Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 05:36 pm
Oh! That was absolutely breath-taking! One of the most beautiful sex scenes I have ever read. Wow! On a much more mundane note, I really like your characterization of Goyle. That he is both more intellegent and more compassionate than expected is really quite refreshing.

Author's Response: I'm glad you like Gregory. And thank you for the high praise about the sex scene. I was worried it wasn't 'smutty' enough for smut, but it was more for the emotional then the physical anyway.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 04:40 pm
Yes! Yes! Yes!! No I'm not joining in, I'm cheering because he's in luuuuurrrrvveee!!! Sorry, I feel all squee-y and girly right now. I know that his realization is going to lead to a lot of complications, but I am too excited to care. For now, anyway. He loves her, he loves her, he loves her. Teehee. Sorry. Anyways, so the chapter got really good when she went to see him. I thought the sex scene was excellently done--so sweet--and possibly the best part of the chapter, although Neville's cameo was pretty good, too. I'm a real sucker for a well-done Neville. I am not sure what the argument with Ron was for, though. Are we going to see repercussions from the rumors that Ginny's roommates will probably now be spreading? Oooh, I hope so, and I hope they come with lots of angst. Sigh. Thanks for posting, you made my night. Really, really.

Author's Response: Ron's scene was mainly to show that he's still involved, he cares, and that her choices affect him as well. I enjoy a good dose of Neville now and then. He's such a sweetheart... I'm glad I made your night!
Name: hallee87 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 04:04 pm
aww, that's sweet. you've got to continue soon!

Author's Response: I will, rest assured, I will.
Name: stormcloud reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 02:05 pm
I will second anyone who said that this story is inspiring a tad obessessive checking for updates. I am all frazzled waiting for what is up next. soon please...

Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Name: Laurels reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 01:33 pm
WOnderful chapter. Very stupid of Ron to burst out what he did about Hermione and Snape, I have to wonder if that will bring bad repercusions latter. I like the fact you have made Goyle a little smarter on the inside than he appears. I think we all underestimate him and Crabbe, just like people do Neville and Luna. The scene with Draco and Ginny was brilliant. The fact there were no words made it all the better. And that he knows he loves her, well it made my heart do a little flutter. This was another fantastic chapter, I am loving this fic!

Author's Response: Words would have been too much, I believe. Sometimes silence is golden.
Name: madalene3666 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 01:13 pm
I have been following this story and am absolutely blown away by the characterization of Draco. Fabulous work.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Name: Mynuet reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 12:06 pm
Yeah, I really should leave a coherent review, like about how complex Draco's emotions are and such, but really what I want to say is "Woo, that was hot!"

Author's Response: Woo! All right! Cheers for incoherency! Seriously though, thank you.
Name: Wyvern159 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 10:37 am
Nice nice nice. I have been rabidly following this fic, and I LOVE it. I love and admire the way that you have Draco evolve in a way that...only his feelings for Gin change dramatically. Pansy is a good antagonist; a night to Ginny's day. I hope you don't have Blaise rape Gin or something...he's so nice and sensual (I like to think) in mine!! I can NOT wait to read the next chapter!!

Author's Response: Expect the unexpected from Blaise, but, don't expect *too* much unexpected.
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Fourteen on Mar 28, 2005 10:37 am

Author's Response: Thanks.
Name: emvee reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 27, 2005 02:41 pm
i dont usually read other reviews before i write mine but i must agree with jessica that i find myself obsessing about this story (i have no life!). it's a good book that i'm forced to put down. thanks for the quick update.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll try to keep the updates regular. Every two or three days, anyway.
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 27, 2005 10:47 am
Oh. My. God! I can't wait to see what happens next. This is such a canon-esque story, and I love it so. *hugs Obsessive!Draco*

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Jessica reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 27, 2005 09:42 am
This story has consumed me. I often find myself thinking about it in the middle of the day, and then I absolutely MUST find a computer to check if you've updated. Fabulous chapter. I can't wait to see what comes next.

