Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Sixteen on Apr 01, 2005 08:53 pm
aw im excited that im the first to review. hehe. that was such a good chapter and so much stuff happened. im starting to feel a little sexualish tension between ron and pansy and i could be totally off but things seem to be heading in that direction. im a little scared of blaise and draco goes a little overboard with the jealousy stuff but its still super hot hehe. my favorite part of the whole chapter was, "I shall eat the cookies now." that was so funny and so cute! i like how draco and ginny's relationship has changed and i like the way they act around each other. im soo excited for more chapters but im prob not going to be able to read them until after this week cause its spring break and ill be out of town. ill be sure to review when i get back though :)

Author's Response: Draco's so pompous! I love him! I hope to hear from you when you get back, so enjoy your spring break!
Name: Jax reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Apr 01, 2005 12:27 pm
We read your replies!!!

Author's Response: Good! I read your reviews!
Name: sweetproserpina reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 31, 2005 04:58 pm
This chapter exceeded all expectations. It was incredible. The first section with Draco and Ginny, just incredible. I am overwhelmed with the emotion and the truth that emanates from the writing. I am looking forward to the next chapter, cheers, -sweetp

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I'm pleased that it exceeded your expectations. It was a pretty powerful start for a chapter. Very... Rocky.
Name: ser reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 31, 2005 08:37 am
I must apologize for not reviewing before. It's rare for me to come across a story that has so many wonderful factors. In face Anise and another author, Dracademented, have ever written a story that I feel stays entirely true to canon. I love the fact that Draco is so utterly in love with Ginny but not in a way that he fights it but in a way that he understands that he doesn't love her in a way that includes flowers and chocolates but in a way that means she will be entirely his and that he will never let another man touch her. It's a perfect Slytherin view and it fits with the few brief glimpses we've been given of Draco's character. I do love Ginny as well. She understands the way Draco sees her and that she is a pawn to him even though she knows he loves her. And she accepts that he is a terrible person and will not try to sugar coat that. That alone would appeal to me. Thankfully you've given us so much more. I do like the idea of Draco as Minister of Magic. I do think it could work. He will be someone that appeals to the Slytherin's and will no doubt be a strong leader. He was born to lead and I think that he will certainly keep the Wizarding world safe. I'm just worried about the outcome of the war now. To see what he makes of Dumbledore's words, whether or not he will take them into consideration and try to make amends with the Trio and whether he will make sure to keep Blaise and Pansy as allies. Do I sense a hint of Pansy/Ron? I won't ask you to comment on it but I do like the idea. It's a pairing that has been appealing to me recently. In fact I think if you could get Hermione and Snape to give into the obvious sexual tension between themselves Pansy and Ron could really work. I look forward to more of this and I'm overjoyed that it's complete.

Author's Response: It's quite all right. You've reviewed now, right? And as long as you've read and form an opinion, I'm glad. I'm very, very pleased that you like Ginny. I was worried people would not. She's very in tune with her emotions, and is very emotional. I think she's beautiful, and is filled with this... inner beauty, I suppose. As to Ron and Pansy...perhaps.
Name: Hummie reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 31, 2005 05:52 am
Ah, amazing! I don't even have words! Thank you for writing this story. It's beyond any other DG fiction I have ever read. Draco is in love with Ginny :D XD I feel really bad for Blaise. There are undercurrents of sexual tension between Ron and Pansy, which I find interesting. I think Hermione is . . . very IC. Poor Professor Snape, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeh! In love with Hermione and unable to act. Dumbledore was very smart in having Ron and Harry make a wand oath. I hate the thought of Harry interfering with Draco and Ginny's relationship. Boo to him! Anyway, fantastic chapter :)

Author's Response: Whoa! No, thank *you* for reading it! It wouldn't be anything without readers! What a huge compliment! Beyond any you've ever read?! Wow!
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 08:25 pm
Woah! I have to say that this chapter has topped off all others. There was hate, love, and intrigue...what more could a reader ask for. I love how even seemingly minor characters have some mysteriously important role (Blaise, Pansy, Snape, Dumbledore, even Ron). The D/G moments were, well, amazing, and I loved how you peeked into the lives of the other students as well. I have to say that the Hermione you've written is definitely not one of my favorites...she's being very close-minded, and kinda bitchy. I liked that Ron stood up for his sister against his best friend. It seems like a lot of fics do the opposite...but then where's all that familial love everyone talks about? Can't wait to see what happens to Blaise and the dark plot lines that are going to come into play soon. You've just done an amazing job at interweaving so many emotions into all the characters and given them so much depth...Wow!....Awsome job!. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!

