Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: Pam reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 03:57 pm
Awesome. The character development in this chapter was very well written. I like how you can focus on so many characters without the story being choppy or confusing. Great work!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Kendra reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 03:24 pm
What's with Hermione is she jealous? Oh an good goin' with the 'cliff hanger' in this chapter I liked how you had each main characters interpretation on life around them and what was to come. As for my interpretation on Harry. I draw my conclusion from the books. While he's the embodiment of the teen hero. He doesn't fully embrace it. As well as the fact that when Ron & Hermione seem to be at ends he seems to be the leveled head. And while when a young man is infactuated with a woman he can go to great lengths for her. I just believe Harry wouldn't be so... I don't know? Emotional. Holla Back!

Author's Response: Hermione? Jealous? Of what? Ron and Seamus? No, she isn't. It's funny, I draw my Harry perspective from the books as well, but, with a nice dash of movie Harry as well. I think Daniel Radcliffe did a wonderful job as Harry Potter. I think Harry has a lot of emotion, so much in fact, that he has a hard time keeping it under wraps. Book Five comes to mind.
Name: NM reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 01:54 pm
After this I'll be too scared to read the next chapter! It just screams "bad things ahead." Your fic is absolutley lovely. I've never seen such a relativley simply plot be so effectively written in Draco/Ginny fics. It's so realistic too.

Author's Response: I hope you aren't too afraid. Thank you! I'm happy you're happy!
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 12:29 pm
Oh, boy, what a lovely way to end the chapter. Except that it's so damn ominous. Last chapter Anise reviewed and said she thought that everything was going to fall apart, and I agreed with that, but she also said that nothing would end well, and I couldn't agree with that. I held firm in my belief that this could end well, for everyone. It so cannot. The tension in the last chapter--all those conflicts, all those angry people--and then the storm that arrived in this chapter. Anyway, since this chapter had so little D/G to distract me, I was really able to notice your writing skills; I loved the image Harry had of Draco like newfallen snow upon a puddle of blood. Also, the Pansy/Ron thing...yikes. I do see the sexual tension between them, now--like last chapter he was noticing her eyes, this chapter she talked about how his masculinity overwhelmed her, or something--but there is no way in hell anything could ever come of it. Too much sheer, unshakeable hatred. And then...there was Blaise. Oh, Blaise, I wish I could hold him and take him away from that world and do anything to make him lighter. Even if no one else does, let him, at least, have a happy ending. Though I suppose I want it so badly for him because it is so unlikely. Poor Blaise, who used to be so silly and naughty and really carefree, and is now so lost and weighed down. I feel the storm coming, too.

Author's Response: I'm sorry to have destroyed your faith in a happy ending, lol. I'm happy you enjoyed my writing style! As for Blaise, Ron, and Pansy, who knows?
Name: Anon reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 11:51 am
Aah this is right before the storm. It sounds like something bad will happen. I hope this doesn't turn into a depressing story I love it so far. I like your use of foreshadowing and the emphasis of the 'a storm is coming.' I hope nothing really bad happens like killing off one of the characters :(

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! And rest assured, we've already had character death, so we've covered that.
Name: Snow_White reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 09:31 am
I've read this story from the beginning, and I must say that it is shaping up better than anyone could've possibly dreamed. You're doing an excellent job- not only does your plot work, your use of language is exemplary. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Are you dreaming about my fic? Lol! Thank you! I'm very pleased that you're pleased!
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 08:53 am
I loved this chapter...All the players are lined up...we know (or think we know) where they line up. Everyone is tense and preparing for some battle (whether they know it or not), everyone it seems except Ginny...those moments with Draco were peaceful and relaxing... I'm with Anise, this can't end well, although I can hope, can't I?

Author's Response: Everyone is tense, save for poor Ginny, and, a rather mellow Draco at the moment...
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 08:51 am
What a glorious story you are weaving! I have just spent the entire day winding my way through this fic. I am overwhelmed by the elegant, complex, aching, accurate portrayals of Draco and Ginny. The best of any fic I have read. The plot is textured, taunt, and a page turner! There is enough angst, pain, and heartache to turn Lucius Malfoy over in his grave a few times. I am astounded by the redeeming acts you gave Lucius, killing Narcissa to save her from worse, sacrificing his life for his friend and traitor, and saving the life of his son. An extremely noble way for the old Death Eater to go. Complexity and layers really make this story so unusual. I will definitely be returning to read your new updates and re-read past chapter. Thanks!

