Name: em_meem reviewed Mad Love on Apr 15, 2009 02:45 pm
I am so confused :)
It was really good, but do you think you could send me one of those lovely breakdowns you promised at the end of this last chapter? Thank you thank you!
Name: KimPotter reviewed Mad Love on Nov 11, 2008 06:16 am
It too me quite a long time to read this. I used to read a chapter, then get distracted by my ongoing everyday life and then come back again...finally after a year, I finished reading it. It was nice seeing your growth through this story. Although, you never mentioned what was the real reason Draco and Antonio looked alike. And when you say the transformation is complete, do you mean that Andrea has been completely cured and the obsession has been passed on to Ginny? Yeah, that's about all the questions I have.

Author's Response: The whole Draco and his cousin looking similar thing is kind of like a catalyst to make Ginny realise that she's attracted to Draco. Sorry for not making that clearer. And as to the last line, no; Andrea's not completely cured, but the obsession has been passed on to Ginny. Thanks for your review! :D
Name: bee245 reviewed Mad Love on Jun 04, 2008 05:47 pm
i read it all in one sitting. i just finished. i actually can't stop laughing. not because of humour or whatever but because of incredulity!!!

you're messing with my mind!! lmao....

it was a good read, especially the last couple of chapters. there were a few grammar and spelling mistakes and you might wanna look out for that in the future as it kind of takes away from the work.

but like.....come on!

don't leave us here!!


Author's Response: tehe. I'm considering it, but as of right now, there is no sequel in the works. My story's purpose was to mess with your mind! :P Thanks for the bit about SPaG, I'll have to look everything over when I have the time. Thanks for your review! I'll add you on to the list of people crying out for a sequel. xx
Name: sly_princess reviewed Mad Love on Oct 28, 2007 05:22 am
Oh My God, your story was awesome! You have done a wonderful job! I don't have words to tell how much I like it!

Author's Response: Thanks! ^^ Glad you enjoyed it!
Name: joliefille reviewed Mad Love on Oct 18, 2007 02:40 am
urgh. I like the premise, but the end seems a bit...murky. Maybe it's intentional, but it appears to be a lack of foresight, or a desire to close it up sooner rather than later. The ending seems a bit rushed; I feel that you set up a great background for the eventual Ginny Falling For Draco moment, especially with Andrea in jail for her involvement, but it fell short of its potential. I was thoroughly amused by G(a)linda as Ginny's psych prof; it was delightfully insane. Are you a book fan, or just a musical fan? I've met very few people able to appreciate both.

Author's Response: I am both a fan of the book and the musical. I know more people who like the musical though. I agree, the ending does seem a bit rushed, but when I was writing it, I had so much that I wanted to put in, but would not have added to the overall plot. If I have the time, I might go back and rewrite the last two chapters. Thanks for your review!
Name: valkyrie reviewed Mad Love on Jun 14, 2007 11:58 am
i realy enjoyed this fic. i sort of cheated though in the beggining cos ive read this over at Fiction Alley. but that doesnt change the fact that i loved it and it was very clever and simply brilliant! XD

Author's Response: Thanks! Don't worry about it; I just started posting over at FA to see what type of response this story would get. Thanks again! I'm glad you enjoyed my fic! :)
Name: ithinkthereforeiam reviewed Mad Love on May 20, 2007 10:17 am
excellent story!
i had wondered about the Joker/Harley parallel though i wasn't completely sure. Wonderful writing and a mainpulating Draco isn't too hard to believe either.

Author's Response: Thank you very much! Happy to hear you enjoyed it! :)
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Mad Love on May 03, 2007 09:28 am
great story.

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: mongoose reviewed Mad Love on May 03, 2007 08:21 am
I had guessed that this would happen, but there was still a small bit of hope in me. The ending seems so open in a way. Not to mention, I will always hold out for a remorseful Draco. I have to say that the irony of it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
Name: Anonymous reviewed Mad Love on May 02, 2007 06:06 pm
Cunning, smart, alomost brilliant. I have to say the ending is the best that I have ever read, including published stuff. I must say, this chapter is a great piece of fiction.

Author's Response: Oh, wow. Thank you very much for that lovely compliment!
Name: shortlilangel73 reviewed Mad Love on May 02, 2007 12:00 pm
ooh..its a sad ending!
good story though!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: jojozdraco reviewed Mad Love on May 02, 2007 09:43 am
wat does she mean by the transformation is complete?

Author's Response: Ginny's transformation from loathing Draco to possinly loving him.
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