Reviews For Unforgivable
Name: nyc23 reviewed 04 on Oct 16, 2007 11:12 am
interesting, but sad.
Name: imelda reviewed 04 on Mar 19, 2007 03:55 am
I'm really surprised that I haven't read this before; I thought I'd read all of your stuff! It could be that I wasn't able to get through the rape scene. But this time I did, and I'm interested in the fic.

See, usually your Dracos always "draw the line" at rape. Like, he'll kill people and sometimes even torture them and commit crimes, but he won't do that. So it's interesting that you made that change, here. And I like the way you've been having Draco deny what he did--insisting to himself that Ginny enjoyed it, though of course the reader knows that her orgasms just traumatized her even further. Denial seems like the only way Draco *would* be able to deal with what he'd done.

I'm curious to see where this goes next, and I'm glad it's already completed! I'm particularly interested in Sirius' role. I always liked the Ginny-Sirius dynamic you created in HC.

One note, though--you can, actually, use a Portkey to enter or leave Hogwarts. Remember that the end of GoF began with a Portkey from Hogwarts grounds. Also, at the end of OoTP, Dumbledore creates a Portkey that sends Harry back to DD's office, I think. So Draco's use here doesn't even need to be explained away!
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed 04 on Jun 12, 2005 05:43 pm
i'm very hooked on this one, but not QUITE as much as QatD!!! and even though you can't apparate in hogwarts, you can portkey. dumbledore set up a portkey for the trio when harry "dreamed" about mr weasley getting bit by the snake. so you're right & if anyone tells you otherwise, refer them to book 5! ~jessakitty
Name: Ginerva reviewed 04 on Jun 10, 2005 07:12 pm
Great chapter! It was well written, i was excited to read it. Will it end up that they are together in the end? AH! I can't wait for the next chapter! *squeal*
Name: Funnykido reviewed 04 on Jun 10, 2005 04:44 pm
I like how you suggest rape, though you don't come out and say it. It adds a bit to the angst, although I can't exactly name it. But I'm wondering. . you mention in the summary something about how Ginny goes and finds Draco, I'm wondering how this is going to happen, since, well since Draco raped her and he crucioed him, it wouldn't exactly lead to a nice bit of fluff would it? So I'm very excited to see how you bring this about! Good story so far!
Name: Kendra reviewed 04 on Jun 10, 2005 09:54 am
Are all your stories tied to each other. And what's the deal with Jewel of the Harem? That story seemed so mixed up? My email is ecleptic
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