Reviews For Quidditch
Name: Alexia S Malfoy reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on Apr 10, 2012 10:41 pm
Awwwwwww. That sounds so sweet and adorable.
Name: opaque-girl reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on Mar 04, 2010 03:01 am
I loved this chapter =D
Name: Boogum reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on Feb 25, 2010 03:29 am
Awwww. Cranky, tired Draco is so cute.
Name: Dracoxoxo reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on Nov 09, 2008 10:23 am
omg wow yes this is awesome!!
Name: Aurinko reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on Aug 09, 2005 06:16 am
Wow, you sure got 'em into bed fast! j/k.
Name: Airmid reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 29, 2005 03:09 am
Ah Hem! Wow! Well that seems to have talken care of the problem - for one night at least! Really really good! I liked how you explained PTSD with a good mix of humor and seriousness. Thanks for writing this great fic.
Name: imelda reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 23, 2005 03:31 pm
Yay. I love Draco's voice in this fic; he's very ornery and it's quite funny. I also think it's great that he calls Ginny The Nightmare. As for them ending up sleeping in the same bed...I thought it was a bit contrived, but it certainly was cute that he finally got to sleep.

Author's Response: Point taken. Sorry that it felt so contrived to you, but I had to do it. As much as his sleep problems are Ginny related, and with her prominent position as his Nightmare, I felt the story would have been incomplete without some sort of bedroom scene. Thanks for your thoughts and your review!
Name: Shannon reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 19, 2005 02:14 pm
gotta love a cliffhanger...especially an adorable one with Draco not being a git!

Author's Response: Agreed. Thanks!
Name: Michelle reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 18, 2005 08:54 am
OMG!!! That last scene was sooo awesome. I can't wait till the next chapter. PLEASE update soon!! :gives big puppy dog eyes:

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks. It's already posted and up, just awaiting cabal approval. Check back soon.
Name: meag reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 17, 2005 07:50 pm
*sigh* maybe i should get locked out of my room, will draco come save me? great fic! love his inner struggle.

Author's Response: What a lovely review. I'm glad you're enjoying a look into that Slytherin's head. Don't worry. If you get locked out of your room, I'll send Draco right over.
Name: bellasol67 reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 17, 2005 05:37 pm
Poor sleep-deprived-making-him-crankier-than normal Malfoy! This was a nice chapter and I'm glad that Malfoy didn't toss the 'Nightmare' from his bed!

Author's Response: It took me six chapters to get them in bed together. I'd have to kill him if he did that! Okay, maybe just hex him into the hospital ward.
Name: stellar reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 15, 2005 06:32 am
cute last scene there! heehee :D

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: Lirie Halliwell reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 14, 2005 10:58 am
Oh dear, that was so nice! Please don't tell me this is the end and please don't stop the 101 lectures, pleasepleaseplease! :D Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks, Lirie. That's two for more psych lectures. I'll let you know if anything comes of it. No, it's not the end, yet. Still three more chapters to go!
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 14, 2005 02:06 am
poor boy couldn't get any sleep...well at least now he knows what the cure for that is. sweet end to the chapter, but please continue the psych 101 entertaining! well done, another fab chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks JuliusCaesar. I can tell you don't need Sleep Disorders 101. If I get a crushing demand for more psych 101 lectures, I'll let you know. Can't imagine that happening, though. Thanks for your kind review.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 09:03 pm
Aww, the end was priceless. I love having someone to sleep with. It's great to wake up that way in the morning.

Author's Response: Yeah, Draco really needed that. Thanks for your review, as always.
Name: Pam reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 03:25 pm
Ah I loved it! Especially the ending. And the whole Draco referring to Ginny as his Nightmare had me cracking up. Awesome writing, pleae update soon!

Author's Response: I'm gratified that you got the whole Nightmare thing! Updates will be soon. Thanks for the review.
Name: wytchgurl reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 02:54 pm
hey this is getting really interesting! i look forward to more chapters soon :D

Author's Response: The chapters are on their way! Thanks for the review and the interest.
Name: missa reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 01:34 pm
am with amy on the floor in dead swoon...

Author's Response: It's getting a little bit crowded with all those bodies on the floor. Maybe Draco will change his mind and sleep on the floor after all. Hmmm... Thanks for the kind words.
Name: Amy reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 01:05 pm

Author's Response: *smiles*
Name: ashleigh reviewed A Dreamless Surrender on May 13, 2005 12:19 pm
Aw i really like this story and that ending to that chapter was jst aww! It was very nice and good. Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Glad you liked that ending. Thanks for the review.
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