Name: Mishavay reviewed Words So Leisured on Apr 17, 2006 01:27 pm
I am sitting on pins and needles! I can't wait. ;o)

Author's Response: Ch. 10 has already been sent out to my beta. xoxox
Name: Nectaris reviewed Words So Leisured on Mar 27, 2006 02:02 pm
Oh this was brilliant. Please keep it up! I'm really enjoying it!

Author's Response: Thank you. :)
Name: WG reviewed Words So Leisured on Mar 09, 2006 07:12 am
Love the writing style... please do update this soon.

Author's Response: Thanks! Ch. 10 is in the works as we speak. xoxox
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Words So Leisured on Feb 20, 2006 02:51 am
I rather like the series of letters exchanged. It pleases me I think it is a good way to do some chapters as the progress of action would take far too long to explain and would probably come out quite confusing and garbled.

Author's Response: Thanks. :D That was my rationale when coming up with this chapter, so I'm happy to see that someone understands it. Thanks again for your review! xoxox
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Words So Leisured on Feb 17, 2006 07:49 pm
MY guess--- Draco and Narcissa are exchanged bodies using Polyjuice and that's why Draco is constantly talking about himself in the third person.... Okay, I may be wrong, but the fic if fabulous! ;) YAY for more chapters! ;)

Author's Response: OMG. I LOVE your guess! I think that's the best one I've ever had! Alas, it's wrong, but still, I have to give you credit for your creativity. Thanks for the review! I'm off to update at HR! :D xoxox
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