Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Four on Mar 22, 2005 03:08 pm
Oooh. Intense. I liked this Ginny a bit better; she had some personality and wasn't quite the emotional roller-coaster she has been in previous chapters. As for Hermione/Snape...teehee! Poor Ron. If that's what you meant when you mentioned us getting squicked out--I figured you meant more than just a potions project. This chapter was great (short? Or did time just fly?).

Author's Response: I'm glad I've restored a bit of faith with this chapter. I love Snape... I just love him.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 22, 2005 02:29 pm
What rot. Sorry, but I don't really see where that kiss came from. I don't understand why you keep making Ginny behave so meekly, so over-emotionally, when you are so faithful to canon in every other aspect. You even had the twins and Ron joking about how fierce she could be when called Ginevra (not that she even noticed when Malfoy did it), but we see no evidence of that in her behavior. Honestly, she's pretty annoying to read about. Sorry; that's probably the harshest thing I've ever said in a review, but it's the truth. I guess it's just that your writing is good enough that I don't understand this fault. better news...I thought the best part of the fic was Draco's sudden partiality, or whatever, to Arthur. I hope we get a bit more of that. Because, actually, Draco has kind of remained 2D. But again, as I said in the last chapter, maybe all he needs is time.

Author's Response: Imelda, I can take constructive crtiticism, but I do not appreciate the 'what rot' comment. There are politer ways to say such things. If I attempt to defend my Ginny, I'll be shouting myself hoarse, because I'm sure many people feel as you do. However, because you were the only one to really say anything about it, I will answer your comments. I wanted to portray Ginny as a girl, before she was a Weasley. I wanted her to be a sixteen/seventeen year old girl, and I think I've accomplished that. Ginny *is* strong, and she *is* brave. But, I wanted her emotions to come forth and show her inner workings rather then the face she shows the world. Fiery redhead she is, look at her reaction to Pansy if you doubt, but as I said before, she is using her heart first, not her head, and often, the heart leads us down very foolish paths. I suppose we see things differently. I don't see Ginny's personality as a fault at all.
Name: Hummie reviewed Prologue on Mar 22, 2005 02:20 pm
Amazing, amazing. I think this story is probably the best Draco/Ginny interaction I've ever read. I believe Draco's inner battles and jealousies. I see and understand Ginny's naivete and heartbreak. The anguish is thick, delicious and heady. I need and want more. I am enthralled by your fiction, and I'm going to MR now to see your work there! Good luck with everything and have a lovely day!

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks! I'm very pleased that you're pleased... But, I took down my ASMR fanfiction. I'm sorry! I wrote it when I was very young, and very silly, and it just wasn't up to standard. I'm glad you're enjoying this story though.
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter One on Mar 22, 2005 01:38 pm
Fantastic chapter. Your Draco is so unusually in character, for a fanfic. He's entirely as nasty as he is in canon--and I mean that in a good way, of course. Naturally we're going to see more to him, because we just wouldn't give a damn if there was nothing else, but because he's just been so traumatized he holds on to this 2D persona. I dislike him as much here as I do in canon, and I hope he develops. I'm sure he will, because your writing is very good. I do have to wonder at the behavior of the Weasleys...yeah, they're good people. But are they THAT good? And Ginny seems a bit too meek. Hopefully that'll change, too.

Author's Response: That good? I'm not sure what you mean. Taking Draco in? I think that *Arthur* is that good. I don't think Molly would have made the same desicion. And Ron is definitly not perfect. As for Ginny, what you perceive as weakness, I think I perceive as confusion. She's dealing with a lot of conflicting emotions now, and she's a young girl. I think she's awed by Draco, and is submissive because of it. She's using her heart, not her head.
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 22, 2005 08:54 am
I hated, hated, HATED Pansy in this fic. It was so sad when she killed the little garden (sniffy sniff...) I really don't care if she gets dropped off the Astronomy Tower at this point. (I'm working on my own little garden every day now, and that scene really got to me...) Draco is priceless. His emotions and reactions aren't arbitrary; they make sense, and so do Ginny's. The main thing I'm still wondering about is where Harry is in all this. Is he actually interested in Ginny at all? In all honesty, I doubt that he genuinely is. But if he sees her with Draco, I could see him showing interest in her again... in his own way, he's just as bad as Draco is.

