Reviews For Let Go
Name: ronlover reviewed Unwanted on Jun 08, 2005 12:15 pm
Love it! Can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work. Update soon!
Name: skully reviewed Unwanted on May 23, 2005 06:11 pm
Okay, I know I just reviewed the last chapter, but I had to comment on this one. You're the first person I've met that reads HP but doesn't like Harry. I think it's great! Hehe. Oh...

Author's Response: ooh I feel special. Thanks for both reviews!!!
Name: bigreader reviewed Unwanted on May 23, 2005 01:01 pm
Are you one of those people...(like me) that doesn't like Potter? Or is that just Ginny's character? ...*waits to have rotten bananas and squash and tomatoes thrown at her for not liking Potter* oh well...Great story so far. UPDATE SOON!

Author's Response: It's really difficult to be a d/g-er and like Harry, I've found... I mean, I'm sure he's a very nice guy, but NO he is not Draco. Anyway, he was too whiny in book 5.
Name: distempered reviewed Unwanted on May 23, 2005 08:11 am
I'm interested to see where you're going to go with this. Continue soon.
Name: Draco Luva reviewed Unwanted on May 22, 2005 05:37 pm
this story is pretty cool, i just i have a strong dislike of punk, or whatever avril lavigne is...but continue please!

Author's Response: Thanks, I'll definitely be continuing, all I have to do is redo the next 4 chapters and then they'll be up. Thank you for your lovely comment!
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