had the entire story (except the epilogue) written, and then had my beta beta them. I didn't want to lose steam, you know? Thank you again.
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 03:45 pm
I wanted to mention that I am glad you ended this story with Ginny, even if she is sad and mourning, she is still Ginny, that naive, hopelessly in love, innocent girl and I think by ending it with her, you have given the readers (and by that I mean me!) hope that she and Draco will be reunited...with everything that went on in this story you left it open for the sequel, yet finished enough to stand on it's own. It was a splendid ride and I'm glad you shared your story with us. Good luck w/ graduation and have a great summer!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. And thank you for e-mailing me your in-depth reviews. I really appreciated them. They made me feel good. I liked to know where readers were standing. I think I made my opinion on ending with Ginny known in another review...
Name: Diana reviewed Chapter Twenty-Two on Apr 21, 2005 03:35 pm
This story was beautifully written and i thank you for sharing it with us. I was always eager to see it updated. I do hope you continue on with this saga as there are unanswered questions about the future of the characters. I'm also curious to see how you use the story of Tamlynn and Elaine to relate to Draco and Ginny. I have my own suspicions about that in conjuction with some of the things Dumbledore said to Draco but I'll keep them to myself. But I hope you do continue with this wonderful tale.

Author's Response: Thank you. I plan on it. There are unanswered questions. It will be interesting to see what I do with them. I don't mean to sound stuck up, I'm actually quite curious. I don't plan out plots. I just write, and see where it takes me.
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 03:30 pm
Well, I can't say I find the ending very satisfying, but that is clearly on purpose. And at this point I hate practically all of the characters. But even so, this is one of the best written and most compelling stories I have read, and I will avidly read the sequel (which I hope will come soon!). Thank you very much for the story. Please write more.

Author's Response: Hate all the characters?!?? Why?!?! Please share with me why. I'm completely blown away. I loved Draco, in all his nasty Malfoy ways. I loved Ginny for being a young, betrayed girl. I loved Blaise for his heartbreak. I loved Snape for his lonliness. I loved Ron for his loyalty. I loved Harry for his honor. I loved Hermione for her growing up. I loved Goyle for his subtle wisdom... I loved writing about them all! Please let me know why you hate them all...
Name: Kendra reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 02:30 pm
Wow, I can't really say much else. I've been enthralled with this story since it's 1st chapters and it just keeps amazing me. While I'm slightly disopointed with the last exchange with G & D. I couldn't see it any other way. And yet know and hope this isn't the end in this saga between them. I'm kinda relieved for the strange, yet humble understanding amonst the key players. Expecially somewhat with Blaise. I hadn't read this for awhile after the 17th or 18th chapter, but I felt it neccesary to comment on the ending of this story. Out of several previous stories this has been the one to draw emotions the most if at all from me (I'm a HR ok.. Hopeless Romantic) so thanks for the great storytelling and amazing visials. And hurry up with that damn sequal!

Author's Response: Everyone wanted a sugar-sweet ending, but it just wasn't meant to end that way. That's what Book Two is for! Joking, joking...
Name: Turris reviewed Prologue on Apr 21, 2005 08:43 am
The plot was well thought and language was good. The way you portrayed Draco was excellent. I don't like those fics where he after one kiss turns into a big fluffy puppy... However, I didn't like the way Ginny was. She was such a pushover. Draco could do anything and she'd forgive because of "love". Also the story had a couple of really clishé bits, such as Ginny falling off the broom. I don't like the way that scene seems to appear in every other fic. Otherwise great job.

Author's Response: Turris, Turris, Turris... Ginny wasn't a pushover. What exactly, did Draco do that she forgave because of love? The only truly cruel thing he did was push her into the bathroom. And where were these really cliche bits? The broom scene, I've only seen in two other fics. I'd like to know the other cliched parts, because I really worked hard to keep it original.

Author's Response: Hold on. I think my above reply sounded really rude, though I felt your review was as well. However, I will apologize. I didn't mean to sound so defensive.
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 21, 2005 12:56 am
And so a new classic is born... Thanks for the ride and one of the most amazing psychological portrayls of Draco I have ever read. Sequel? Did someone say sequel? I can only hope...

Author's Response: A new classic? Thank you kindly. I'm very pleased that you liked Draco so much. And for thinking that mine was one of the most amazing psychological portrayls you've ever read. A sequel is in the making.
Name: Maureen reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 10:15 pm
I'm tearing up right about now...This story is just so...powerful and wonderful...I just can't get over it. I am VERY happy though that this is being continued. I haven't had a very good past few monthes but reading this story always lifted my spirits. Do do do continue writing the next one or...I shall get my harpoon out...and er do some harpoon-like stuff with it...