Author's Response: I like Pansy. I think she's a good contrast to Ginny because she's so strong... Though she comports herself rather poorly. I think D and G's emotions are very human. We're all flawed.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 08:50 pm
Love it!!! Can't wait to see what happens with Blaise...maybe Ginny will try to return his feelings...Draco gets jealous...hmmm...the possibilites for your story are endless and I can't wait to see what happens next! Oh, and Draco reminds me of Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice a little bit =)

Author's Response: Mr. Darcy? Draco seems so utterly... evil compared to Mr. Darcy for me, haha!
Name: ale reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 07:25 pm
wow! this was a great chpater. your whole ff has been great but this chapter resally made me feel the battle draco is having. you have made draco's character believable and few ff are able to trasnmit the battle draco has about ginny. congrats

Author's Response: Thank you very, very much.
Name: Reader reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 06:10 pm
That scene between Draco and Ginny in the hallways was priceless.

Author's Response: The one near the greenhouses? I liked it too! ^_^
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 04:46 pm
This chapter feels like a volcano just waiting to have a great way of building tension. Pansy makes me nervous...I can only imagine the horror she will bring as a woman scorned! I am actually a bit anxious that Ginny will let slip the fact that the Weasley's are Draco's secret keepers. It's crazy how a story can just get under your skin. It seems like everyone has an agenda, except Ginny. BTW, loved the last paragraph.

Author's Response: Thank you, as always. Ah, sweet, fiery Ginevra...
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 21, 2005 12:25 pm
oh i forgot to say, i love the draco in this story and yes i do think he is a prat but i love him that way. i can't stand reading draco's that seem really out of character. and what i siad about hermione being more receptive had to do with the part in the fifth book where she explains to ron all what ginny is feeling when it comes to being over harry and her relationship with michael corner and alll that stuff. i completely have no problem with writers writing their fanfics the way they see things because that's what fanfiction is all about. so i just didnt want u to think i was criticizing. i love this story and i cant wait to get home everyday to check the updates!

Author's Response: Oh, no, there was no offense taken! I just wanted to try to show you my point of view so I didn't alienate a reader.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 12:20 pm
pansy is such a dirty bitch! whoo hoo for the new chapter and im excited for more. im interested to see what draco is planning...

Author's Response: Whoa! Pansy has her reasons, she has her reasons... I've been a jealous gal before, but I've never destroyed a garden.
Name: laurels reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 11:19 am
My fave thing about this story is Draco. I love the way you have portrayed him. The fact that he is looking out for himself and yet he is so torn. I love the complications that arise for him, no one's life is simple and I often find in fanfics that people make out Draco as being simple. The fact that you havn't makes me love reading this story. I also thought the line about Hermione and snape was interesting... I am a fan of snape strorylines and I can't wait to see what develops between him and Draco or even him and Hermione, not even romantically, but just as story. This is awesome!!!!

Author's Response: Laurels, Draco is my favorite thing too. I wanted him to be human, not two dimensional villan, so if I succeeded, I am pleased. As for Snape and Hermione... I admit I am a major SS/HG shipper... But I'm not showing my cards either way.
Name: Sarah reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 09:47 am
I really love this fic! It's very romantic, funny, and well basically brilliant. I think your characterizations are spot on and the plot is interesting and dynamic. I just wish Draco and Ginny would figure it out and get together! lol! Again I loved it, and please write more!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. They've got a lot of learning to do... What's that quote? The course of true love never did run smooth? Well, in there case, it's as rocky as a canyon.
Name: potterqueen89 reviewed Chapter Eleven on Mar 21, 2005 09:09 am
I love love love this story!!!!!!! Please let them get some kind of togetherness soon!!!!!!! I want them together!!!