Author's Response: What a lovely way of putting it! 'winding my way through this fic.' I really like that. I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I'm beyond pleased at such an extravagent compliment... The best of any fic you've read? Wow! I hope you'll keep reading.
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 08:40 am
Woo-hoo! Another great chapter. All the foreshadowing was very skillfully done. You know, I seem to remember you mentioning RfA (which has influenced us all!), and in some ways, I prefer your fic. (I was HIGHLY annoyed by the gratuitous, not-true-to-the-characters, frankly rather emotionally abusive H/G in RfA, for instance.) But if RfA had ever gotten Draco and Ginny to this point (which the authors apparently did plan out, but probably won't ever write now,) this strikes me as being the way their relationship would have played out. The problem isn't that Draco doesn't love Ginny, although he has a hard time saying. The problem is that he *does*. She would be safer, I think, if he didn't, and if he was just using her. This is one of the very few long D/G fics I've ever read where an unhappy ending would be not only believable but emotionally satisfying in a horrible way. I'm not saying that I think you're going to do it! OR that I want you to do it!! BUT... when a reader can say that, it means that the author is being very true to Draco and Ginny's characters. Because if they did have a relationship of some kind-- and more and more, I actually do see this possibility in canon-- there are 999,999 ways for it to end badly, and one way for it to end well. So the skill of the author lies in making either ending believable. Anyway... looking forward to more, as always...

Author's Response: Every time I get a review from you Anise, I'm tempted to let out a girly fangirl squeal. Thankfully, I restrain myself. RfA was such a beautiful portrayal of human emotions (Draco's and Ginny's) which is why I loved it. You are right about the H/G emotional abuse though. At times, I winced. The only think that truly bothered me about RfA was the author's arrogance. At least, that was the impression I got. They are unbelievably talented, nobody can doubt that, but the fact that they were well aware of it turned me off. RfA is the only fic by those authors I would ever read, and not just because it's their only D/G. Anyway, anyway, anyway... Goyle pegged it way back in chapter ten, I think. He said something along the lines of 'I feel sorry for her if he doesn't care for her. I feel worse for her if he does.' I can see D/G in canon more and more as well. I wish it could be so! Oh well, I'll just have to keep write my own.
Name: Cruelgirl reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 08:10 am
Umm the transistion chapter...nicely done!

Author's Response: ... Yamwam? Thank you, whoever you are.
Name: spider reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 07:37 am
You're such a fast updater! Anyway, I liked the motif of the chapter, the storm, and how each pair or individual character thought about it. It sort of seems like everyone is on the edge of something big that's just waiting to happen. Nice job.

Author's Response: I try, I try. I don't want to lose momentum. They are all standing on the precipice of something momentous, I think...
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 05:32 am
I love the storm imagery, and I can't wait to see what the "storm" means to each of the people mentioned in the chapter. I also love the subtelty of what Draco says at the end, and I can't wait to see more! This is definitely a top-knotch job in the land of fanfiction!

Author's Response: Ah, the 'Storm'... I can say no more. Thank you very much!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Apr 04, 2005 03:26 am
I love the structure of this chapter. It helps you set the mood perfectly. Now that all the players are lined up, I can't wait to see what happens when the storm breaks.

Author's Response: Thanks! This chapter was structured a bit differently to add a sort of voyeuristic quality. We're peeking into each individuals lives. I kept thinking of them in terms of colors, strangely enough... Ron/Orange, Pansy/Purple, Harry/Red, Hermione/Blue, Snape/Green, Blaise/Grey, Draco/Ginny/Black... Also, I wanted to contrast how everyone else is worrying and fretting, and D and G are just... Drifting.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 10:16 pm
Another excellent chapter...except things just get more and more complicated, don't they? I did not at all expect Blaise to act the way he is behaving; he's really falling apart, isn't he? I hope he can be helped. And Draco was, honestly, just as frightening. I mean, attacking Harry was understandable, but the valentines thing...that was just kind of abusive. And I don't entirely understand the mirror gift (it is 4:30 am, after all): whenever she looks at it, he can see her, is that it? Or he can cast a spell to see her from any mirror, but only if she's holding the mirror at the time? I'm just a bit confused. But I loved the chapter. I totally don't see the sexual tension between Ron and Pansy; I feel like people only see that because they're of different genders, but I think that the only emotion they share is sheer hatred. I am frightened for Ron's sake. I guess this whole chapter was just frightening, wasn't it? Can't WAIT for the next one.

