Name: lily reviewed drabble on Nov 10, 2005 01:10 pm
Wow! this fic is sooo good! I really liked allison, the grandpa snape thing, arrabella being younger, sirius+ narcissa and wolf+ ginny r all thing I had never read was very refreshing and a fun fic to read...I'll be watching 4 other fics from u!!
Name: Loony reviewed drabble on Oct 04, 2005 02:33 pm
This has got to be one of the greatest D/G fics I've ever read! I love it! *hugs* kudos Loony

Author's Response: Thank you.
Name: person reviewed drabble on Sep 05, 2005 02:09 pm
I love your story, it's really good and I like how everything ended up. Draco and Ginny **really** need to get together in the seventh book!

Author's Response: Thank you. I seriously doubt Draco and Ginny will get together in canon. If they do, Rowling will have managed to shock me. I don't write them because I think they'll actually happen though.
Name: saucy reviewed drabble on Aug 09, 2005 06:49 pm
All very lovely. Now I get 'Daddy's Little Devils'. You're an amazing writer. Keep doing what you're doing, Karisma

Author's Response: Thank you. Yeah, DLD makes more sense if you read this one first.
Name: Me reviewed drabble on Aug 08, 2005 01:23 am
LOL A hoot and a half! I laughed till I cried...

Author's Response: deja vu
Name: Me reviewed drabble on Aug 08, 2005 01:23 am
LOL A hoot and a half! I laughed till I cried...

Author's Response: Thank you.
Name: ronlover reviewed drabble on Jul 28, 2005 05:34 pm
You have such a wicked sense of humor. The lines are classic.

Author's Response: Well, thank you. I pride myself on my slightly off and wicked sense of humor.
Name: Thea Banks reviewed drabble on Jul 28, 2005 11:13 am
Best! Story! Ever!

Author's Response: Thanks.
Name: Calypso reviewed drabble on Jul 27, 2005 08:07 am
I love, love, love this story. I read as bit of it on a different site before, but never read the ending. Absolutely brill work!

Author's Response: Thank you. Yeah, this puppy had been posted lots of places.
Name: daisymama reviewed drabble on Jul 27, 2005 04:18 am
I adore your story! You have really good dialogue and great banter. I especially enjoyed the character Alison. Maybe this story hit a personal chord (I didn't meet my father til I was 19), but I laughed out loud at several parts. Well done!!!

Author's Response: Thank you. I am a big lover of dialogue. I think even the simplest and most overdone plot can be punched up with good dialogue.
Name: Ashes reviewed drabble on Jul 26, 2005 07:33 pm
I just finished reading your whole story and I loved it! I was laughing so hard at some parts and I loved how you did Alison's personality it was a amazing! Your writing is excellent, I'm a sucker for little details and you had so much detail I was just drawn into the story! ~Ashes

Author's Response: Thank you. It's good to know this story holds up over time. This was the first pure HP story I worte.
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