Reviews For Before the Storm
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 05:27 pm
this was a good chapter because i really felt like the plot was really beginning to develop and i always love the italicized words when you hear what draco is really thinking and the words of his father. i like that you havent forgotten to mention ginny amongst all that was going on and im excited for future chapters.

Author's Response: I'm glad you are enjoying the story still, blondie07. We mustn't forget Lucius. He's the reason Draco is who he is.
Name: Pam reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 17, 2005 05:04 pm
Wow. This is utterly intense. I love it oh so much :) I like how you write Ginny; people usually go with a fiery and quick-tempered girl but I like how you write her as innocent and naive. It works so well considering how you write Draco and horribly wicked and sexy ::saucy smirk:: And you've brought Blaise Zabini into the show! Yay! I adore him. And you've made him devilish as well. So many sexy Slytherins! How can a girl survive? Ginny's rather lucky, isn't she? Weaving in the politics and Draco's new role was very well thought out and I can't wait to see what else he accomplishes. Awesome job. I'm anxiously awaiting more :)

Author's Response: Horribly wicked, that's a good description. He is, isn't he? I'm glad you like a softer Ginny. She's a girl with deep emotions in this story, as opposed to a girl fighting love with the wrong person. You have to love Blaise. He's so charming... But don't love him too much. Draco is our man!
Name: tinkerty tonk reviewed Chapter Nine on Mar 17, 2005 04:24 pm
Once again, a fabulous update. I love the fact that Ginny is slowly being Draco's weakness, whether he admits it to himself or not. I also liked the scene when Draco was with Pansy, but was picturing Ginny. It was brilliantly written and just such great drama. You play it all out perfectly, but I have one question. Will Draco ever go beyond kissing with Ginny? Can't wait for more! ::tink::

Author's Response: That scene just wrote itself, I tell you. It was begging to be written. It just fit in with Draco's character so well. He's such a jerk. To answer your question... You'll have to wait and see. (insert evil laughter here.)
Name: Losa reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 03:14 pm
Orignal plot, interesting dialogue, and *flawless* characterization (you might be tired of hearing the compliments over and over again, but it bears repeating). You captured Draco’s persona in the canon so perfectly that it I’m reminded of the way he supposed to look in the books. Draco (unlike Lockhart or Cedric Diggory) was never perceived as good-looking by anyone, except maybe Pansy. I think you’d still have a great fic, maybe a better one, without Draco being physically beautiful. Still, I love how you depict Draco's “presence” among his peers.

Author's Response: I don't mind hearing it over and over. It tells me I did a good job on the characterization. I considered making Draco unattractive, but I couldn't do it in the end. I love gorgeous and sexy Draco Malfoy, even though he wasn't supposed to be that way.
Name: silvia reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 01:41 pm
I love the twist with Blaise and I'm enjoying Ginny being characterized as more innocent and naive then she is in other stories. It's part of this stories individuality and charm. keep up the good work

Author's Response: I'm glad you're liking this fic. I am too!
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 11:20 am
I agree with Elle Blessingway, this chapter was intense and I guess he's off Ginny for awhile (or is he?). You wrote Draco and the other Slytherins really well this chapter...and while I think Ginny is innocent, I don't think she is weak...not at all.

Author's Response: I really wanted to give the other Slytherin's a more human appeal, rather then the two dimensional 'baddies' they are in the real books. I just think that everyone deserves a deeper look.
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 10:52 am
I love Draco in this chapter--in every way the Slytherin Prince. I have to admit that after the fifth book, I don't see Ginny as naive or innocent at all, but I am willing to see where you are going with it.

Author's Response: Thank you. Give her time. She'll grow.
Name: judimatt reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 10:14 am
Hmmm. Ever the slytherin. I love the way you have written Draco, he's almost too powerful. But I really like it. I particularly loved his entrance. I could just see it in my head as it happened. I imagine lightning and rain beating down behind him. Oooh tingles. Please, keep writing!

Author's Response: You know what's funny? When I first wrote that scene, I pictured rain and thunder in my head (jokingly), but I knew it would be too much. I love tingles!
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Eight on Mar 17, 2005 09:23 am
that was a pretty intense chapter. Draco can't slip up now...that means no Ginny....riiiight. Well, can't wait until the next chapter. Keep up the good work!!

Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Name: Anise reviewed Chapter Seven on Mar 16, 2005 06:02 pm
What really interests me here is that at this point, neither Draco nor Harry is particularly good for Ginny. (Short break for the Happy-Correct-Grammar Dance. ;)) The problems with Draco as a romantic partner right now are pretty obvious, but Harry would be even worse. The only moment when he actually noticed her was when he thought (however vaguely) that she was showing interest in his rival. This is very true to canon, I think, where Harry doesn't really see Ginny, and Draco hates her, but sees her. The strange thing is that the more time that goes by, the more I actually see the very realistic potential for D/G in canon itself, although I don't think JKR will ever choose to go that way. In the meantime, we have stories like this!

Author's Response: Thank you very much Anise! Originally, the potential for D/G in canon was what dragged me into the HP fanfiction universe. There's just so much, well, potential, for these two, though Rowlings will never go with it. *sigh* Too bad. I'm glad you're interested in the story.
Name: Jacquie reviewed Chapter Seven on Mar 15, 2005 05:32 am
Lovely story! I really enjoy how you're keeping Draco in character - can't wait to see where you go with this.

Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Name: Cappucina reviewed Chapter Seven on Mar 14, 2005 08:45 pm
Was thrilled to see this story updated. Read it and Loved! your last chapter. At first, I thought your Ginny was too meak and spineless - but I still really enjoyed the story because you write everyone else so well. But, everytime Ginny has to interact with someone when Draco is not around she speaks her mind and can put people (well Ron) in their places. So, I think you've interpreted her, in this situation, brilliantly. Yeah, she has a developing crush on the enemy in the room next to her and she's become more observant and reserved than normal. But, I do have to confess....I can't wait to see if her awe of him (though it is sweet really) wears off before he tries to "break her."

Author's Response: Thanks. There's a tortured road ahead for these two.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Seven on Mar 14, 2005 06:37 pm
this was an adorable chapter and i like how draco gets all miffed at the end, he's such a drama queen hehe. im excited about more chapters and for some draco/ginny action.

Author's Response: Drama king, I suppose. He really is though. I can't imagine meeting someone like him in real life.
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Seven on Mar 14, 2005 05:19 pm
Harry adds a nice dynamic and I was happy to see the arrival of the twins (I believe they love to torment Malfoy). I don't think Ginny is subserviant either, I think she is young, inexperienced and falling in love...she (unlike Malfoy) will think with her heart first and not her head...and isn't that the way first love should be? I am beyond thrilled that you are updating on a regular basis and hope that this continues through the duration of your story.

Author's Response: Thank you very much. Don't we all think with our hearts first where love is concerned?
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 13, 2005 06:30 pm
Ooooooooooh, a twist I see. I always love a love triangle. I can't wait to see what happens, and if this blooms into a full-fledged triangle d'amour. :)

Author's Response: Gotta love the love triangles. So, so angsty and romantic. Remember though, I'm not a HP/GW shipper. Everyone, keep that in mind, lol.
Name: tinkerty tonk reviewed Prologue on Mar 13, 2005 04:10 pm
Wow. I have never read a fic that has kept Draco in perfect character.. but you portray him perfectly. The internal conflict between wanting and hating Ginny is marvelous and it's just so true to the book. Congratulations and I hope to read more from you! ::tink::

Author's Response: Thank you Tink, thank you very very much. I really appreciate you adding your thoughts here. I tried to keep Draco as in character as I could, while still trying to develop him as I thought he would. It's hard to keep a balance. Thank you very much.
Name: emvee reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 13, 2005 06:29 am
good good good. thank goodness your keeping draco in character. i think your story is all the better for it.please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I can't stand SuddenlyRedeemed!Draco or BadBoyinLeather!Draco or SecretlySensitiveSoulfulandJustMisunderstood!Draco. In moderation, these guys are fine, but when they're overdone, I can't stand it.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 12, 2005 10:24 pm
A new development with the arrival of Harry. Can't wait to see what happens with that and It's so exciting to see that you update so often...keep up the good work...!!!

Author's Response: I will keep the updates as regularly as I can. I'm glad you like the fic, and thanks!
Name: LLynnB reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 12, 2005 09:43 am

Author's Response: Thanks.
Name: blondie07 reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 12, 2005 08:08 am
oh dear god i hope she doesnt start liking harry if he makes it known that he likes her. he's such a tard and draco is so much sexier. i cant wait for more chapters!!!

Author's Response: ^_^ We'll just have to wait and see, yes? Draco really does have the sex appeal though. Harry's got more of a boyish, innocent charm.
Name: lolita reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 12, 2005 08:04 am
good that oughta make harry see what hes missing but then again he could never hold a candle to DRACO MALFOY

Author's Response: DAMN STRAIGHT! I love Draco.
Name: Dead reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 12, 2005 03:30 am
And so the love triangle begins! This chapter was really intense for me (it might have something to do with the really psycho music i'm listening too, but that's ok) and I really enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to know what Ginny's going to do now that Harry is really acknowledging her existence, and with Draco having just suffered another 'call attack'.

Author's Response: Hehe, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Psycho music can be add drama, lol.
Name: sweetproserpina reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 11, 2005 09:11 pm
please sir, may I have some more? lol. This is wonderful as always. Interesting how just when Harry takes notice, it's Draco that Ginny is concerned about.. hmm.. the plot thickens. Once again, love your Draco. You've built him into a great complex character. I can't decide to love him or hate him, but I guess that's what you want the reader to feel, his shift within himself from what he's been taught to mimic to what he does himself. looking forward to the next chapter, -sweetp

Author's Response: You've got it exactly sweetproserpina. I wanted Draco to be complex, and bitter and tragic... But something I wanted to come across, was that each character... Ron, Harry, Arthur, Molly, and most especially Draco and Ginny, are flawed, because we all are. I want the reader to be able to connect with at least one character, and say 'I've felt that way to. I've been there.'
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 11, 2005 07:19 pm
I don't think I could love your story anymore and then I read the best line EVER "...Draco Malfoy swept in".

Author's Response: Lol, ah, the drama...
Name: Alicia reviewed Chapter Six on Mar 11, 2005 06:41 pm
love it so far. I'm glad u update so often. I prob. couldn't stand it if you didn't.

Author's Response: Lol, well, I don't want you to pine, so I'll keep the updates as regular as possible. ^_^
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