Author's Response: Blaise *is* falling apart. He's a wreck. The Valentine's thing was going too far, which is why Ginny flipped out a bit. I think she deserved a bit of retaliation! As for the mirror, Draco can look through the mirror any time he pleases, but unless she's holding it, he's not going to see her... He's going to see, say, the roof, or a window, or wherever the mirror happens to be. I just thought that was kind of a funny quirk... Having such a sinister, intrusive spell be almost useless. As for Ron and Pansy, I was implying something, but I can't really say what it is.
Name: spider reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 05:36 pm
The last scene was my favorite part of this chapter. Ginny comparing the asparagus soup to wine was very funny. And the Pansy/Ron rivalry was great. The trick he played on her was well deserved, I think.

Author's Response: Lol, I love asparagus soup. I think it's interesting to note that they've got to a point where Ginny feels comfortable enough to joke with him, even though he doesn't really play such games.
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 02:57 pm
Yippee! What a great chapter. The threads of the plot are really starting to weave themselves into a pattern of things to come. No WONDER it's called *Before the Storm*. This CAN'T end well-- so many paths are leading straight to disaster. Pansy and Ron, and loose-cannon Blaise (does he know about Draco and Ginny?), and Harry suddenly hitting on Ginny, and all the secrets Draco has to keep... and, of course, the D/G relationship. THAT'S a disaster waiting to happen. Why do I have a feeling that it's going to have something to do with that mirror? Anyway, such a lovely mood in this chapter, really skillfully done... and, ahem, do you take well to a tad bit of constructive criticism? (opens thrown-rock umbrella) One thing that made this chapter work so well was the fact that you avoided something that's been an eentsy teensy bit of a problem in the last couple of chapters. The adjectives and adverbs have had a way of getting away from you every now and then. Now, that style of writing was very widespread at one time, and it adds rather a Dickensian effect, but it's too nineteenth-century for the rest of your writing style. It was MUCH less in evidence with this chapter. Just a bit of constructive criticism, and I wouldn't say anything if I didn't feel that this story was so good. Anxiously awaiting more.

Author's Response: 'The course of true love never did run smooth...' or something like that. I do take constructive criticism well, and I don't mind it at all. A Dickensian effect? I don't see that as altogether negative, lol. I'll try to watch out for it though, okay? I'm glad for your input!
Name: Donna reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 01:42 pm
I just wanted to let you know that someone recc'ed this fic to me a few days ago when I was moaning that i couldn't find any D/G fic that inspired me. She sent me your way and i have been absolutely ENTHRALLED ever since. This is an amazing story that hits all the right notes. You've written Draco perfectly, without compromising his canon characterization, yet making him your own at the same time. The same goes for Ginny, but I think it's much more rare to find a perfect Draco. You've got just the right amount of angst and romance, drama and humour. Fantastic job and I seriously can't wait until you put up the next chapter! Excellent excellent job! Donna

Author's Response: Someone recommended my fic? Wow! That's a wonderful compliment! Tell her thank you, please. A perfect Draco? Is there such thing? lol. Thanks though. I worked hard on trying to keep him as true to canon as possible.
Name: Brighid reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 10:56 am
Blaise is becoming quite the pivotal character - how will he keep his faith with Draco's merry band of Slytherins? Especially when Draco has Ginny to bring him back to the light, but Blaise is not as lucky.. keep up the excellent writing!

