Reviews For Unforgivable
Name: CaesiiOculi reviewed 8 on Jul 08, 2006 05:55 pm
*ominous music*
Name: dracolover89 reviewed 8 on Apr 19, 2006 11:15 pm
oh fuck. suspense! :)
Name: imelda reviewed 8 on Jun 20, 2005 04:17 pm
Well. I did NOT hate that chapter. It was tough, and it was horribly depressing, for Ginny's sake, that the person she should find to make her feel those things when she wanted to should be the same as the one who forced them on her when she didn't. But for Draco's sake, well, he's still a person, too, and not a monster, and I did come to forgive him some in this chapter (funny how I don't hold Ginny accountable at all for using the Cruciatus--but I don't). I even liked him. It may sound like I have a lot of gall, saying I forgive someone for raping someone ELSE, but I do think that everyone is forgivable. Certainly Draco. A better person than me could completely forgive him...maybe someone like Ginny? It's unclear.
Name: Esus reviewed 8 on Jun 19, 2005 08:05 am
I read all the chapters together and now I don't know what to say...
You did a great job: you are dealing with a hard subject, but you describe it in a realistic way. Differently for most of the fictions I've ever read, here there isn’t a Ginny who fell in love with Draco immediately after being violated by him.
Her healing process started when she took her revenge on him... and we are really talking of a equal violation: I agree with your explanation about the Unforgivable curses. I always wondered why those spells were differentiated from the others: there are many ways to kill and to give pain, so why those spells are Unforgivable? Probably because they affect not only the victim, but also the caster…
But now I’m really curious to see what is going to do Ron (who is clearly mad) and how the two can start a real life with their emotions back.
Name: Ginerva reviewed 8 on Jun 19, 2005 07:07 am
Good! Very good! The only reason people would hate this chapter is because Ron is going to hurt Draco and that's just morally and ethically wrong! But besides that it was very good, you've done amazing thigs for this story, keep it up! Good job.
Name: Stacy reviewed 8 on Jun 19, 2005 04:52 am
I'm not really sure why anyone would hate this chapter - except for that fact that Draco is going to be in lots of pain when Ron is done with him, I suppose. It was really good, as is the rest of the story. I have to admit I was a little wary because rape fics are rarely well done. I'm really impressed that you've made everything feel genuine and believable, and your actual writing and style is lovely, as usual :o)
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed 8 on Jun 19, 2005 03:41 am
I loved it! Actually, I'm not sure why others would hate it. I'm totally sold on this entire story and I'm really curious to see what comes next. Great work.
Name: anon reviewed 8 on Jun 18, 2005 09:31 pm
evil end!!!!!!!!please add on its sooooo good!!!
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed 8 on Jun 18, 2005 08:40 pm
Loved it! Very Powerful. Great images...:::blushing::: Funny I should have figured out that it was Ron when the shadow was mentioned coming down the hall..but I didn't see it coming, I must be off of my game. Can't wait til more is posted...Kristine
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed 8 on Jun 18, 2005 08:08 pm
It's all so complicated...i guess it's supposed to be. Ron will definitely be mad, but Ginny was on top, the dominant postion. It means that Draco didn't force anything on her. But my question is, is why was she mouthing the word "No" at climax...was it because she wasn't ready yet, because of Ron, or because of something she's dealing with inside?
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed 8 on Jun 18, 2005 05:17 pm
yikes! ron's not going to kill him is he? cause that would be horrible. well, i'm glad you're updating this story quickly; i really do like it. great job! ~jessakitty
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