Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Orphaned on Dec 21, 2006 09:56 am
~OMG...I cant believe it~
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Orphaned on Sep 02, 2006 09:01 am
~SO much happened. I cant wait to read the next chapter.~
Name: nikita arora reviewed Orphaned on Sep 01, 2005 02:28 am
*going to faint any moment* oh my god!!!!! you just did not do that! how could you oh my god!!! how could you just kill ginny off!! i mean this is all a nightmare rite!!! how can there be a d/g story without ginny. i mean isn't she the heroine of the fic. you can't kill the heroine thats just always sad!! *crying so hardly* please please you have to get her back!! you can';t just do this. and by the way ginny never drank that portion did she. oh god shit shit shit this is way toooooooooooooo bad. you have to get her back!!! anyways in genral your story is way tooooooooooooo cool!!!!!! amazing is the rite word. its just tooooo good.. i love reading it! keep up the amazing work
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Orphaned on Aug 25, 2005 03:55 pm
Well now, that was a very interesting chapter! The whole story was fabulous! I hope I am not being over confident when I say that for those crying of the loss of Gin, they should stop. Really, what is a Draco/Ginny story be without Ginny? To kill her off at this point is well...pointless... plus we already know that it took Herm's awhile to wake up after she used the AV on herself...the question is if she will wake up before Draco leaves for parts unknown, or if the weasley brothers kill Draco on site when he show up with her body....hmmm
Name: Blondhunter reviewed Orphaned on Aug 25, 2005 12:40 pm
WHAT wait, WHAT the bloody hell!!! I can't believe it. Boy today was not my day for reading my favorite stories. I was excited to see that three of my favorite stories had updates but now I am questioning my sanity. Out of the three two had tragic or upsetting situations. I have a stack of Kleenex’s next to me with a horribly red nose shaking my head wondering what I did to deserve this. Well, this goes to show that I get too involved with these great stories, but wouldn't have it any other way. Can't wait to see what's next. I am hoping of course that Gin's death is just not true. (Yes I am aware I am in shock so therefore in denial)
Name: Mynuet reviewed Orphaned on Aug 25, 2005 11:11 am
*choke* She's not really dead, is she? I mean, the Unforgivables depend on you really wanting to do them, and Draco didn't want to, so she's not really dead, right? RIGHT???

Author's Response: Draco knew she was worse off alive than dead. So, yes, he meant the curse. I'm keeping quiet on everything else, though.
Name: imelda reviewed Orphaned on Aug 24, 2005 11:41 am
I can't believe you killed Ginny. That's dreadful. Why didn't Draco just turn his wand on Lucius? Both Severus and Narcissa would have supported him, and Lucius would NOT have been expecting it. I can't believe you killed Ginny.

Author's Response: Lucius took Draco's wand.
Name: Arianna reviewed Orphaned on Aug 24, 2005 08:25 am
OMG is Ginny really dead I know it would be better for her but I want her and Draco to be together ahhhh this story is sooo amazing and I love it though so please keep writing more. Thank you lots. Arianna
Name: Kel reviewed Orphaned on Aug 24, 2005 07:22 am
OMG NO SHES DEAD OMG ahh update soon!!!!!!!!! ahhhh i love this story but im like crying now!
Name: Agne reviewed Orphaned on Aug 24, 2005 01:23 am
Awesome chapter! Probably the best so far. Oh, and I just love how you included some Severus/Narcissa. My two favorite 'ships in one fic :D I couldn't ask for anything more. Keep on the good work! - Agne
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