Author's Response: Poor Blaise... I loved his charming self at first, but he's getting creepy. Instead of love, I feel pity. Thanks!
Name: Canarielle reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 08:14 am
Kudos for your frequent updates! I like how you portray Goyle in this chapter - a shrewd confidant, and a loyally discreet one at that. He seems to be more than meets the eye, as do a lot of your characters. On another note, I can't wait to see how you continue the Pansy/Ron feud.. I know it's wishful thinking, but their relationship seems reminiscent of how Draco and Ginny started out. Also, I had to laugh at Ginny's reaction to Hermione's bitching (I'm rather tired of reading fics about the level-headed archetypal Hermione.. maybe it's just my mean streak, but I like how you make her fallible). Anywhoo, the plot seems to be thickening, Draco's becoming a peeping tom, Blaise (and Harry?) are looking kinda psycho - all in all, I like!

Author's Response: Draco needed a confidant. He needed a friend. Hermione is only human, after all. I think she has her limits, and I don't see her taking kindly to her only true girl friend sleeping with the enemy, especially one who has abused her so badly. She *is* wiser then some though. Thanks!
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 04:35 am
I have a question, do the Slytherins know the whole plan? I didn't think they did, but now I wonder. If they do, why not just tell them about Ginny? Darn you for writing a story that makes me think! LOL!

Author's Response: The Slytherin 'hierarchy', as in Goyle, Crabbe, Millicent, Pansy, and Blaise, know the whole plan. And Draco is keeping Ginny a secret for oh so many reasons... There is a bit of truth to the reasoning he gives Ginny, but moreso, he must keep her a secret because of politics. If the Slytherin's found out he was in love with a 'muggle loveer' when he's preaching to them about maintaining purist views and establishing the old ways for later generations, he'd be seen as a traitor... He's too dependent on their roles in the political scheme to let that happen.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 04:20 am
I have such a bad feeling that Pansy is going to make Ron do something he will regret (and not in a good way). Love your story (but you already know that!)

Author's Response: Pansy is such a bitch, but a lovable one, in her own, twisted way...
Name: lina reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 04:13 am
the meaning of the flowers reminds of that absolutely fantastic and oft underappreciated scene in hamlet where ophelia has gone mad and is "picking" flowers that represent similar things to what you've chosen and therefore exposes the darkness of the monarchy for all you have a head to see it. very cool detail.

Author's Response: Thank you. I adore Hamlet, and Ophelia. John Waterhouse's paintings often inspire me.
Name: Kendra reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 01:43 am
You did a great chapter and I'm looking forward to more. You have a wonderful nack for writting! So all said keep um comin'!

Author's Response: Hello again! (I think.) Good!
Name: Kendra reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 02, 2005 01:26 am
If Draco & Blaise went through the same situations. Then why hasn't Draco or Blaise tried to reach out to one another? And Blaise, I do like the slightly reckless side of him, but hope it's put to better uses and doesn't go beyond control. The only problem I see with the characters is Harry and how he's continously written. Love sick and now slightly vengefull. Whereas out of the rest of "The Trio" he's the one with the level head. Being what ginny needed him to be. Assesing the situation at large. Oh and what happend to VOLDERMORT! Is there going to be any closure or progression in Harry defeating him.

Author's Response: I think that they haven't reached out to one another because of the way they were raised. They're purebloods, aristocrats... Stiff upper lip and all that. It isn't their way. I truly don't see Draco trying to make an emotional connection with Blaise. May I ask why you see Harry's portrayel as a problem? He's a good guy, but he is frustrated with Ginny and he abhors Draco. He isn't vengeful, so much as determined. He wants to 'save' Ginny. He's ever the hero, however misguided. I'm interested in hearing your take on him. As for VOLDEMORT, he's around. Patience, patience...
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 01, 2005 09:39 pm
Wow! This is a really cute chapter that didn't make V-day all fluffy. btw, I went and looked up the colors of roses as I was reading, and it's interesting that the white roses symbolize both innocence/purity and secrecy, among other things. I found that ironic given that Blaise only knows half the story. Nice job overall!

Author's Response: I'm not a fluff fan... Okay, I may be lying there. Sometimes I like fluff... When I'm in a sappy mood, which is surprisingly often... But don't let that get around! Wow! Looking up the color symbolism of roses! Talk about attention to detail... I thought I would be the only one to notice. I'm glad you did!
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