Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Consummation on Jul 31, 2008 11:40 am
Sure, no one can take Ginny away from him in term of marriage... But, technically, he just raped her and could be put away in Azkaban.
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed The Consummation on Feb 10, 2008 12:59 am
I'm trying to decide whether or not it's ok for me to like this story. It seems particularly abusive of Ginny but I like it anyways... Gah.
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed The Consummation on Apr 28, 2007 09:54 am
please write more
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed The Consummation on Mar 31, 2007 08:31 am
that was so cute.write more.
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed The Consummation on Mar 31, 2007 08:31 am
that was so cute.write more.
Name: eliagem reviewed The Consummation on Feb 11, 2007 02:58 pm
Wow. This story is great so far. I love the darkness of how Draco and Ginny get together; it's seems very plausible. I'm excited to see the next bit!
Name: Anise reviewed The Consummation on Jan 28, 2007 06:34 pm
I happened to find this again, and you know, I really hope that you DO finish it (although I'm not sure how high my hopes are.) It's such a fascinating story.
Name: passion reviewed The Consummation on Sep 01, 2006 04:33 am
Wow..that is dark and quite is this going to work out?..I'm dieing to find out...I'm finding Snape a lil creepy...the whole kidnapping thing...Wow..who would have thought Snape could come up with something like this...I'm already very addicted to this story...It's very different...cannot wait for the next chappie to come out..Great job!

Author's Response: I'm actually in the process of updating this story and hope to have a few more chapters out by the end of the month. In the course of my updating, I'm going through the previous chapters and revising them to tighten up the story and correct some errors or loose ends. The revised chapters will actually be a bit darker than before, in keeping with the tone of the story. It's been so long since I've updated but I'm now determined to finish this. I have a definite ending in mind, although I'm very certain people will be surprised at the ending coming from me.
Name: Phaedra7veils reviewed The Consummation on May 20, 2006 06:45 am
Since it has been a year since you visited this story, I wonder if you've abandoned ship. It has been an excellent story, and the love potion aspect of the story is quite sickening actually, but very real---reminds me of the date-rape drugs currently in circulation. I would love to know how you planned to resolve the story, because it seems "cornered" to me---a plot that can't be resolved without considerable damage to the characters and certainly not geared towards a happy ending. Snape's and Malfoy's betrayal of Ginny is so horrific at this point. Still, your imagination is wonderful and you are one the few authors I think could work these characters through their current stasis in a believable and unorthodox fashion. I hope you are tempted to pick up the tale and finish it some day.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. I'm currently revising the existing chapters and have the ending in mind, although it's at least six or more chapters away. I'm determined to finish the story but you're right ... the ending will not be what people normally expect from me. I've reread HBP since my first revision of the story and believe that my characterization of Draco needs to be darker and more focused. Hopefully I'll succeed.
Name: swimchick1614 reviewed The Consummation on Feb 06, 2006 11:43 am
Dun Dun Dun. I can't wait for more! I love it so far. I want to see how the family reacts!! Update soon please.
Name: jaida reviewed The Consummation on Oct 23, 2005 04:14 pm
bit dark, that...won't people notice that Snape was the witness on the contract? That should cause questions...
Name: WG reviewed The Consummation on Oct 12, 2005 11:30 am
Wow - fab writing... can't wait to see how this one turns into a happy ending though. Have to say I am rooting for Draco... poor chap!
Name: Ephemere reviewed The Consummation on Sep 15, 2005 03:07 am
I think this story is beautifully written. It's absolutely great that someone's writing a D/G love story that plays off Draco's imperfections, and doesn't make him selflessly love. Keep it up!
Name: Anise reviewed The Consummation on Sep 06, 2005 06:07 pm
Wow, great chapter, and fascinating issues of consent and conscience. I don't think this Draco could resist Ginny, even though he knew deep down that her feelings weren't real. All of his fantasies were coming true-- she was in his bed BEGGING him to have sex with her, he knew he was going to be her first, just as he had hoped; he knew he could make her like it-- and he just wasn't going to make any other choice than the one he made. But getting a happy ending out of this... good luck. ;) It'll be fascinating to watch you do it!
Name: meeaz reviewed The Consummation on Sep 06, 2005 05:09 pm
i have a feeling that draco is going to go insane. he wants to have gin love him for real, but how is he going to accomplish that? is he just going to ween her off the potion or is he going to continue giving it to her? ahh so many questions!!! loved it. more soon, please.
Name: Raven Nights reviewed The Consummation on Sep 06, 2005 12:36 pm
Good job! This story is awesome and so well written! I hope I get to read the next chapter soon.^^
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