Reviews For Unbidden Desires
Name: Dee reviewed What Do You Know of My Heart? on Oct 01, 2004 09:01 pm
Have had two moments of outrageous hilarity thus far - Draco's mental pleading for her to offer to sleep with him, and "One should never miss an opportunity to humiliate a Gryffindor. Slytherin Handbook, page 12". Just about fell off the chair at that one. *G* Honestly, I could handle a lot more of the random snark, though I find myself skipping over the "plot" stuff - I blame the fact I only have a couple of hours to play in the fandom sandpit a day. Speaking of which, I have to stop reading for today, but will come back again and read more later. Lovely stuff with Myrtle, btw!

Author's Response: Thanks! Hey, that's cool. Can't let fandom consume your life, right? ;) And just wait until Fred and George arrive -- they will crack you up! :D
Name: Ives reviewed What Do You Know of My Heart? on Jun 26, 2004 04:39 pm
"She merely accepted Ginny’s contrite apology and went on with her afterlife." Oh, Myrtle!! Great line!
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