Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Playing Games on Dec 19, 2006 04:30 pm
~So perfect. I just love it.~
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Playing Games on Sep 01, 2006 05:25 pm
~So they are going out. Sorta. I really like it.~
Name: Shattered_Dreams reviewed Playing Games on Sep 20, 2005 05:07 pm
nice understanding. I just hope Ron doesn't ask to use to maurder's map or something... that could be disastorous.
Name: Mione23 reviewed Playing Games on Jul 26, 2005 10:57 am
Would the "understanding" that Ginny and Draco have mean that they are now dating? I'm just a little confused about that. I saw a lot of HBP related things in the chapter. Would you recommend to read the first 4 chapters of this story or no?

Author's Response: I would suggest reading them because Harry and Ginny's relationship changed a bit, as well as Ron and Hermione's. There might be small things. You won't lose the focus of the story if you don't read them. The choice is yours.

Author's Response: Ohh, and 'understanding' means 'understanding.' It's not meant to be completely clear whether or not they're dating.
Name: Cara reviewed Playing Games on Jul 24, 2005 03:16 pm
Your Draco is fantastic! And I respect how you've gone back and modified everything to hold true with the latest book. I wonder how you will deal with what happened after Snape fled with Draco...I know Draco says he doesn't want to talk about it, but he's shown that he can be rather revealing when with Ginny.

Author's Response: Yes, well, there's a bit of a heart to heart in the next chapter. Hopefully the blanks will be filled in. Although, it's nothing too complicated because he's back at Hogwarts, yeah?
Name: Funnykido reviewed Playing Games on Jul 24, 2005 01:56 pm
I have to congratulate you on your Draco. You did a great job of keeping him in canon, but still giving him depth, like you said you wanted to. Just wanted to say congratulations, and that I'm waiting avidly for the next chap!
Name: Hybrid Rose reviewed Playing Games on Jul 23, 2005 08:36 pm
I just found your story and had to tell you that I absouletely love it. I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment. By the way, I know you said you changed everything to be consistant with HBP, but in chapter 4 there are references to Snape's instructions while everywhere else it's been Slughorn.

Author's Response: Maybe it hadn't shown up or something when you read it, but a new 4 is uploaded and I couldn't find a Snape reference in it. *shrug*
Name: Jinjin reviewed Playing Games on Jul 23, 2005 07:12 pm
haha, I was wondering if you were psychic by any chance. Because it seems like your imagination is very accurate to real life. But

Author's Response: But what? My imagination is very active. I do most of my writing during my College Algebra class. Probably why I have a C.
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed Playing Games on Jul 23, 2005 06:18 pm
your draco is hot. i want to shag him, i swear. he's very canon, and i think if d & g ever did get together in canon (oh don't i wish) it'd be something like this.

Author's Response: Well, really, what do we know about Draco? Before book 6 just that he's a bigot and a git. In book 6 we learn that he has so many more dementions (I mean, he cries!).

So how do you write someone 'in canon' when you don't know in depth about them? I want to make sure I keep him being mean and rude, but with some sort of depth and soul as well. So far so good. I'm glad you think he's in character. I don't like fics where he's 'nice.' Draco is just not a nice guy.

Ohh, I want to shag Draco too... three times a day... every day... for the rest of my life...
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