Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Secrets Told on Dec 22, 2006 12:23 pm
~OMG...NO. Draco and Ginny should be together.~
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Secrets Told on Sep 02, 2006 04:43 pm
~Half way throu i thought thinds were going to be great for them, but now....not so much~
Name: Tonaya reviewed Secrets Told on Feb 15, 2006 04:50 pm
Oh, I'm so loving this fic so far. Only a couple of chapters to go! What I really love about your writing is how your grammer is a perfect blend of modern day slang and 'big' words. Realy, this fic is a joy to read.
Name: Adrian reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 15, 2005 08:52 am
I love this story. It's awesome. update ASAP!!!!!!
Name: Brooklyn reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 11, 2005 09:29 pm
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I've read many a D/G fics in my life, and none of them were nearly as good as this one is. Throughout the fic you have stayed true to their characters. It's annoying to read Draco as suddenly changing into a big softie over night, but in this one he has progressed slowly to that point, and yet still has a lot of his Malfoyish characteristics intact. I'm a big fan of your work, truly. You've convinced me that not all Harry Potter D/G fic writers are horrible at writing. ;) Keep up the good work. I cannot wait for the next chapter!
Name: cassie reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 11, 2005 04:53 pm
this is not finished yet there needs to be another one or thwenty chapters THIS IS NOT DONE YET IT NEEDS TO BE FINISHED

Author's Response: I know it's not done. The next chapter is in the works. There will either be 15 or 16 chapters, then it will be complete.
Name: Snow_White reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 10, 2005 06:44 pm
I hate it when people (cough RON AND HARRY cough cough) aren't supportive of a D/G relationship....however, I love (!) your story. I check everyday to see if you've updated! Please pick the best writing compliment you can think of and give it to yourself! Also, hurry back with more.
Name: Arianna reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 10, 2005 03:18 am
You have to review more of this story. It is so amazingly amazing, that it's amazing (if that made any sense to you) Anyways, please review!
Name: Sim reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 09, 2005 02:07 pm
Hey. Omg. Ur story/fanfic is really good. I like the way you dont change the characters personality. I think you have a knack for writing and this is a great story.
Name: Dragon Hermione reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 04, 2005 08:22 pm
Fantastic! Oooo I can't wait to see what happens with the aurors, this is some good writing! -Kyra
Name: Cass reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 04, 2005 05:42 am
Ok, dude..but your story is a really great story. It's amazing. I've never read a story like this, and PLEASE...give us a happy ending huh? I just, you know, want ginny and draco happy. And I love the way you present the problems and their corresponding solutions..I know that ginny and draco will push through this, that draco would be able to have freedom again, with the woman he loves... ahhhhh. UPDATE SOON! Love yah! :-)
Name: Anise reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 03, 2005 05:50 pm
I can honestly say that out of all the post-HBP D/G fics I've read, this is the one that hangs together by far as the best as a believable universe. Believe me, that's high praise. You just get everything absolutely *right*- Draco and Ginny's characters, her family's reaction, Ron's reaction. And the subtleties are perfect! Most writers just sort of go into Insanelyranting!Ron and FeelsBetrayed!Harry mode when writing about how they'd react to knowing Ginny has a relationship with Draco, but you've really taken the time to understand what their reactions would actually *be*, and how subtly different they'd be from each other. And then Ginny's dilemma, having to choose between Draco and her family. And THEN the ending, which is so logical. Of *course* if Draco went back to England, this was very likely to happen. And this is how we see that even though Draco is still cold and snarky and sarcastic and deeply troubled and probably unable to show his emotions in the way that Harry would, he loves Ginny very much to take this risk for her. It'll be fascinating to see where this goes.

Author's Response: What a fantastic review. I want to make the anger and hurt Ron and Harry feel different because while they're having the same emotions, they're having them for different reasons.
Name: Chucky reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 03, 2005 06:06 am
Great story, great chapter!
Name: Mia reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 03, 2005 05:35 am
I love it! Congratulations for your hard work! I can't wait till the next chapter, please, please, please update soon...
Name: EJAUS reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 02, 2005 09:49 pm
Wonderful chapter! So much going on and so well done. The heart to heart with Harry was entirely believable. Gee, I have been waiting for Ron's explosion for some time but he went farther then even I thought he would. Poor Molly, She must have been devestated when she found out that Ginny took the Get out Literally. She must have thought she lost her daughter again. (Honestly, So did I, I was suprised she wasn't half way back to Sicily by the time the Aurors came to the Mamor.) Maybe I am an optimist, but since Draco is after all innocent, perhaps his name will be cleared in the end. Should be quite the defense witness list thought, even including the boy who lived himself.
Name: ChaosHavoc reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 02, 2005 08:19 pm
Oh noes! :O Looks like Malfoy's in a spot of trouble! Dead brothers, angry mothers, and a sentence to Azkaban! What ever will our favorite couple do? Dun dun DUN! ~ CH PS: The story's brilliant. I'm glad I caught this Chapter--it made my essay go a lot quicker.
Name: Lottie reviewed Secrets Told on Oct 02, 2005 07:41 pm
But! He can't go to Azkaban!!

Author's Response: Oh, but he most certainly can! :)
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