Author's Response: I totally feel that Ron would stand up for his family, rather then turn his back on them the moment times got tough, or they made a desicion not to his liking. He may be hot headed, but he has a big heart. Hermione does as well, and right now that heart is bruised by betrayel. She's reacting out of anger, which I feel, not only is kind of warrented, but is in character. She's a growing woman, and she's strong, and proud. However, no matter how mature she is, she's hurting right now. As for Blaise... Ah... Blaise...
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 07:46 pm
WOW!....(silent pause) THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! im so glad draco finally told ginny how he felt and i love how the plot continues to thicken. i didnt realize the plan with draco was as complicated as it is but its brilliant. he would be awesome for the job because he has such control over people. i hope draco listens to what dumbledore said about ties and such because it will really help him. i like that ginny has become so important and that everything links to her in a way. hermione was kinda bitchy in this chapter but i liked the little bit with snape. im sooo excited for more chapters and this story is sooo freakin good!

Author's Response: Thanks! Hermione is going through a tough time right now. She feels betrayed.
Name: malfoy's twin reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 05:52 pm
Ok first I loved this chapter. Though for some odd reason I would love for a angst ridden Ron/Pansy pairing. And I hope everything for Ginny/Draco. Hopefully Draco catches the meaning of what Ginny could mean to him as well as paying the other "players" in his situation. One thing that struck out to me about the other chapter & this one is that in neither was mentioned of a form a contraceptive when Ginny & Draco were *uh hmm* getting together!

Author's Response: Ok, first, good. I'm fan of Ron/Pansy, but I can't say whether or not this has much R/P in it. It's still on the fence. Oh, and the contreceptive... I was assuming that would take away some of the romance. I was hoping people would assume it had been done.
Name: Pam reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 05:24 pm
I just can't get over how freakin amazing this story is. I absolutely adore it. I can't believe Draco told Ginny he loved her!! I would be swooning now, but he had a bit of an evil undertone to it. But who am I kidding, I love evil!Draco, too, so ::swoons:: And poor Blaise! So sad. I like how we finally learned a bit more about the master plan. Draco as the new MoM and the politics and what not. Not only do you write the characters with amazing clarity and personality, but the plot is intriguing as well. Awesome!

Author's Response: Evil!Draco is so sexy! I'm very pleased with the political intrigue and how it turned out. Thanks!
Name: Losa reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 04:56 pm
A disturbingly good chapter! The butterfly-button incident was just plain creepy - it gives me goosebumps. Great foreshadowing (it is foreshadowing, isn't it?)

Author's Response: You noticed the butterfly scene? I thought for sure people would comment, because it's so dark! I loved it. Thats Draco encapsulated, right there.
Name: fickleficklemuse reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 04:18 pm
Draco is not going to break up with Ginny is he??!! Because that would be terrible...Draco Loves Ginny, Ginny loves Draco:-) Don't mess it up please! Nice chappie btw, very enjoyable

Author's Response: Lol, mess it up? I can't mess up my story... It's already taken a path of its own, and is complete. You've just got to play the waiting game.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 02:55 pm
Oh, Dumbledore, why are you sad? Boy do I have a lot to say. OK to begin with--Dumbledore seemed a bit cold in this, didn't he? He spoke of Ginny and Draco so...categorically, I think the word is. Or calculatingly. I mean, you can still see the fond patriarch-ness in him, but he was a bit calculating. And the list he gave Draco of all the different "players" was a bit stilted. But when all's said and done, Dumbledore is a tough character to write, and you did a terrific job. I particularly liked the mini-scolding he gave Draco at the end, because he was absolutely right. Of course, I'm always worried about what Draco is going to do in response to such things. He's such an unpredictable fellow! Much different from canon--and that's meant as a compliment. But....Draco as Minister of Magic!!!??? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! OK, enough of that. What else? The romance is just killing me, just so you know. I hope we get more jealous Draco, because Blaise is growing very interested in Ginny, isn't he? I know I shouldn't wish for such a thing, because Draco could be verrry dangerous, but don't we all love angst? Oh, and I wanted to compliment you, also, on your writing: the great thing is that you could break off any segment of this fic--particularly this chapter, I think, or at least here's wher I noticed it--and form a complete, beautiful one-shot out of it. Like the 7 days it took for Draco to tell Ginny he loved her (I love her reaction; very unexpected!), and the scenes where they're together, and I don't remember what all else. But it just shows how closely you pay attention to every detail and every scene. It's a pleasure to read!

Author's Response: I love coming on here and seeing your long reviews. I really do. I look forward to it. I think Dumbledore has to be cooler sometimes. Rest assured, he cares, but he is a strategist as well as the headmaster. He has a lot on his shoulders, and he needs to think in terms of the wizarding world, not in terms of one girl's emotions. Cold? Maybe so. Wise. Always. I think Draco would be a great minister! He's charismatic, influential, powerful, and ambitious. He's leader material. Draco is dangerous though, you are on the mark there. And I'm going to take a moment to bask my ego in the glow of your compliment, because I did pay attention to every detail. Every word, every detail, every moment, was agonized over just so. It was a wonderful experience. All right. I'm done basking.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 02:47 pm
So much going on in this nice long chapter! Without giving anything away I will just say: The Golden Trio need to mind their own business, Dumbledore ROCKS, Blaise needs a hug and can we see more of Pansy and Ron (those two are killing me!LOL).

