Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed In or Out on Dec 19, 2006 05:34 pm
~Dear lord...I cant wait to read more.~
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed In or Out on Sep 01, 2006 06:07 pm
~He cant~
Name: imelda reviewed In or Out on Jul 30, 2005 09:26 am
Yeesh! How can you leave us there?? 'Starting with their children...' oh, how ominous. I love that Draco actually apologized to Ginny--he had to, of course, but I'm glad he realized that. I also liked Harry's line "Did you just call Malfoy DRACO?" I'm not sure why; you just pulled it off in a way I think most fic writers aren't able to. What I did not at all like was the earlier discussion between D and G (the later one, where she forced him to talk about his feelings, was lovely). But when Draco confessed to all the disgusting things he'd done the year before, in HBP, Ginny didn't even react; she just went on to talk about her own side. I think that was severely unrealistic, and discomfiting. She was too calm about it. But I loved most of the chapter!

Author's Response: Yes, I understand. My response to that is what for the next couple of chapters. Ginny's reaction is deeper than it first appears. Ginny wants to understand Draco and she's trying REALLY hard to get him to not be a Death Eater, so... I don't know. :) Sorry you didn't like the first bit.
Name: Anise reviewed In or Out on Jul 30, 2005 06:37 am
You've done a very good job of integrating new canon with the way this fic was going; in fact, I think you've even improved it as a result. I was pretty dubious about this, but you've actually pulled it off. :) The only thing that I think isn't too likely is the idea that Snape could have talked Voldemort out of getting rid of Draco... mostly because four Death Eaters actually saw that Draco couldn't kill Dumbledore. But since Draco had to be at Hogwarts in order for this plotline to work, I can see that you had to find a plausible way to keep him there. Also, the subtle way you've turned the relationship between Harry and Ginny works amazingly well. (Although your references to the things they did make me a little afraid... I can't really see them as having actually had sex, though, because I don't think Harry would have left her if he had.) I think you have a very good handle on a very believable way that the nature of H/G actually played out in HBP (and no eternal twu wuv garbage, thank GOD.) So...this is just a great fic, and I hope to see more! :)

Author's Response: Well Ginny has to get over Draco being a Death Eater and having the Dark Mark so I feel there needs to be something equal for Draco to have to look past and that's Ginny's relationship with the one person he hates most. I don't think it can be worked into the fic, but my idea is that since Lucius escaped right after Dumbledore died and Snape is the Dark Lord's favourite that maybe Snape said something along the lines of that the Dark Lord needs to make sure that he keeps his most loyal close to him and not push them away. If he killed Narcissa and Draco Lucius might still follow him, but I doubt he'd be as willing a servant. He might be, but I'd like to think that there is SOME human in him. But the way Snape says it is that the Death Eaters continued to ask Dumbledore questions and every time Draco was getting ready to do it, they'd interrupt. It was supposed to be his first kill, after all, and that would be something he would have to summon up courage to do and not have others nagging in his ear. But I'm glad you like it. HBP made Draco such a dynamic character. I'm loving playing with him.
Name: Anise reviewed In or Out on Jul 30, 2005 06:37 am
You've done a very good job of integrating new canon with the way this fic was going; in fact, I think you've even improved it as a result. I was pretty dubious about this, but you've actually pulled it off. :) The only thing that I think isn't too likely is the idea that Snape could have talked Voldemort out of getting rid of Draco... mostly because four Death Eaters actually saw that Draco couldn't kill Dumbledore. But since Draco had to be at Hogwarts in order for this plotline to work, I can see that you had to find a plausible way to keep him there. Also, the subtle way you've turned the relationship between Harry and Ginny works amazingly well. (Although your references to the things they did make me a little afraid... I can't really see them as having actually had sex, though, because I don't think Harry would have left her if he had.) I think you have a very good handle on a very believable way that the nature of H/G actually played out in HBP (and no eternal twu wuv garbage, thank GOD.) So...this is just a great fic, and I hope to see more! :)
Name: Mynuet reviewed In or Out on Jul 29, 2005 08:12 pm
Draco, do you not realize that Ginny is in the top five list of targets? Or is that why you're so insistent, because you're trying to figure out a way to get in good with the DEs and yet still keep Ginny safe, kind of a test run for spying?

Author's Response: There's a reason why he can't seem to let go of the DEs and it runs deeper than simply because he doesn't want to be killed...
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