Author's Response: I'm happy I could help you. It was a pretty depressing story, though, wasn't it? I hope you feel better.
Name: jiji reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 09:27 pm
omga. i feel...that we all need a sequel to this! hehehe :D

Author's Response: Time will tell. :)
Name: Darth Vader reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 09:04 pm
So sad! *tears in eyes* However, I liked how it ended. You did justice to Draco's character. YOU DID JUSTICE TO THEIR LOVE!!! At least Ginny knows that Draco left loving her. That why I liked this ending. However, I can't get this horrible feeling in my heart. RfA ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Gosh, it was sad. In all, the chapter was beautifully written. I can't wait for the sequel! A snippet would be nice, but I won't push my luck. ;) LOL! In any case, you did an AWESOME job with this story. It is one of the classics! BTW, you should post this story at other sites. Spread the love ... and heartaches, y'know. ;) Thanks for sharing this story w/ us!

Author's Response: Thanks. I don't think its RfA all over again... I read RfA a while ago. Its kind of a vague memory of the best fanfic I've ever read. I refuse to read it again though, because I don't want it to influence my writing. A snippet may be in the making. I'll either be starting a website, or a Yahoo Group. Wait a week or three and we'll see. Oh! And I'm working on getting it up on two other sites.
Name: Draco Luva reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 08:51 pm
I have been reading this story since it's first chapter was posted, and I have not reviewed before now. I wanted to save my comments for the very end. I love this story, it was beautifully written, you kept everyone in character, and it was so bittersweet. I waited everyday for this story to be updated, and after the first chapter I was hooked. I was lost in this story's heavy drama and emotion, and it has captivated me more than any other D/G story I have read, and i am very much hoping for a sequel. Thankyou for such a wonderful story.

Author's Response: More than any other? That's high praise indeed. Thank you. A sequel is in the works.
Name: Erika Skyfire reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 07:42 pm
I've been terrible about not leaving reviews before, but honestly, I think this story has really encaptured a true essence of Draco. He doesn't drastically change in a momentary time.. well, he does to Gin, but nothing to anyone else. That facade is still up, with all his family honor. Very well depicted. I wonder, is there going to be a sequal... noticed, end of book one? Only thing that irritated me was Gin's naive outlook on everything. But that only made her more realistic. Blah, I don't know, I loved it. Write more!

Author's Response: I was actually surprised that more people weren't upset with Ginny being as Naive as she was. In my opinion, Ginny was realistic because she was so naive. How many sixteen year old girls in love do you know that would see through the manipulations? I don't know too many, so I wanted to make her real. I'm happy you continued to read though, even if you weren't too pleased with her.
Name: Natalie reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 07:20 pm
dracoginny was the first and is the only ship I will read fan fictions from. and from all the ones i have read i don't think any has affected me as much as this one is definitely in my top 3. It's BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN and the last chapter had me crying. I hope there will be a sequel :)

Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Name: Meneloth reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 05:35 pm
Okay...that was amazing! I found myslef fighting the tears as I read the last chapter. You ended this story so well. I know that is was a sad, depressing end...yet it was the right end. You are a great writer and you have renewed my faith in the world of Fan Fiction. I hope to read more from you soon and good luck to anything that you may write in the future, though I must say, luck has nothing to so with it. You have a rare talent; you won't need any sort of luck whatsoever! Wonderful job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! That's so very kind of you! I've waded my way through a lot of fanfiction crap... So it means a lot to me to be considered one of the good ones. Thank you again!
Name: Pam reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 05:26 pm
Wow. You have purged me of all coherent thought. That was so beautifully written; so very sad but enchanting at the same time. I hope that since you stated this was the end of book 1, there will be more to come. ::sigh::

Author's Response: You write reviews exceptionally well for someone lacking coherent thought. :) If all goes well, there will be a sequel.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Twenty-Three on Apr 20, 2005 05:26 pm
omg omg omg omg! that was amazing and horrible and i feel so bad for the two of them. im soooo glad you are writing a sequel and my friends and I will be waiting for its arrival. you are an amazing author and this story is one of the best fanfiction stories i have ever read hands down. your ability to properly capture the character's personalitys, behaviors, w/e is amazing and im so glad you wrote this story. i never liked ginny as much as i did in this chapter. that was an amazing finish but i think im going to die if they dont end up together. who knows when they will even see each other again!! oh god well i could go on forever but i just want you to know that your fic is amazing and im so excited for the next one!!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you. Thank you for being such a faithful reviewer, to, by the way. I hope you are patient, because it will be a while. Before the Storm took me a year to write!
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