Reviews For Quidditch
Name: Boogum reviewed The Furious Slytherin on Feb 25, 2010 03:20 am
I had forgot how short these chapters are. THIS is why your stories were always so addicting. They make me want more!
Name: Aurinko reviewed The Furious Slytherin on Aug 09, 2005 06:05 am
Your A/N was funny. I guess this PTSD thing does explain Draco's rather unnatural behavior (for Draco, anyway). And I do like the fact that you're very clear about how Draco's still Slytherin. (I dislike fics with Sappy!Draco. Snarky!Draco is much more fun.)
Name: Airmid reviewed The Furious Slytherin on May 29, 2005 02:54 am
Oh ! It gets better and better -which after the excellent first chapter I din't think was possible. Keep up the wonderful work.
Name: Lady_D reviewed The Furious Slytherin on May 09, 2005 12:24 pm
A litle short but like I said before I can really see Dracos mental problems very clearly. THis is a really interesting story so don't make me wait to long ok.

Author's Response: I agree. I'm posting two chapters together next time. Hope that helps.
Name: Wyvern159 reviewed The Furious Slytherin on May 09, 2005 10:14 am
I love this story! I think you've done an awesome job of keeping Gin and Draco in character so far. I think that it is interesting that the argument in the first chapter was considered solveable by a game of quidditch. I never thought of the game like that. Anyway, I hope that you explain what Harry and Ginny were doing up there! Keep going, you're doing an awesome job!

Author's Response: Your comment about the Quidditch game in chpt 1 was quite thought provoking to me. Great insight! Any desire to beta? Stay tuned for an explanation of the Harry/Ginny thing. Thanks for the review.
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