Author's Response: Lol, you'll just have to wait and see, Ballasol67.
Name: Maureen reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 02:36 pm
Yet again, you astound me with your writing skills. Reading this chapter I am completely blown away by your story writing. You are truely talented. No need to tell you to keep up with the good work because you always do such a wonderful job with this. This story is a very dear one to me.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I am glad this story has made an impression on you.
Name: Silent Reader reviewed Chapter Fifteen on Mar 30, 2005 02:16 pm
I love the fact that you update this story every day. Or at least what seems to be every day. I love it and I can't wait for tomorrow to come just to read the next installment of your story. Yes, my life is that non existant at the time being. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Every second or third day, actually. And your life isn't non-existant! I bet it's just wonderful!
Name: Cady reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 30, 2005 03:33 am
Whoa! That was absolutely great chapter! So intense. Every time I come here, I check if you've updated.. :) Keep updating, this is great!

Author's Response: I will update every two or three days. I have final college exams coming up VERY fast, so I might be a bit preoccupied. If nothing else, it will just mean I won't be replying to reviews for a while.... Not that anyone reads these replies anyway.
Name: Jax reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 06:49 pm
*drools* What will Draco do now?? And will Ginny figure out that he loves her? aaahhh the drama... =)

Author's Response: Gotta love the drama...
Name: Pam reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 05:49 pm
::dies:: That was fucking brilliant. OMG. So good and intense and yay!! He's finally admitted to himself that he loves Ginny, though I know it won't be an easy road from there. Really awesome work. You rock :)

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: SweetMeltingIce reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 01:19 pm
amazing i loooved it!! I am so into it.. keep on the amazing work. But what was that scene with Neville?

Author's Response: Neville is just a friend. He was just stopping by to say hello. Come on... He's zero competition for Draco.
Name: fickleficklemuse reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 12:55 pm
yes! Finally!!! I was starting to fear for our dear little lovers. I have to congradulate you on such a lovely story. It is simply one of the very best. You would not believe that I was up pretty much an entire evening reading this until I was squinting because my eyes were blurred. I could not put it down. Draco here is true to form the Draco in JKR's books. He is totally IN character is simply steals my breath away. NICE JOB! and KEEP UPDATING.:-):-)

Author's Response: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your kind comments. I will continue to update.
Name: CatiannaGranger reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 05:16 am
That was an amazing chapter! This entire story has been completely brilliant, but this last chapter was wonderous! It definately tugged at the heart strings a little bit. You are doing such a great job on this story and I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: sillysun reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 29, 2005 02:49 am
I really should have reviewed before now to tell you how much I'm enjoying this story. And this chapter, especially, was just amazing. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you've decided to leave a review.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 10:20 pm
All I have to say is finally. It's the chapter we've all been waiting for, and it was beautiful and tasteful. Very, very good job. I'm assuming we have some conflict to deal with the form of Blaise Zambini?? Again, AMAZING chapter...if anything, for the poetic love scene.

Author's Response: You really can't wait for Blaise, can you? He'll be around, he'll be around. I'm glad you liked the poetic smut, lol.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 08:05 pm
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. ok now that i got that out, even though the chapter was really short i guess in a way it had to be because it was like they had to take that first step, get it over with in a way. i actually like crabbe and goyle in this story which is a definite first and it's interesting that harry is so mad now that ginny likes draco. the scene between them (draco/ginny) was simple but really sweet but im a little scared for ginny and what this will mean for her. draco seems to be a really intense person so i cant wait to see how things go. whoo hoo for more chapters!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! He's very intense... He borders on madness sometimes, I feel.
Name: tudorrose1533 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 06:25 pm
I believe I'm going to be sorry I stayed up so late to read this, come tomorrow, but for now I'm very, very glad. Your story is amazing. It keeps Draco IC the entire time, and gives refreshing portrayals of the other Slytherins, particularly Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode. Ginny is a bit too...childish for my tastes, but she's very well written anyway. Not that I'm knocking your view of her--you're entitled--but your Ginny is very different from my Ginny, and, for that matter, most other Ginnys, which is another reason I find this fic so compelling--you manage to keep the characters IC and still make them stand out from the Dracos and Ginnys of other D/G fanfic. I am enjoying the Hermione/Snape on the side, although I ship Ron/Hermione, because it's intriguing. I wouldn't mind a bit more, actually...I also like your honest versions of Ron and Harry--they're still themselves, but much more 3-D than they are in the majority of D/G fics. On this chapter in particular...well, I am glad Draco has finally come to his senses. I wonder what will happen next! I also loved the sex scene, which was beautiful and I can picture perfectly. I am a bit surprised at Ginny actually getting up the gumption to go to him, but pleased nonetheless. All in all--incredible story, and your writing is superb. I'm a Grammar Nazi, quite frankly, and I think I found two mistakes, tops, in all fourteen chapters! Your style is beautful, and your word choice is excellent. Can't wait for more. :-)

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I'm glad I didn't disappoint a Grammer Nazi. I couldn't have done it without my beta though. She's amazing. I'm certainly pleased that you like my prose. I'm very into description, lol, and some people are... not.
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