Author's Response: I love that, that's so funny! Thinking about it in the middle of the day... That's how it was when I was writing it. It was 'oh my gosh I need to get to the nearest computer and finish that scene!'
Name: Hummie reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 27, 2005 07:51 am
Loved this chapter! I really enjoyed how dreamy-Luna noticed something is happening between Draco and Ginny. And Draco stating that he understood his father better than ever was fantastic. The way you write about Draco's longing and his obsession to consume Ginny is wonderful. Also, I loved how Ginny is very open with her family. There are too many stories with Ginny feeling left out and unloved by her family; it's great to see her as a young woman, confused about her feelings, in love, close to her family, and giving all that she is. I love that Draco didn't scoff the old cufflinks, but kept them in his jewelry box. And YAY! for hellebore! I'm wondering though . . . when is Blaise going to make his move? Oh, also, Draco's Slytherin friends' loyalty is fabulous. Makes me smile :) Amazing chapter, per usual! G'luck with everything and have a lovely day!

Author's Response: Thank you! Have a lovely day yourself! Draco is such a dark character. He's a shadow, despite his pretty looks.
Name: Luna reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 27, 2005 06:02 am
You have simply got to update ASAP! I am in love with this story. It's refreshing to read something so well written. In the words of P. Dumbldore, it's much like finding a galleon when you where looking for a knut. Happy writing, Luna P.S just between us, I think that Draco is full of floberworm poo, and IS in love with Ginny.

Author's Response: Thank you! The updates are coming. I don't know about the flobberworm doo, though... I think he's really quite convinced.
Name: AJ reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 26, 2005 08:26 pm
Your story is so addicting. Please hurry and update, or else Ill go bonkers!

Author's Response: Don't go bonkers! It's coming!
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 26, 2005 02:55 pm
You continue to amaze =). I thought the passage when Draco was standing atop the Astronomy Tower was really, really good. There was a lot of deep introspection going on there...You make the story so much more by giving all the characters so much emotion and it. So, Ginny's decided to become Draco's lover...and Arthur and Bill know about her affection for him...hmmmm.. This could definitely get interesting. I have a feeling that R rating is going to go into effect soon =). I loved that this last chapter was so's hoping for the next chapter =)...Love, Hugs and Chocolate Kisses

Author's Response: Thank you very much! You just may be, correct, by the way. And love, hugs and chocolate kisses right back at you!
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 26, 2005 01:07 pm
I think the Astronomy Tower scene reads better after your edit. I forgot to mention, I love Draco's rant... the one that ends with 'Merry Christmas indeed.'

Author's Response: I'm glad. I apologize for the confusion. Yea, he's a regular Scrooge, isn't he?
Name: torndeception reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 26, 2005 08:07 am
Gah! I can't wait for the next chapter! I read this all morning- from the time I got up to 2PM! Wonderfully written though there were some typos- such as them instead of then. ::eagerly awaits next chapter::

Author's Response: I went and fixed that typo, but I might have missed other ones. Thanks for calling me on it! I'm glad you're waiting for more.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 26, 2005 03:18 am
I am so torn right now...part of me wants nothing more than to kick Draco in the shins with pointy shoes and the other part of me wants to hug him tight and tell him it's all going to be okay. This was an absolutely great chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: libs reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 25, 2005 11:07 pm
i have been following your story and i think its about time i told you how much i love it. they way you have portrayed the characters is perfect i really like how you update frequantly and your chapters are long, i like that you keep the story consistent thanx for the great read

Author's Response: Thank you for sharing. I'm grateful for your review. I'm glad I've given you a good read.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 25, 2005 05:48 pm
omg omg omg! that was such a great chapter and you write so well. the weasley christmas was perfect and you characterize everyone so well, especially Fred and George. im excited for when ginny gets back and I hope everything goes well. this fic is turning out sooo well and im so excited for all the next chapters. i was also wondering why draco held out on her for the holiday (i dont want to reveal too much and ruin it for people who havent read the chapter yet but i hope you understand what i mean) :)

