Reviews For The Five W's
Name: natalie star reviewed The Five W's on Nov 08, 2006 03:32 pm
This seems pretentious
Name: Angel Malfoy reviewed The Five W's on Feb 03, 2006 05:24 pm
Damn strate
Name: Cindy reviewed The Five W's on Jun 20, 2005 08:01 am
Hey Charley! Awesome concept. I have another question though: how? That'd be a very cool one to add...

Author's Response: That would be pretty sweet! I'll think on that one!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed The Five W's on Jun 13, 2005 12:55 pm
I think this was lovely. I would reclassify it under poetry to end the confusion. When I first read your title, I thought Ginny and Draco were going to be writing for The Daily Prophet or doing something related to journalism. Isn't that silly?
Name: justmy2cents reviewed The Five W's on Jun 12, 2005 09:31 am
This submission needs to be classified as something else because it is not a story- short or otherwise. This looks more a rough brainstorming outline than anything else. If you want to make it a story may i suggest fleshing the idea out giving it a plot and following the mechanics of a story:exposition, rising action, climax, denoument) Rather than submitting what you just did I don't mean to come accross as rude or hateful but I felt this needed to be said. Please take it as it was intended- Constructive Criticism- that you can use to further develop your talents.

Author's Response: Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine.
Name: Amanda reviewed The Five W's on Jun 12, 2005 05:00 am
wow, that was really beautiful. you write very well. I especially liked the 'Why', that was my favourite, I can't relly descibe it, I can only say it was beautiful. Loved it.
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