Reviews For A Trying Breath
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter 3: To the Hospital Wing, Hogsmeade, and the Library on Jun 24, 2005 03:08 pm
Go, Hermione! Even though I am personally squicked out by H/Hr, I like the way your DG is developing...and that's why I'll keep reading! Plus, I'm really interested in finding out what is going on with Ginny, and what will happen next. Thanks for posting!
Name: ronlover reviewed Chapter 3: To the Hospital Wing, Hogsmeade, and the Library on Jun 24, 2005 03:01 pm
This story is amazing. You write really well. Keep up the great work! Update soon. Can't wait to read more. =)
Name: Ginerva reviewed Chapter 3: To the Hospital Wing, Hogsmeade, and the Library on Jun 24, 2005 02:41 pm
This. story. is. fucking. amazing. GREAT JOB!
Name: flipit reviewed Chapter 2: Revelations in a Broom Closet on Mar 19, 2005 08:09 am
oh, that's really good! please update soon!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 2: Revelations in a Broom Closet on Mar 10, 2005 04:33 pm
I like how you have brought Draco and Ginny together. It is somewhat reluctant, but also as if that it is as it should be. Their interaction really seems to work well. I am looking forward to seeing what else you do with the story!
Name: rembrandt reviewed Chapter 1: Visitors in the Dark on Mar 08, 2005 01:17 pm
ok, I'm so confused here... it seemed in the beginning that Draco and Ginny had a thing..but she forgot? or was encouraged to forget? and now he's acting as if they didn't have a thing? only another update can assuage my curiousity..

Author's Response: the meeting between Draco and Ginny over the summer was described in the flashback in chapter 2, where Draco remembers how he found Ginny in the alleyway. as far as him feeling anything for her beforehand...outside of any idle thoughts he may have had for her, i guess the rest is up to you...but the next update is coming soon anyway!

Author's Response: (btw, thanks a bunch for reviewing!)

Author's Response: My mistake! I had uploaded the second chapter, but didn't realize that it hadn't been updated yet. So trust me when I say things will make more sense once you read that. Sorry if I gave anything away in my previous response! :) Thanks again for the feedback, and I hope you keep reading!
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