Author's Response: I understand you perfectly. I can't really say much, except, he's trying to do a better thing for her.
Name: Jacquie reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 25, 2005 05:42 pm
OOO la la! Forbidden love! Such intrigue, such drama... but what is Ginny really getting herself into?? Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 25, 2005 05:32 pm
I liked Bill. A lot. Ginny's easy confidence with her family is rather unusual for a person like me, who could never talk to her parents about such things, to read. But I won't say that it's not credible, since my best friend is exactly that way. Ooh, just a few things to comment on: the sentence about Draco being destructively in love was made by you, or some omniscient narrator, right? Definitely NOT by Draco? And also, what "time" were the Slytherins (great scene, btw) talking about approaching for Draco? I thought he'd spoken out against I just forgetting things? Lastly, I wanted to point out that great metaphor you used describing Draco and Ginny's first meeting--"his voice a screaming book." So excellent, and only appropriate for Ginny. Oh, I lied, one more thing: just a general comment, this chapter has me very, very worried. Draco's saying he would never let her go after she came to his bed, Snape's worry for Draco, the likeness between Draco's and his father's obsessions...Of course, in this fic Lucius isn't so clear-cut bad, but he's still evil enough for me to worry for Draco's sake. Sigh.

Author's Response: I think in a tight knit family like the Weasleys, it would be easy to confide in one another. I hope I've gotten their warmth and love to come across. I actually went and edited that tower scene a bit, because I never meant for it to say such things so... openly. It was supposed to be a narrator sort of thing, but I have edited it a bit now. The 'time' the Slytherin's are speaking of is supposed to be kind of foreshadowing, but it will become clear in later chapters. It's probably a good thing to be worried about Ginny... But only time will tell.
Name: tinkerty tonk reviewed Chapter Thirteen on Mar 25, 2005 03:53 pm
Let me say that there is nothing hotter that a possessive Draco. And the fact that he missed Ginny means he must be doing good on that ten step course "Learning to Cope When You Find Yourself In Love". He admits he's obsessed with her which instantly puts him on step five and now since they're (I'm hoping) going to shag each other's brains out in the next chapter or so.. that would at least put him on step seven or eight. Yet, during this all he remains in character. Still don't know how you do it, but it's perfect nonetheless. And since there is slight hope for smut in the next chapter or two, and I'm a confessed smut addict, I will really REALLY be looking forward to your next posts. Well now that I've rambled my way through this comment and given you the praise you deserve let me say that this was a great update, as always (you rarely dissapoint) and I will look forward to future updates. ;) ::tink::

Author's Response: Thank you as always... And the smut is on its way.
Name: emvee reviewed Chapter Twelve on Mar 24, 2005 06:11 pm
Where to begin. This is such a good story. First off, i am really enjoying the long chaps. Your story is meaty with strong discriptions and solid plot points. Next, I've enjoyed reading your discriptions of all the Syltherin politicing (is that a word?). I think you have the Slyth's down pat. I can very well pitcure them doing all these manuvers to get the desired effects. Finally. your D/G interaction is priceless. There is so much drama regarding this pair which is why i enjoy reading them. You have really put forth a very plausible explaination as to why nice-ginny would be interested in evil-draco. I cant tell you how much i love your draco character. You have him so to canon it scares me. I am so glad you remember how evil he can be. You ginny has ths subtle strength that works well here. I think she comes off smarter than draco when it comes to their feelings. I'm looking forward to a little more development of your Blaise character in future chapters but all in all i think the story is comming along very nicely. i am very looking forward to your update. speaking of which, while waiting for an update on your piece i happend to read "An ideal deatheater" by "sing to angels". thanks for the recommendation! what a fantastic piece.

Author's Response: Is it politicing? I have no idea. I really liked your 'so canon it scares me' comment, because I think Draco's pretty scary in this fic. He's an evil person. He's a *bad* person. But, even bad people fall in love, so I wanted to show what that would be like. I'm glad you're liking everything so much!
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