Reviews For Unforgivable
Name: MeetTheMalfoys reviewed 7 on Jun 18, 2005 02:26 pm
Bravo miss, Bravo.
Name: unknown reviewed 7 on Jun 18, 2005 10:38 am
i love it, please update soon
Name: bellasol67 reviewed 7 on Jun 18, 2005 03:06 am
I like that I can feel the tension between the two characters...the conversation feels stilted and everything between them seems appropriate considering what has happened.
Name: johanna reviewed 7 on Jun 17, 2005 02:48 pm
you made a reference to hermione punching malfoy in third year, but that isnt canon. in the books, she slapped him (at least in the american edition). A small mistake, but one thats always bothered me.
Name: imelda reviewed 7 on Jun 17, 2005 10:52 am
Wow. Yeesh. Now I'm really antsy to read the next chapter. Also, I'm glad this is going to be different from all the fluffy similar fics; knowing you, I should have known it would be from the beginning.
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