Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Dec 22, 2006 12:03 pm is too sad~
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 02, 2006 10:03 am
~**sigh** This chapter is happy and sad.~
Name: Black Alnair reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Jan 12, 2006 01:38 am

When they first started this, he made her promise that she wouldn't try and change him, but in the end, she hadn't needed to – he changed anyway.

It's almost 5 in the morning now and I have French class in a few hours. But I just had to finish.   

Name: Dragon Hermione reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 28, 2005 12:57 pm
Ooooh it's great! This was the first story I read when I discovered and it's still going strong. Can't wait for the next installments!!!!!
Name: Kelly reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 27, 2005 03:14 pm
I can't wait to read the next chapter! I was so sad to read about Fred and Charlie....though I don't care what Percy does. He's a prick. I'm most looking foward to what the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry have to say about Ginny and Draco! Please hurry back with that bit! Once again, perfect job!
Name: EJAUS reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 04:43 pm
I like this story. I actually find myself identifying with Draco. I can't blame him for wanting to stay in Sicily and forget the world...except for her. I still want to see the look on Ron's face when he sees his sister is in love with Draco. (and Harry too for that matter. but I tend to think Ron will be more "demonstrative" in having a fit. Good work and keep writing Thanks for the fast update.
Name: jessica k malfoy reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 02:33 pm
fabulous, of course. poor ginny. so much loss. and oh i love draco, telling her he loved her. well, sort of. i love this story.
Name: ChaosHavoc reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 12:27 pm
Imagine my delight when I came home from classes only to find that you've updated! This chapter is my favorite, by far--there's so much emotion! Just like Ms. Rowling, you aren't afraid to kill off characters that most people wouldn't even give a papercut to (Fred, in my case). Kudos to you! I eagerly await whatever you plan to dish out next. ~ CH
Name: Shattered_Dreams reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 09:14 am
hm, why weren't any of the hands pointed to deceased then? I'm pretty sure that there is a place for deceased on the clock if I remember correctly. Anyhow, this was a sad chapter. Well written though, as always. Two of my favorite HP characters are gone, but I'll continue to r&r. Great story, well written.

Author's Response: School, Work, Travelling, Home, Lost, Mortal Peril, Hospital, Prison. Those are the only words we know that are written on the clock and it's in chapter 3 of Goblet of Fire. There is no Deceased.
Name: katie reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 08:14 am
MORE!!! The people demand more! >_< !!
Name: Anise reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 04:36 am
Sigh... so sad. But this story, I must say, has so much more believability to it that most D/G fics do. Most of the time, the story will be so focused on getting them together that we kind of ignore all the problems they would have, but this fic faces them head-on! This seems like exactly the way that Draco would behave-- he's not noble, and he doesn't want to save the world, but he is capable of emotions and he does finally have to admit that he loves Ginny. It's really going to be interesting to see what happens with them now.
Name: Maelyn reviewed And Three Hands Pointed to Lost on Sep 23, 2005 02:46 am
Loved it! I am so sad for Ginny but man is Draco coming around!! I only hope he doesn't get mad while in England and leave her or she decides to stay etc. I hope her family can accept him as well when she finally tells them about the true relationship- which I hope she does. After all- Draco did take good care of her.
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