Reviews For Unforgivable
Name: Madeline Jones reviewed 06 on Jun 15, 2005 08:50 pm
I really like the way you are handling such a very intense subject. Looking forward to more.
Name: Mell8 reviewed 06 on Jun 15, 2005 08:35 am
Excellent story. I love your writing. Please update again soon!!!
Name: Q reviewed 06 on Jun 14, 2005 03:18 am
it gave me the most delicious shiverrss. I love it when a story does that to me. and really? this comment is really loved and cherished?? YAY!
Name: Pam reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 04:23 pm
Well written. The way you write the "relationship" between Draco and Ginny is very intriguing. I just can't get over how good this is, the whole atmosphere, their conversations and the way you write the dialogue. Nice work.
Name: imelda reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 03:26 pm
I assume that the viewpoint taken by Ginny is not necessarily that of the author? Because I think it was pretty clearly rape. Sorry my reviews aren't more interesting...
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 01:18 pm
This fic is dark and disturbing and also intriguing, I'm curious to see where this goes.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 08:31 am
Yes, a very dicey subject. Still, very well done I think. Some people might have a problem with it, but then, some people have a problem with just about anything. Anways, I love the quick updates :)
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 08:03 am
Sorry about the typos like the word intrigued and the back tracking with some of the sentences, am typing on my laptop with a baby sleeping on me and trying not to wake her...sorry. I swear we need a way to preview our review before we submit so we can read them and correct stupid
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed 06 on Jun 13, 2005 07:58 am
This story is very good writing. I am untrigued at how you are protraying the story line. When you wrote of the assult you obviously knew how you wanted this story end progress and and eventually end. I say this because you wrote the scene as a violation and you have stressed that even Ginny understands that yes she was violated but must decide if it was truly rape. Rape is not just about the violation of the body, it is mainly about Control. It is about fear and power more then the sexual act. When you wrote the scene those aspects were glaringly missing. You obviously know something about psychology to have been able to write the scene the way you did as well as incorpate that knowledge in to this chapter as well. I do advise caution though as this line of story is very dicey. You could cause upset to some with this story line. Especially considering that there are woman out there that have been raped and were physically or pyschologically unable to scream or struggle to prevent the rape. And, orgasm is a natural function of the body just because a woman climax during a rape doesnt mean it is not rape. Perhaps an author's note with such comment would be appropriate including the comment that you don't condone violation by any means, just to make the point. I am greatly impressed with your writing and I will be intrigued to read more. I am enjoying the story immensly and I think that you are handling the story with great care and wisdom. If this continues I know that story will be fabulous! Sincerely, Kristine
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