Author's Response: I enjoyed writing it, so I'm glad you're enjoying reading it.
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 20, 2005 11:39 am
Well, then! This is turning into a more interesting story than I imagined. Well done, and I can't wait to see more of the twisted/canon-ish D/G romance! :)

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 20, 2005 10:34 am
At first I wanted to say poor Ginny, and I will with regards to her dress and hair, but with Hermione as a beauty consultant Ginny was doomed! I really think it's poor Draco in this chapter, alone and afraid to pursue his feelings toward Ginny...and I will also say poor Pansy...why would she waste her time with someone who doesn't want her (no matter how handsome).

Author's Response: Ginny's gorgeous whatever she wears in my mind. Hermione is very understated. Classy would be too generous a word, but dowdy is too strong... Shall we settle for understated, than? I feel sorry for all the characters in this story. Every single one.
Name: Losa reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 20, 2005 09:35 am
I like how Ginny doesn't stoop to using other boys to forget Draco or make him jealous. She really has matured from the beginning of the story. Draco, on the other hand... Another excellent chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you! Draco is growing in a totally different way then Ginny. Draco is a hoarder, I suppose. He's accumulating a power base and setting up a future. He's becoming an adult. Ginny, meanwhile, is still a teenage girl, being a teenage girl. Her growth is more emotional wisdom, I think. ^_^
Name: stormcloud reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 20, 2005 03:46 am
I am breathlessly awaiting the rest... I am in awe at the speed of your output and your ability to maintain the quality of your writing. Poor Draco needs a kick in the behind in order to wake up though I suspect that will be a while in coming. Keep up the good work. I am also rather pleased at your more evenhanded characterization of Ron and Harry – the two often come out as crazed in D/G fics… keep up the amazing work

Author's Response: I wish I could accept your compliment, but the truth is, I've been writing this story on again, off again for a good year. I started seriously working on it last June, actually, and the entire story is completed. It's just a matter of getting my beta through them and then posting them up. Yes, Draco certainly does need a good, swift kick... But I wouldn't want to do it. He's a scary guy.
Name: persona reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 19, 2005 05:36 pm
Ahh well at least Draco finally feel the effects of his actions towards Ginny near the end of the chapter. Honestly, I can't wait till this entire fic finishes. :3 The way you written Draco seems... so true and good. xD Well similiar as to how I see him as. ^^;;

Author's Response: Good and true, words that are never synonomous with Draco Malfoy. ^_^ I'm glad you are anticipating new chapters. I hope you can stay aboard. (There are 24 chapters in total.)
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Ten on Mar 19, 2005 03:36 pm
draco's a butthead and he kinda annoys me sometimes cause he's such a arse but thats how he is supposed to be. i know it probably worked better for your story this way but hermione isnt bad at understanding ppl's emotions. she's actually very good at it. i had sort of forgotten that too but i just re read the fifth book and its very evident she's good at reading other ppl. im excited for more chapters and to see how draco and ginny develop.

Author's Response: I write Draco the way I feel he should be written. As for Hermione, I've read the novels too, and I got the impression that she was good at reading Ron and Harry's emotions, not everyones. She isn't as close to Ginny as she is to Ron and Harry, though the two do seem to be getting closer. I didn't forget anything. I just feel differently. ^_^
Name: potterqueen89 reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 18, 2005 12:27 pm
It's wonderful!!!!!!!!! I really love the story and can't wait to read the next installment! Please update soon!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 18, 2005 05:16 am
I love Draco's torment in this chapter. But my favorite line is: "He was a whiny thing. All he did was cry and snivel." Hee-hee! How appropriate...

Author's Response: You've got to love Snape. He's wonderful.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 17, 2005 07:50 pm
I was THRILLED to find an update tonight! This had all the qualities of a great chapter, angst, drama, humor (Snapes comment was funny), smut...excellent job!

Author's Response: It took me a night to get the chapter up and running. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm glad that you're liking it!
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 17, 2005 06:03 pm
OMFG I love Draco - he's angsty! I can't wait to see more of this and see how this story develops.

Author's Response: Thanks. I love angst,
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 17, 2005 05:45 pm
that was awesome and im so glad he couldnt stop thinking of ginny. i love how she doesnt play into his mind games because she sees past that and while i know this ginny is naive i like her because she is still strong. i cant wait for more draco/ginny action and the bathroom scene was great.

Author's Response: Thanks! I loved the bathroom scene!
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