Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Winter Break on Aug 04, 2006 08:50 am
~Wonderful Chapter. Very well written.~
Name: ronlover reviewed Winter Break on Aug 16, 2005 06:36 pm
I love this story! Was it Draco? It has to be. Can there be a sequal once the next chapter is posted. Update soon. Cant wait for more. :)

Author's Response: I am definately doing a sequel to this story, already have it all planned out, but I've already started a second fic that is Draco/Ginny but has no ties to this one. I know that it's different and so it'll probably be less liked but I also definately have to write it cause it's been in my head for weeks, developing on it's own and I have to write it...I can be like Weezer (the band) and my second story can be like their sophmore CD Pinkerton which totally turns it's back on the blue album...then I'll write the sequel which can be like the green album...yeah I'm PRETTY good at analogies that make a lot of sense. I still wish I was Weezer. Err...sorry...I definately went off track, but there IS a sequel in the making.
Name: Jerika reviewed Winter Break on Aug 16, 2005 04:59 pm
Aaaah...story so good...*dies waiting for last chapter* No, but seriously, I really like your story. It has flavor and it doesn't just start out with them having this whole ive always loved him and her but i never told anyone thing going like so many do. I really like how you work into it and actually use the charecters as they are in the books. :) Good job and I can't wait till this story is done and to read your next one!

Author's Response: I hope the last chapter will be up today...I'm so delighted that you like my for the "I've secretly loved Ginny weasley forever" thing, I think the best parts are writing about how they hate each other in the beginning. The dialogue can get totally outrageous but still be believable...I'm so happy you reviewed, it makes my day! I hope the final chapter is satisfactory...a lot of people haven't liked it but it's honestly gonna have a sequel (beginning of Sequel's summary is in the last chapter)....
Name: imelda reviewed Winter Break on Aug 16, 2005 01:50 pm
Great chapter!! I loved Draco's thoughts about Ginny, and the way he dreaded what he was about to do. I also really liked Ginny's feelings as an outsider in her own family; with her pressing, very private concerns, I thought it was very appropriate. I also liked Mathilda Malfoy, and wouldn't have minded seeing more of her. I'm so sorry that there are no more chapters posted...I'm a very impatient reader. Post soon!

Author's Response: Opps..I forgot to post the last chapter...*falls down from embarassment* I'll post it right now hope it gets up soon. I'll probably put Mathilda in the sequel. The crazy old that one in Wedding Crashers...if anyones seen that...well she won't go insulting FDR's wife though......thanks for the enthusiastic review. I felt that Ginny should honestly feel different from her family because ...well as you pointed it out, she had a lot of thinking to do. As for Draco I've been trying to get him to show a little bit of emotion but I don't want him to like become totally emotional and whatnot so I guess I've been trying to balance it, the thin line etc. I hope I haven't gone overboard. Thanks again fro the review! It honestly makes my day
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