Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Circle of One on Jul 21, 2010 03:33 pm
This doesn't seem like a DracoGinny story so far... :(

Author's Response: This was actually my first HP fanfic (figures I'd start with an epic...) and it's more of a story that involves a lot of people in it over time. D/G does develop over time, which is why I had permission to add it to this archive.
Name: Ginny_and_Draco reviewed Circle of One on Apr 18, 2008 01:34 pm
Ergh...stalling much?

Great so far.

Love Regina.

Author's Response: Thanks. :) Regina was originally a plot device that refused to die. It probably shows. :)
Name: lady dragon reviewed Circle of One on Jan 26, 2006 11:11 am
I commend you this is really great you gave your oc depth and a twist that made her 3D you also gave a bit of a mystery with severus and how draco will deal with his advice which makes better but I think you should deepen the plot a bit

love it and hope ya update soon!

Author's Response: The entire story is already up. :)
Name: Natasha reviewed Circle of One on May 17, 2005 02:03 pm
I like this. Is there any Draco and Ginny in this? Cause so far...there is nothing. Is Ginny in this class.

Author's Response: Keep reading... D/G kicks in a little later. And yes, Ginny's in the class, too.
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