Name: Anise reviewed The Phoenix Division on Aug 29, 2005 07:32 am
This was a good story before, but this version of it... wow. It's so much improved; so much added to it, so much richer in content and characterization. I really look forward to seeing more of it-- I can tell that it's only going to get better!
Name: mary reviewed The Phoenix Division on Aug 27, 2005 06:33 pm
great revision! i'm loving these new HBP spoiler fics! there is so much new material for d/g.
Name: imelda reviewed The Phoenix Division on Aug 27, 2005 04:47 pm
Boy, I am so so so angry for Ginny's sake. Snape is such a little sh*t. Draco seems so, well, pathetic, that I can't blame him as much as I blame Snape, who is doing all this...why? So Lucius Malfoy can live a normal life? Oh, the irony. And then the fact that she's been so hurt by Harry. Her life sucks. I hope there will be some uplifting parts of this story. Either way I'll keep reading, but...poor Ginny.
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